Lee Min Jung Updates SNS Account Showing Off Her Radiant New Mom Glow
I feel like Lee Min Jung has been out of the limelight for a long time, when really its been two months only since she was in the news for safely delivering her first baby with husband Lee Byung Hun. With the negative publicity surrounding him since last year’s scandal when he was blackmailed by two starlets after some shady behavior with them, it makes sense that they both want to lay low, not to mention there is now a little baby boy to take care of.
Lee Min Jung is back in the news this week after posting news pictures on her SNS account, showing off a radiant new mommy beauty. I’m unsure of how her acting career will continue, not just her husband’s scandal affecting her, but whether she even wants to keep acting now that she’s a mom since plenty of actress moms end up taking extended time off. I like her enough as an actress to be open for her acting return so hopefully she’s doing what she wants to do now and is happy.
very pretty.. with such a pretty face, she deserves a happy family. hope, after having a baby, his hubby would change for a better hubby and dad.
very very pretty
Seriously… I can’t stop staring at the first photo.
She looks so beautiful and that photo speaks a lot…
Wow… I now wish she comes back to acting soon and builds hee career again. What happened to her was so unfortunate
No matter what the others said, she’s a good comedic actress. Like Smile, You and All about My Romance. Even though her serious acting sucks.
Gorgeous photos. I really like her acting. She totally stole the show in Boys over Flowers and was so endearing in Sly and Single Again. I hope she does come back, but can also understand if she chooses to put her career on hold until her kids are older
I agree. I hate her character in all version of BOF but i especially like the korean version because of her. I think she is much better than Geum Jandi(GHS was just super awful).
I really like her in Smile You too. Too bad she has been going downhill since then
She should just end up with Kang Hyun Soo Oppa *sigh…Smile You Forever
Wow, the first photo..i couldn’t take my eyes off it for a while there, soooo stunning.
I really love her in Sly and Single Again but I’m very much okay with waiting if it’s between return to acting and taking time off for her baby boy.
When I first saw her in BOF, I thought she was beautiful. Her eyes are so pretty. I wish her every happiness with whatever she chooses to do.
The best part of BOF. A decent actress that has found a niche in comedies too and easily one of the prettiest noonas around. I wish her all the best. You’re always welcome back to the limelight noona.
OMG, I can’t believe she’s still around. I thought after her (appropriate!) marriage with an A-lister she would have layed low and have enjoyed the luxurious life she was after, anyway. She has everything: a welthy husband, a new-born son and looks (well, thank Heaven for cosmetic surgery for that matter!). The mere idea of hers being back on my screen can lead me to paranoia. I HATE her. She had already ruined three dramas for me before she decided to take a (very long, hopefully!) hiatus. Her only decent role was in Who Are You (2008) in which I’ve adored her. And that was pretty much it! Don’t ever let her come back, LBH! More children, please. You can afford them,anyway!
lol , No xD
Someone plz let this person know about MJ’s impressive family background .. after money? lol Byung Hun’s the one who lucked out on this situation …. and thta bastard is lucky enough to have this woman insanely in love with him . If there’s something we can blame her is that she loves that trash too much. But I have hopes someday she’ll wake up from this .
ah, plastic surgery? lmao …. she looks EXACTLY the same as during her childhood pics dear hater . THE SAME ( She just gained several ponds during her teenage days )
btw, I’m pretty sure she’s aiming for a comeback …. please do so, Min Jung ssi! There are plenty of people who enjoy you acting and are patiently waiting for you
How can you know that she is after the luxurious life? from what I know, she is actually from a very wealthy family and don’t need her husband money like at all. Hating her acting is fine as long as you don’t make unnecessary assumptions about her personal life.
I’m not her fan and I don’t like her acting. The only time I liked her was in Smile you but making these kinds of remarks is not cool.
Firstly, I couldn’t care less about being “not cool” when it comes to this female actor. She did ruin those dramas forever.
Second (and less important, imho), whether she’s a gold digger or not is not something I personally know; you’re right about that.
My assumption(?) is solely based on an “urban” legend: when a young woman marries a much older man (who’s not her high school crush,btw), while they met in a professional environment, in which his status is way higherthan hers, the woman’s motives are suspicious(with or w/o her family’s welth!). If you’re offended by this rational argument I take it back.
I’d even be willing to kneel if that would make her stop from acting and would send her off to her new career as a nice housewife!
Yikes!!! What a bitter and sour person
Right! Bitter and sour because I was after the same guy or was pursuing the same career as her. Hahaha…Bad choice of adjectives, lala! You can call me biased and prejudiced if you like, but bitter??? What for? It’s so laughable and bizarre!
She’s gorgeous! She looks like YEH a bit. I like her as an actress esp. in All About My Romance and Sly And Single Again. I hope she comes back for another drama soon.
I love her face. She has one of the most beautiful faces in Korea, imo. Looking at her childhood photos, I don’t think she has any plastic surgery. She has the prettiest eyes and perfect nose.
Google her high school pic dummy.