
The Girl Who Sees Smells Episode 10 Recap — 19 Comments

  1. HOLY SHIT is right! When I watched the ep raw & saw the cliffhanger I couldn’t believe the ep was ending there. I don’t know how Cho Rim will escape Jae Hee’s clutches.
    I do wish the cops we’re a bit (I would lover a lot more but I will take baby steps at this point) smarter about how they go after Jae Hee & would get the upper hand here on there. I don’t understand Cho Rim’s dad at all. He know the killer has been very active but instead of trying to work with the cops he just seems to be focused on continuing to stick to his story. I think it doesn’t put Cho Rim’s safety in my opinion as the top priority.
    Cho Rim & Moo Gak continue to be so great together. I love to see how naturally their relationship continues to develop. The more scenes of them together the better. Thank you for the recap!

  2. The scene of the hug on bed had me squeal so loud. Awww Cho-rim~
    This OTP had make me grinning every episodes with their adorable antics. Just get married already! <3
    PD-nim…there will be more of this ridiculous sweet of our OTP right?

  3. I don’t understand one thing.

    If Cho Rim is under official police witness protection program, shouldn’t she be made available to help the police catch the serial killer since he’s still on the loose? All done discreetly of course with limited police personnel in the know, like at least Detective Yeom.

    So, is Cho Rim under official program, or is she hidden because of her adopted father’s own personal initiative? I suspect the latter. But then the next question will be, why would he do that?

    • I believe at one point she was under the official witness protection program, but Oh Jae Pyo & Yeom Mi both mentioned how that ended sometime after Choi Eun Seol “died”. My guess is he made it seem as if she was dead in order to stop the killer (Jae Hee) from looking for her, she can’t remember anything anyways so perhaps he felt that it was best. With everyone thinking she was dead, Cho Rim was able to live a somewhat normal life (aside from her seeing scents) without having to worry about a deranged serial killer out to get her.

  4. Just watched the episode and had to check this blog. Holy. This was a great episode. OTP was fantastic; def couple of the year so far. So cute together. Nam Goong Min was great, he brings killer looks and creepiness to a whole new level. Wish there were more insight and more of him to reveal. Wowie.

  5. great recap already
    well first – the part where mugak tells chorim its ok theyre alone felt like adlib as if its yoochun saying to shin se kyung
    second – i think det. yeom is planning to use chorim in some way to lure jea hee
    and mugak wont allow that

  6. Lol, then scene chorim scolds mu gak at the park is similar like the one mu gak scolds chorim in the early episode before. Lol they like a sweet revenge couple

  7. I can’t even! I was literally gripping on my seat during that last scene. For obvious reasons (that the show still has 6 more episodes to go), Cho Rim should be able to get away from Killer Chef. Plus, everyone on the staff knows she went to the library. So he wouldn’t get away with doing anything to her there. My guess is that he will just act like a concerned friend and give her the day off or something along the line. The more worrying part is after the shooting. He must be planning something for her. And now with Moo Gak all wrapped up in his own issues, with getting removed from the special investigation team, i feel like he wouldn’t be doing a very good job on protecting Cho Rim or even suspecting something may go wrong.

    Anyhows, the show’s pace is comfortable for me. With less than half the drama left, the development thus far seems suitable. I’m just crossing my fingers, hoping and hoping that there will be no noble idiocy in the upcoming episodes. Our OTP needs each other. Separating them in any way will be too dangerous too.

    And also – thank you for the prompt recaps after each of the previous ten episodes! I love reading your insights at the end of each recap too.

    • Exactly what I thought. I’m not worried about her safety in respect to the cliffhanger. It’s apparent that Jae Hee knows she’s Choi Eun Seol, but isn’t currently a threat since she’s lost her memories. I wonder if his interest in her stems from his killer instinct or his genuine fascination with her. I don’t think he’s ever met a girl with a great sense of humor and an adorable personality to boot.

  8. I agree Cho Rim will get away as there are 6 more episodes left. What is the motive of Jae Hee’s killings? He seems to kill those close to him, e.g. girlfriend Mari. In my far-fletched imagination, I believe he killed his adopted parents in U.S.. He might have returned to Korea to look for his biological parents, whom might be the sea diving couple… this will make Cho Rim his biological sister… That’s why he is interested to know more about Cho Rim, but probably wants to kill her also now that she knows too much (just like Dr Chun). What a scary creep! He is a good actor. I enjoy this drama very much. Thanks Ms. Koala for your speedy recaps 🙂

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