
Lee Joon and Go Ah Sung Adorably Hard at Work for Heard it Through the Grapevine — 9 Comments

  1. I plan to watch the first couple of episodes, but I’m wary of this show. It’s supposed to be a black comedy and that could go wrong in so many ways. I don’t want to watch something that is supposed to be funny but just turns out to be painful.

  2. The chaebol element of this show totally puts me off. It’s like secret love affair – it feels so overdone. Like you already have a huge age gap extramarital affair or a teenage pregancy – is that not enough?! Mostly I found all the chaebol stuff in secret love affair really dull, and it distracted from what was a interesting and compelling love story. So I don’t have hopes that this show would be any different 🙁

  3. Hmm… this is a tough topic to handle. I guess I will watch some of it to see if it captures my interest. I hope it turns out well for them. 🙂

  4. Well, Lee Joon’s acting in Mr. Back is what got him the part in this drama. Personally, I’m not done watching MR to the end, so I can’t give my final verdict as to wether it’s a good drama or not. But one of the aspects of it that delights me is Joon’s detailed performance. I’ve watched some of his scenes in MB thinking “Other actors I like would have done like 20% of what he’s doing”. I’m not kidding. It’s like the difference between a sketch and a finished painting. There must be a good reason why he was chosen to play the part of a teenager though at first glance you would think he doesn’t seem like one. Long comment short, I’m really looking forward to this drama.

  5. Well, sorry if i made it outside the topic. But i think i’ll looking foward to see this thing on air. Just because the title is the same as my fav band Creedence Clearwater Revival hits song. Wonder if PD-nim love CCR too. If he does then we do have same taste of entertainment. Hopefully this drama will have great after taste too.

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