China’s Sohu streaming portal, one of the largest and also the bidding winner in getting exclusive streaming rights to many of the high profile K-dramas of 2016, held a hilarious and pretty on point awards ceremony of its own this week. The portal released an awards video of the 2nd Annual Golden Kimchee Awards celebrating and chastising the best and worst K-dramas of last year. The winners of the Crappy Kimchee prize for worst K-dramas of 2016 were none other than the two K-dramas Sohu paid the most money to air – Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart: Ryeo got the ignominious crown followed by Uncontrollably Fond coming in second, with Cinderella and Four Knights rounding out the top three. Lol, clearly C-viewers felt burned too. On the flip side, the best K-dramas of the year were given to Signal and Dear My Friends, both tvN dramas and ones also lauded by K-viewers as top notch in quality. Check out the winners and winning losers of a few of the big categories below.
Crappy Kimchee Award of 2016 (worst):
1. Moon Lovers
2. Uncontrollably Fond
3. Cinderella and Four Knights
4. Cheese in the Trap
5. Descendants of the Sun
6. Lucky Romance
7. Moorim School
8. The K2, Incarnation of Jealousy
9. W, Entertainer, Doctors
SSSSSSSR Award of 2016 (top quality):
1. Signal
2. Dear My Friends
Complimenting Until Next Year Award of 2016 (lasting quality):
1. Incarnation of Jealousy
2. On the Way to the Airport
3. My Wife is Having an Affair this Week
4. Babysitter
5. Memory
2% Award of 2016 (good drama but for 2% suck):
1. Answer Me 1988
2. Six Flying Dragons
3. Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim
4. Age of Youth
5. Beautiful Mind
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I agree about their pick as best drama even i don't find signal as my favourite. There is drama with similar genre I find more addictive. wow they find UF bad drama? they must be have really high standard. UF has all around good acting and good directing {it's park hyun suk}
good acting? are u sure? suzy's acting was bad in UF. its notnher worst acting but still not good.
well Suzy is the only one in the main char that is struggle to act. it can't be erased an overall fairly good acting for the rest of the cast. fot me a bad drama must bad at least in 2 category between acting directing and writing. UF far from it. I might be agree if this drama category as the most dissapointing because it's not lift up to our high expectation.
Good acting? lol
I agree about Signal also. It's most likely the best kdrama ever created to date in terms of sheer quality but that's just my opinion. I still need to watch Jealousy Incarnate, Age Of Youth and Dear My Friends and can't wait!! I'm actually confused as to why JI is on a best and worst list. How does that work?
Also, I'm surprised (and a bit amused) to see Dots was 5th worst. It wasn't great but it wasn't terrible either. I'm guessing they rated in comparison to the massive overhype and popularity it had.
The 2% award category is pretty funny.
Overall, I honestly think 2016 had the best kdrama catalogue in recent years, especially compared to 2014 and 2015 *shudders* Hopefully the trend in increased quality and creativity continues this year.
disagree so much with this statement. 2015 is also have alot of quality drama as much as 2016. my beautiful bride, heard it through the grapevine, angry mom, punch, last, assembly and there is more. it's just agood drama in 2016 get more recognation from a mainstream audience it feels 2016 has alot more a gem drama. I agree DOTs on dots
You're right, my memory was a bit fuzzy there. 2015 had good dramas but overall, I think 2016 was better. It's 2013 and 2014 that were very bleak kdrama years for me with a few good dramas scattered in and then they started getting better in 2015.
all the winners under the 2% good drama catergory were all best drama of 2016 for me
what does 2% drama means?
i think it means 98% of the drama was really good, like 1988 most people loved it but didnt like the end otp so 2% percent of the drama sucked for them....
i swear i don't get this logic lol
i agree. still haven't watched the last 2 eps.
Omg!!! Are you serious?? Didnt SHR and UF go really well in China as compared to their own country? What a load of BS? Nevertheless this award system sucks how could they even contemplate having the worst drama category. How demeaning is that to all casts and crew in those dramas -that's just too cruel. I guess their own ratings is just so low that they need something like this to boast their own network... Such a coward publicity stunt.
