
November Music News: Lee Min Ho to Release Single Album in Japan and Ji Chang Wook Drops Album in China Along with Tour — 34 Comments

  1. Ji Chang wook is actually a really good singer ,he has been a musical actor for years ..I am so happy for all the attention he is beefing these days

    • Yes, it is not really fair to lump JCW together with LMH. JCW has been singing professionally for some time, and obviously has some talent, while LMH is able to warble a tune but is not good enough to please anyone other than his rabid fans…I am reminded of albums done by other actors, like William Shatner.

  2. Ji Chang Wook will sing in both Mandarin and Korean. I think one of the Mandarin tracks have been released. He’ll be singing the Korean version of one of Jay Chou’s earlier tracks, apparently Jay Chou rearranged the song for the Korean version.

    • JCW is indeed one versatile guy, aside from drama and singing I think he’s very sports-oriented too, I guess one good reason he seems flawless in action series.

  3. Lee min ho sings for his FANS only,even he agrees he is not a great singer just his own way of expressing his feelings to his fans for example on his birthday he released a ‘thank you’ single.
    I just need him to confirm a drama after bounty hunter cos military service is near and good luck to jcw on his album too.

    • I actully like the fact that his humble about his singing and dosen’t like to call himself a singer or anything. his realistic about his singing level which he says its only for fun and fans.

      Overall I think his very grounded and realistic humble and enjoys humbleness. I also think he has inspired some of his fans to humility and realistic judgement

      • I was personally surprised by his ”Thank you” song lyrics and to me he hasen’t changed a bit and he still views himself as rookie and dosen’t see himself good and doubt whether he actully deserves the love he has recieved or good enough for it and I would say he most definitely dosen’t think he deserved it. He sees himself only as journeyman rather then actor or anything in that matter. he dosen’t have special view of himself just humble view.

        The lyrics in itself was deep and who would say such things except him his to honest and deep. he has not changed imo which I actully like about him he has kept originality

  4. JCW does musical, he is a very good and strong singer. enjoy him as an actor and like his singing voice too, a talented man. Glad he is doing more since healer.

    • Was about to say aside from Healer, JCW also sang one track from Empress Ki. “To the Butterfly”, like that’s one epic sageuk, amazing huh! More power to Ji Chang Wook!

  5. I saw this a week ago and some minoz were angry about it,they want him back in dramaland lol but I guess his agency wants to make more money off him before military service next year and a drama come back is till possible because army might be around october,though he is not that much of good singer he sings for his fans only so we will still support him for his effort.

    • those minoz are exiting now for his album -_-
      he is always doing his best to make his minoz happy and real minoz will support him for everything he does

  6. The difference is that Lee Minho and other actors sings for their fans only. They don’t appear in music shows on Mnet, SBS, KBS, etc.
    While on the other side, we have to endure idols’ in dramas even if we don’t want to.

  7. Can I ask something? WE all know that many celebs (actors or singers) suddenly appear here and there (such as in music shows, talk shows, magazines or variety shows) when they have schedules such as drama comeback or music comeback. Do their agencies pay for those programs to make them appear or instead those programs will give them money because perhaps those celebrities will give them ratings? Sometimes I wonder why suddenly some celebs apppear in so many programs when they have schedules but diappaear when they off work. So, I wonder whether their agencies pay those for part of their promotions or vice versa. Thanks in advance for the explanations.

  8. stick to one job only Stick to drama and movies

    “passably decent singing” similar to those idols. next time they will lip sync

  9. Well, no comment about LMH. JCW is actually a musical actor. So surely he doesn’t need autotune. But Kpop is very competitive. Mostly his albums will be sold to his fans. If he takes music career seriously, definitely he needs additional polish. Singing Kpop is not the same as singing musicals. He surely can do it with extra work bcos he’s got voice.

  10. Thanks for posting the clip ms koala.. i am surprised by how good is jcw’s singing voice… he can be a good singer if he wants to, at least to me who only based on what i hear to tell whether it’s a good singing or otherwise…

  11. actors can freely breach from acting world and spread their talent to singing world

    models can freely breach from modeling world and spread their talent to acting world

    but idols cannot breach freely from singing world to acting world

    what if the idols do acting for their fans? You see they act just to have fun and their fans are enjoying it too

    The difference most idols are not tall. They need to drink milk.

    ??????just stating an observation

  12. JCW fighting! So multi talented! Ji Chang Wook you are great!
    So good to see JCW expanding your wings in the international realm. But Chinese drama tend to have sad or unsatisfactory ending. But then still it is soo good to see your increasing popularity
    I hope JCW will also give time to act in Korean drama. Korean dramas offer better quality in photography, fashion, audio, and story
    JCW all the best to you!!

  13. Among actors, my favourite singing voice is Joowon. Too bad his fangirl army is not as big as those 2, cause he has a beautiful voice.

  14. JCW can definitely sing! He is also a good musical actor. Looking forward to his album.

    Lee Min Ho’s singing like you said is passable for an actor. Not too excited.

  15. IMO Joo won, although has the whole package, does not have ‘IT Factor’ like LMH or JCW. KWB and LJS for example are younger and debuted later than him but they have much bigger fanbase because they seems to radiate better charisma and charm.

    • JW has many mature ajumma fans that actually bring high tv viewership ratings. The others have many young fan girls. Let’s see who does better post military…

      • TV rating is relative. The broadcasters are looking for younger age group who capable of purchasing the displayed PPL, not mature ajumma who rarely buy anything, and are you sure yongpal high rating was due to JW cuz last time I checked, cantabile and 7th Level considered a failure at epic proportion.

  16. WOW both LMH and JCW are releasing album, but i am more excited for JCW album. Listen his OST in his dramas, this man can really sing all the best for your album…

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