
Ji Sung Turns into a Vampire for Black Comedy Short Film Premiering at the Busan Film Festival — 23 Comments

  1. I watched a 3-minute trailer and I’m thrilled! SJ is such a delightful vampire while sucking the dead girl’s throat. She revives and his faithful servants who(apparently)provide him with “food” are left speechless. And yes, Shin Se Gi does meet Edward (whomever Edward we might think of, LOL).


  2. He’s got to be one bloody hell of a sexy asian vampire, not à lot of asian can pulled It off… The vampire look with the sexiness.. he’s welcome to be my vampire neighbor anynight…

  3. OMG! I totally see the few personalities from KMHM show up in trailer. Washing white shirt and accidentally hitting himself – Perry Park. And then, OMO Yona throws rag at moving gurney. ???

  4. Thank you so much for this great news Koala.. i love you for always sharing about Ji sung…
    and thank you thank you SW for the trailer, i have to watch this short film!!!
    actually marathoning all his works since KMHM (currently on Royal Family) he’s always amazing
    my latest and ultimate k crush!!!

  5. Why Ji Sung didn’t get awarded in the seoul .. Award?
    Anyway I am happy he’s back in the acting scene. Sure look forward to watch your Neighbour Vampire!

  6. oh my god this is so my thing black comedy, man, how I have been dying for something like this! and vampire, and death, and make up and JI SUNG!!!!

  7. Pingback:K-Drama News: My Neighbor is a Vampire | Crazy About Asian Dramas

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