Gu Hye Sun’s Epic Fashion Disaster Steals the Blood Press Conference Spotlight
I’ve blogged about plenty a fashion fail moments whether at awards shows or press conferences and the standard reaction remains the same befuddled look accompanied by the outburst of “da hell is he/she wearing?” Gu Hye Sun may have had her share of odd attire in the past but this one at the Blood press conference takes the cake. It’s not just me either, she has becoming the most talked about thing from the drama meet-and-greet event when there was already plenty of opportunity for snark in other ways. The leading lady of the drama stole the limelight in a trifecta of fashion fail: ugly pattern, ill-fitting, and awkward design.
Any of the three could produce an unattractive outfit, together it’s the holy trinity of unfortunately attire. Her outfit was a matching two piece, a green/red/purple abstract floral print button down shirt on top with the dorky color contrast design of white white collar and cuffs, paired with a matching below-the-knee pencil skirt. It’s a pretty hideous pattern but the two-piece design cuts off at the waist with excess bunching. To make matters even worse was the fact that the outfit was visibly one-size too small on the very tiny already Gu Hye Sun, with the buttons gaping on her top and the skirt so tight she actually couldn’t walk properly wearing it. I feel bad for her unless she picked this out herself, and if she didn’t then her coordi needs to be fired.
6th Teaser for Blood:
Omg epic fail… She couldnt walk down the stairs
I actually like the pattern but for a summer/beach wear…
If it was a coordi who picked that dress, then that person is either blind for not noticing that was too small and shoul really be fired. Of she was the one who picked that dress the why does she not have soneone to advise her about proper size of clothes….
Oh gawd! Looks like a bed sheet I once had. Epic fail of monstrous proportions!!!! Up to now I still can’t get over the bad taste of Jandi, so haven’t been able to watch any of her shows after BOF. And for sure this drama ain’t gonna b the one.
Some wear Prada, some Marimekko.
haha everyone here is suitable for a vampire drama!! all so pale :O
Look every post you’ve done on this drama? As long as there is a photo of JJH it’s all good. How in the world does he manage to look so good and put together?
I don’t get it. She really like the dress huh? She still want to wear that dress although her size is not available anymore?
I say it was all a cunning plan to divert attention from the lifeless wax statue being touted as her co-lead. He really looks like he’s been stolen from Madame Tussaud’s!
He really does!
she looks really uncomfortable in that dress
I’m sorry for GHS’s fans here, I know how hurt it is when people criticize your fave darling, but indeed it was a disaster

I now nothing about fashion but It would be better if it one size bigger than this. I even hard to breath looking at her
She’e pretty btw.
Ji Jin Hee ahjussi looks so good :*
Goodluck for Blood
She’s very pretty but the dress is big NO. It looks so uncomfortable. The size maybe too small for her. And her heels….Thanks god her co-stars so nice helping her.
That solo picture of Ji Jin Hee is screaming charisma! gorgeous hot ajhassi
The color/pattern’s actually good and someone with that pale skin could have worn that, the design though is a bit matronly, and the fit is really bad. Overall, it’s not really that bad as I thought it would be except for the gaping button which is too distracting.
The cloth is indeed pretty. However, the size is really not fitted with her.It should be bigger. But I admit, she get prettier day by day.
Jeez, such a pretty girl but she can really bring fashion fail to the next level
I don’t care what she is wearing, all I can see is that she is lovely, funny and so beautiful and healthy soul looking.
Btw, I like her dress, but I hate those high heals. All women wears the same high heals size, now, that’s very unfortunate, unhealthy and ugly.
Koala seriously What the… This is the best looking GHS in ages believe me people when I say this.
Btw what is wrong with the co-actor he seems in character or what? look at his intense eyes!
he’s hungry for bloooood
GHS girl, whyyyyy. You would’ve looked gorgeous even in just a proper fitting white shirt and plain pants…
Why did you have to choose this? WHYYYYYYY?
OMG! What the hell! Sack the stylist.
Seriously. Does she want a target painted on her back? She must not believe that bad publicity can hurt. Her track record of wearing unflattering outfits is proof.