SHR and UF were terrible
China netz is watching SHR in order to comapare it with the original. It turns out the original is waaaaay better then SHR. You should read koala post about SHR, she include a couple of Cnetz opinion about the drama and it's not positive
Just because you disagree doesn't mean that this award system is senseless. It actually made more sense than the Korean awards.
Most critics agree that Moon Lovers was a terrible drama. Some enlightened fans of the show agree too although they held on watching to the bitter end.
Awards like this and the Razzies aren't uncommon. Don't get overly dramatic about it being cruel to the casts and crew. It's all in a day's work for them.
SHR broke records on the Chinese streaming site with an impressive 2 billions views surely there gotta be some discrepancy with this award system? Perhaps you may argue that they watched it but it didnt mean they enjoyed the drama. Though why would you watch it to the bitter end if you've never enjoyed the show. A bit senseless dont you think?
Was I being dramatic over this award system? Perhaps, but it's a matter of respect even if its just a days work for some. Im sure you wouldnt like to feel unappreciated with your work too let alone these casts and crew.
I honestly can't understand how can anyone call Scarlet Heart a good drama??!! Even a non-kdrama fan can tell how terrible it is.
Lol same.i like ljk n khn,but dramawise its not good
Lmao their pick is so accurate.even more accurate than kfans and esp i-fans who keep bragging why ML didn't get more awards as it was very succesful in China (?). In fact c-netz respond towards ML were negative.....
Yup their picks are pretty spot on!
They are more discerning than k-fans/viewers I must say.
Thumbs up for Kimchee Awards!
Crappy Kimchee Award is better translated to Rotten Kimchee Award. This reminds me of Rottentomatoes, one of my sources for checking if a movie is worth watching. It's a good thing to have both critics and audience ratings because they don't always go in tandem.
This Chinese award doesn't care about popularity or number of views. Even Dots made it to the Worst list at no. 5. I won't say it's bad but I was one of those who didn't like it. Signal which was one of my favorites for 2016 is fast becoming a 'fashionable' critic's choice although that's not to take off any shine from the show. What's more interesting is that Dear My Friends actually made it to Top Quality. This I wholeheartedly agree!
I am curious if they had opened to viewers' votes, would the result be different?
Rottentomatoes ratings system is crappy itself. LOL...Those Maverick movies always got raved about. Any critiques can't go beyond critics' personal preference and subjectivity. I agree some of the lists like On the Way to Airport and Beautiful Mind are really good. But Dramas have to be entertaining. A lot of positively reviewed dramas in the list are like sleeping pills for me, e.g. Signal and 6 Flying Dragons. LOL. It's all up to personal taste.
How is RT's rating system crappy? It's an aggregate site that collects reviews from various sources to give us an overall consensus about opinion on the movie quality. It seems it's your own fault you don't understand its binary rating method. A higher percentage doesn't mean that one movie is better than the other, there are much more to a movie to judge than just a mere figure. The fresh/rotten percentage simply answers the question: is this movie worth watching? A 98% score means 98% of the reviewers decide that a movie is good enough to recommend other people to see. PLain and simple. And honestly that's all your average cinema goer wants to know before spending their money. Besides, RT have other metrics available for you to consult, such as 10-point average rating which is right below the fresh/rotten % or the audience score. If you want more deep discussions about the movie quality, you have to read the whole reviews because there's literally no rating system to be inclusive or accurate enough to judge a piece of art. It's RT's fault that people misconstrue their system.
*I mean it's NOT RT's fault
Surprisingly, this award is pretty much spot-on.
Yeah I laughed. First time I've agreed with a poll. It was spot on.
Well the thing about the Razzies is they are dissing their own countries movies so I wonder if they (the people who come up with these honors) do the same thing for their own dramas.
This is kind of a messy way to do it. I think they should just pick 5 best and 5 worst instead of having 12 or so in the worst column and Jealousy Incarnate making the worst and also "lasting quality" ??? That makes no sense. Anyway just throw the 98% ones in with the best for pete sake. No drama is perfect; not even Signal which I loved and raved about.
There were some pretty great Kdramas this year. But ugh yes I totally agree with that list, except W and Incarnation of Jealousy. I would put those in the 2% suck category. They had a great start and then my interest kinda just dwindled.