
The Girl Who Sees Smells Episode 2 Recap — 27 Comments

  1. I kept refreshing this site for the recap!! I start to love SSK (I ddidnt know her before), hope this drama will strive well

      • Yep, I actually really enjoyed her in that drama. It had a nice quirky feel to it too. Loved the way the story was told.

  2. wow i’m really liking the show now, not to mention the leads are really working for me! can’t wait to see next episode! miss koala, this really might be a gift from the drama gods to those who stuck with hyde jekyll me for 20 episodes. to all those who made it through that drama, group hug guys!

  3. Shin Se Kyung needs to play more roles like this. shes so natural!!!
    and love Yoochun hes such a good and consistant actor.

  4. uhm so you’re loving this drama. i was supposed to check this out but stopped cuz of Shin Se Kyung. based on your recaps this seems to be good, i will wait a few more eps and if you continue to like this i will check this out. thanks for the recaps koala sis.

  5. Thanks for the recap. This show is really cute!

    On a side note: has Lee Jin Wook confirmed as the male lead opposite Ha Ji Won in kremake of ITWY? What about Rain?

  6. OMG OMG! I don’t want to read your spoiler! I haven’t watched it yet. But I’m so glad to know this drama is up already. I’m gonna check it out!

  7. Thank you koala for recapping this drama. Actually, as Yuchun fan I am very happy to see that this drama is a very good one not mentioning the crisis about ratings. SSK and Yuchun both did so well. And also PD and writer-nim had made this drama well-paced, interesting and very amazing. Cheers to the casts and i hope the ratings improved.

    • I hope so too! I think maybe the trailer caused people to overlook it. But through word of mouth (and of course media coverage) it can change.

  8. surprisingly, Shin Se Kyung fit this drama xD
    and i like her chemistry with Park Yoo Chun. just one thing, I really hope her character will not turn into gloomy character who’ll crying all time. i think SSK fit bubbly cute character better than gloomy character.

  9. SSK and PYC chemiatry is unexpected. I am loving the drama and you’re right koala, it is a perfect remedy for drama beatdown these days.

  10. Like the story, like the acting, like the recap, like the chief (just because he looks hot hehe) Thanks Mz koala!

  11. I like the story and the OTP, but the stupid cops need to be toned down. Their OTT reactions grate mightily on my nerves.

  12. This drama REALLY surprised me!!! The balance between crime and comedy is simply amazing. I can’t wait for the next episodes and I hope it will be a hit locally, this is just the beginning so there’s hope. I found myself laughing so hard at the first encounter of Park Yoo-Chun and Nam Goong-Min LOL!!! That was hilarious! One big mystery is how Goong-Min’s character had the scent of his woman on, if he had just arrived from the US….yeah, he is NOT an angel, you guys will see.

    Excellent start!

  13. Thanks for the recap! I am watching because you are writing good things.
    I watched the first two de suite, and enjoyed them. Like you said, it was relaxed and nice.

    While VERY HANDSOME Song Jong-ho didn’t get a lot of screen time, I hope he continues to be very creepy and gets to steal scenes later when we find out he’s a psychopathic killer because, you know he is. That means a big show down with Mickey and him, and lots of screaming – maybe some fierce fist fights.

    It would be nice to have it be gripping. Imm pretend it is quietly intense and will pick up more energy as more crimes are committed.

    Another issue is we have already seen MG holding his dead sister three times. It can’t be something we see twice an episode until the crime is solved, please.

  14. Okay, I’m pissed at your Mrs. Koala.

    After KMHM is over, I want to take a break from kdramas for a while and I shouldn’t have visited this site and read this drama recap. Now, I wish tomorrow is Thursday already so I can read your recap. x(

    This drama is unique, it’s lacks all the surprise bam bam bam factor a drama usually had (like a gorilla in a first episode) yet I’m intrigued. It kinda feels like a movie and hopefully it stays that way.

    After KMHM, it’s great to have a chill heroine without over the top acting (although HJE character grew on me towards the end). I’m not really sure with YC stoic acting at first but I’m a bit used to it now.

    Crime drama is a recipe to productivity disasteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer. My boss will surely hates you.

  15. cops acting like a circus performers while the circus performers do nothing.haa that was nice one&also true .thanks for the recap.

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