
Cha Seung Won in Talks to Join Lee Yeon Hee in Fantasy Sageuk Splendid Politics — 11 Comments

  1. I’m excited. I was always a huge fan of Lee Yeon Hee (mainly because she is really hot), but after Gu Family Book and Miss Korea, following her career became a lot more interesting.

  2. I haven’t actually seen the shows that she is getting praise for now and mostly remember her for her older poorer performances…but I can take your word ( and those of other bloggers I love) in believing she has improved a lot.. That said this pairing is still weird to me…there’s a something visually that doesn’t seem to click…also it doesn’t help knowing that LYH is the same age or around the same age as Cha No Ah

  3. I like Lee Yeon Hee. I first saw her in East of Eden and didn’t understand why her acting was critisized while SSH is being awarded (hmmm this was SSH’s best performance I think but still his best is not necessarily good). I like her and thought her performance was in synch with the drama in Gu Family Book. Also she has good chemistry with her co stars.

    CSW is one of faves (not into him enough to watch Athena but usually I watch anything he is in and he was so good in Best Love and City Hall. Not to mention Blood Rain which is a sageuk film – and a good one unlike the other one he was in where he had vampire teeth or something.

  4. I love The King’s Face to bits (its vibe is like a much more coherent Blade and Petal) and wish it was getting better ratings. So it’s going to be hard seeing Gwanghae as a villain. Still, for Cha Seung Won, I am willing to try.

    I’ve actually liked LYH for years because despite her acting nuances or lack thereof, she’s always had great chemistry with her leading men, so this pairing has me very optimistic.

  5. There’s literally 20 more kings or so to pick in Joseon era, why Gwanghae again?
    I mean of course the casting and the story could be great, but it would be more interesting if they pick less known king, like King Hyeonjong, Gyeongjong,Sunjo, etc.

  6. Isn’t Gwanghaegun Jung Myung’s half brother? No romance for them. I know CSW’s a lot older but the pairing would have been interesting. Now we just have to wait to see which SM idol will play the guy the female lead eventually marries.

    • Its not sure which lead role CSW will play. I doubt he will play the villain role of Gwhanghe. I hope he plays the hero role.

      I don’t care if he will romance LHY, she wont find an actor in her age as gorgoues looking, super model looking, still macho handsome as CSW. He destroys fake looking flower boys imho.

  7. She really impressed me in Miss Korea as she had improved so much. I’ve always had a soft spot for her but she’s really stepped up the game.
    The plot sounds interesting and I’m guessing CSW would portray the king…

  8. She was AMAZING in Miss Korea and I’m so glad you keep pointing that out Koala, cos more people really need to give her the benefit of doubt.

  9. I usually have a just say no policy when it comes to sageuks. The only exception I make is when my favorite actor is in one. But for CSW I’m going to have to make another exception. I hope that he is the lead in this one. I just love him to death and I like LYH, she was great in Miss Korea.

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