It has to be her master plan.
oh god ahn jea hyun.
just no!!
any way im going to watch
Why is JJH in this after “Take Care of us Captain”? GHS was so bad in that, I wanted JJH to end up with his first love.
If it was the right size I’d actually really like the outfit…but I am a prints person
Not looking too good. The outfit was way to small for her and gave her a rumpled look. I think she was having problems walking in those heels too. They looked a half size too big.
I wonder if it would have been a tad better if she had undone the top button? She obviously has an undershirt of some sort under there….at least it would have made it look less obvious that her shirt is too small, what with the second button gaping open like that in the middle…. So awkward…
I bet she couldn’t wait to be done, go home and throw on an oversized night shirt. I know I would.
And ditto on JJH. That man is all kinds of sexy!
It’s a bad omen of how much we’re all really going to miss Healer~
It’s weird but I think her costume is actually pretty awesome. I would wear it.
The thing that makes it ugly is that is way too small to her and the fugly as hell shoes she is wearing with it.
I liked the dress and thought it was very fun and chic. It was too tight in the middle but otherwise than that I liked it.
With these colors and pale skin she reminds me of Kiyohime (Yoshitoshi’s print), the woman who chased a priest in the river and then turned into a dragon in her rage. Just add scales to that print.
GHS is really beautiful but this outfit and the makeup was really unflattering on her. Just not the right fit at all. I always say that it doesn’t really matter what I think about her look/outfit as long as she enjoys wearing it and likes the way she looks. But in this case, did she really like the outfit and how it fit on her?
In any case, I will still be watching this for JJH. I hope it’s the KMHM of vampire dramas (looked like a train wreck early on, but is doing great). At least if it’s good, I won’t have be going crazy.
Blood Fighting!!!
nothing about the outfit is pretty. Her shoes are way too high. Why leave two buttons open unbutton like that? It made the outfit even worst than it was.
Her expression is always as dull as possible
Ji Jin-hee<3
Oh and the dress' pattern actually looked like Balinese sarongs I usually wear to the beach, the material looked similar as well.
well, i must say if you find yourself in a wardrobe malfunction situation, you just have to handle it and carry yourself with aplomb. and she did it with flying colors! her beauty radiates from within and she also has a sexy body. way to go ghs!
Actually this one isn’t as bad, except a size too small.
Don’t shoot me. I thought GHS’s outfits in Angel Eyes were far worse.
Frumpy ill-fitting jackets (in pink!), wedge sneakers and comfy sneaker-shoes, of the type seniors wear. And those shoes were always in white.
Oohh GHS noona still same
JJH ahjussi..omo look so good
Poor woman messed up her clothes just before going on stage and had to snatch this dress off someone else. Maybe the stylist will bring an extra ensemble next time.
It looks in the photos like she was high. Maybe that will explain the whole button thing.
What a mess. At least it is just a fashion crime!
OH MAN SHE IS SO Hot..yup i size big would be better but truth is this dress shows her perfect body shape perfectly
Me being male find a strange charm in her, that just drag you toward her i am not saying it because of clothes but the way she talk,smile and move her hand on her hair. she is beautiful although its my first time seeing her
one thing i am noticing which so ever article GHS name is mention always get most comment i must admit this girl have power to keep people mind to keep track about her that’s the other part in good or bad but people seems interested in her she must be famous in some way
I always like this girl. She is very confident in any clothes she wears, ….and undeniably, always succeeds in stealing public attention. No matter people think negatively about her, I find her an independent woman and never afraid to be different…..
Who cares about the dress? Her beauty outshines them all! You can put rags on her and she will just continue to look gorgeous because that is what beauty is all about! Only a truly discerning eye can see that! The author of this blog needs some eye surgery!
I a gree with u 100%. No matter what’s she wearing I think
She is natural beautiful, I love every movie from her, and I wish I can see many more of her movie upcoming movies lastly I wish her found her other half this year. Love ya GHS
Even that dress can’t suit to her..she looks beautiful and gorgeous for me…