
Matsumoto Jun Confirmed to Make Cameo as Domyouji in Hana Yori Dango Next Season Hana Nochi Hare — 13 Comments

  1. For me, the HanaDan’s Japanese Ver is still the best, and the one I’ve been rewatching at least once every one or two years since it was broadcasted.

    • OMG! I’m glad not to be the only one to think that. I saw the first season in one day. Was so good that I can’t stop watching xD.

      • It was the first drama I ever watched, and the one that got me hooked on asian dramas. I also rewatch occasionally HYD – it s a classic!

  2. I love matsujun all of hanadan leading man asian original leading man the next need to watch ,i would love to see them again .

  3. I think the Japanese version had the best Domyouji, Rui and Makino. The pace and the number of episodes were the best in this version as well.

  4. I am surprised to see that there are newer versions of this show being done, with exception to the Korean version, this one is my favorite. Hope the new one is good as the original as they did an amazing job. Would like to know, has he and Mao Inoue (Tsukshi) got married in real life yet? Understood that they have been a couple for years.

    Take care.

    • actually let’s not forget that none of the rumors between him & mao were confirmed.
      they get this marriage announcement every single year..but there are no pics of them togather at all till now..
      as much i ship them in hana dan..i don’t they were dating

  5. Yessssss I’ll just watch the part where Jun will cameo, doubt the storyline will interest me, HYD is the best version for me, I can still sing to arashi’ love so sweet, I was hoping mao and oguri shun will cameo together with Jun, that will be so cute! Oh well wishful thinking… I heard the ratings for 99.9% was really high now I’m curious to watch it!

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