
Crystal Liu and Song Seung Heon Make First Appearance Together as a Couple — 17 Comments

  1. He just looks so adorably happy in the first set of pictures that my bleeding heart is recovering a bit. 😛 Just wondering how do they converse? Does he know chinese? Do they both speak english?
    No matter i still have So ji sub…..

  2. happy that song seung heon find a woman that he want to date. not to mention she a beauty too. they should get married so they can make beautiful baby.

  3. “he wasn’t a greedy guy but meeting Crystal made me him want more, and he ended with a public “
    What a terrible liar. He was a diabetic person prior to military, lolz,

  4. It’s a bit like Chae Rim and the Chinese actor that I don’t know his name.. Sorry… Their love story is so touching when I watched 5hem being interviewed though tiiiiny worry since she speaks a bit of Chinese and he speaks no korean… So, here’s hoping SSH and Crystal stay strong n love loads

  5. I have always been a huge SSH fan. However, I have a funny feeling about this entire thing. They are moving so fast…I have a feeling she is pregnant and that that is why they are rushing this entire thing, so we can all be “surprised” by how quickly she gets pregnant. I hope I am wrong

    • to me, it feels like maybe this is publicity for the movie. But I’m aware thats very cynical and they could just be very happy and excited to be together! There would be talks of them meeting with intentions of marriage if she was pregnant too and I don’t think there have been.

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