jTBC Drama Adaptation of Beauty Inside Holds Script Reading with Seo Hyun Jin and Lee Min Ki
Consider me cautiously optimistic for upcoming K-drama Beauty Inside, adapted from the drama with a gender twist. This time it’s female lead Seo Hyun Jin who changes forms rather than the male lead in the movie, and she’ll be romancing Lee Min Ki so the production team definitely went for acting ability when casting. The drama version set up sounds interesting – Seo Hyun Jin is a top star actress with afflicted with a phenomenon whereby one week out of the month she changes into a new face, she crosses paths with Lee Min Ki’s airline executive who suffers from prosopagnosia or the inability to recognize faces and the two fall in love despite the towering odds stacked against them. The drama will air in September on jTBC Mon-Tues after the conclusion of Life.
i’m not sure they went for acting ability when they casted 2nd male lead
They ran out of budget.
love both of the leads!
one week out of the month… bahahaha… sounds like a feminine product CF… Not sure how this drama will outperform the movie. Will wait for reviews first…
Waah!! They both look good individually and together. I’ll surely wait for this drama.
A kdrama and a teen movie on the same subject :p
I’m not convinced by the choice of second male lead, but I’m really exciting to see Lee Min Ki and Seo Hyun Jin together
Disappointed in choice of female lead. Just a personal opinion I dont enjoy her acting and she ruins shows for me. She is always paired with really good actors but I can never watch her. Sadly although I was looking forward to LMKs comeback drama, I will be giving this a miss.
LMK not that good either so it’s a win win
Both good actors…should work well with plenty to offer.