
Gong Yoo Fights Spreading Virus Outbreak in First Tense Movie Teaser for Train to Busan — 10 Comments

    • Oh crap, I just remembered that LizzyD and I split him already last month, before we came to blows, I get drama Yoo and she gets Movie Yoo. Dang it! We’ll have to find a way to split him three ways then. XD

  1. It’s been ages that GY has appeared in the small screen . I’m glad that he’s such a hit in all of his films. Yes, we, here in States, have to wait patiently for the premieres but hey, there’s where my treasures of DVD are for- watching CP for the Nth time to satisfy my heart.

  2. I am a little disappointed with the movie’s theme. Hollywood seems to only produce gloom and doom scenarios nowadays and Korea seems willing to follow this trend (The Flu etc.).

    Where are the STORIES, movie makers?!

    • True.I remember k-movies was how I got the introduction to korean rom-coms.I’m certain I’ve finished all the list of Korean romantic comedies till 2012 to say the least.

  3. I waited two weeks for this teaser, I will definitely be watching this movie. But man why a 36 sec teaser I wanted something more 🙁

  4. Ahem ladies, I think I should announce to you who’s the mother of that cute girl. Please breathe well taking in the news!

    *TADA* it’s me <3

    I love Gong Yoo and omg, the movie has to be great and do well, for Gong Yoo's sake. I wish this will hit the box office and then his drama also succeeds in ratings, I need my Gong Yoo to do well so that I'll see more of him, please!

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