
Chinese Tax Authorities Investigating Over 200 Stars Paid More than US $2 million Per Project — 17 Comments

  1. If you earn money, you pay tax. I don’t think there is anything wrong, especially with the extortionate money these actors/actresses are getting. China has enough stars, they don’t need to keep using these expensive ones. Yanxi palace succeeded without any of them.

    I also agree that FBB should go to prison. Before her, Liu Xiaoqing was sent to prison for tax evasion so why should she be let off.

  2. The fine on Fan Bing Bing is nothing. and I think the gov’t just setting sample finding little bit, but ultimatly won’t really hurt these stars deep pocket much in the big picture

  3. Yang Mi has worked with Ethan (his first project in years), Mark and Reba and she owns her own production company’s so o wonder how she’s not on that list.

  4. I read somewhere that FBB’s net worth is valued at $1B usd. That’s just crazy. Why did she go hiding when she could have just paid it off.

      • I think the original post means FBB’s total net worth which I also read is around $1.1 billion USD. This is different to yearly Forbes richest list that only takes into account yearly earnings. We don’t know the real amount she has because she probably has lots of investments such as housing, estates, shares and more. Reports say she doesn’t have the cash flow to pay the fine so she will have to sell her investments to generate it.

  5. Glad she is alive and fine. Hopefully she can get an interest free payment arrangement paying the fine off over say 10 years. However if it was me I’ll rather go to prison and do time. I hope she’s sacked her financial advisors for misleading her. I write this because I have actor friends who don’t even know anything about their financial obligations and leave everything up to their tax advisors so it happens out of naivety and carelessness when they get done for tax avoidance fines.

    • Why would she not be alive??? Have you been reading scaremongering stories? Interest free payment? No, she has the wealth to pay her fines it’s just not available immediately. The only reason I believe she wanted the investigation quickly finished is because her 18 year old brother needs to work in the entertainment industry. According to reports her manager is still in custody and is in bigger trouble then her. He was caught shredding important documents.

      • Just assume I’ve been living under a rock. Well she went off the radar for a month or so and there was no news of what had happened just mere speculation. Her Shark movie ‘The Meg’ hit and she attended the premiere back in early August then all of the sudden news broke she had gone quiet as in no social media posts no sightings so rightfully so I was concerned hence I am genuinely happy she is alive. I’m being sarcastic about the whole interest free pay arrangement; she might not have the cash up front and will need to liquidate her assets to repay her fine. Who knows. It’s quite sad and embarrassing really.

      • @News – OMG ? thank you for pointing out the difference to this dumb westerner here for getting the two Bing Bings mixed up. I’m so sorry everyone my big bad. Durrgh on my part. I need to apologise to my Chinese mates for bugging them about ‘FBB’ from ‘The Meg’ oh hello it’s LBB! I’ll pay more attention to the name next time.

      • LOL, you’re not the only westerner confused with Chinese actresses. Sky news in the U.K. put another C-actress photo in their headlines!!! Apparently, Chinese actresses look all the same.

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