
The Girl Who Sees Smells Episode 13 Recap — 17 Comments

  1. Thanks for the recap! ^^

    Yeah, I know Detective Yeom isn’t stupid and most probably left clues so the team can find her, but why do I feel so nervous?!

  2. Thanks for the recap, your thoughts about the day’s episode is so interesting to read. This episode pointed out one thing which is likely to be brought forward in the final episodes and that is Cho Rim’s sensory weakness (1) she cannot scent smells if the item is wet/rained out. Hopefully Jae Hee does not find out about her talent because its likely to be used against the good guys. In addition considering that 3 eps are left, Cho Rim has to get caught to (1) regain her memories (2) Moo Gak to rescue her and free himself of the past guilt (3) its no kdrama without that type of cliffhanger.

  3. Damn, nice plot twist there. I been dying to see more psychological warfare betwwen Chef Kwon and Det Yeom since their confrontation at the restaurant earlier. Glad to Det Yeom getting her chance to shine.

    I had my doubts the past few episodes, but I think we are in for some nice thrills and spills down the stretch. This writer might have the tendency to dumb down his characters to advance the plot, but he sure knows how to tie things up with a bang.

  4. I enjoyed moments in this episode. I predict that the special scent Cho Rim made Lt. Yeom will be used to locate her (since she’s wearing it) – as well as some type of panic with the rain. This writer leaves a few predictable clues that turn up later in the series. Not that I mind.

  5. I’m really glad the drama is getting a little better than the previous few-ie. The smells, and Detective Yeom getting caught, I really hope she’s going to get that valuable evidence of Jae Hee..And I also really want to know about Jae Hee’s past further- – hopefully the writers go deeper and deeper within his character (PS I also really really want a kiss between Moo Gak and Cho Rim)

    • Agreed! skipped most part of it…They are too careless in protecting cho’s as if only moogak and detective yeom are working the whole time.

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