Jung Hae In, Seohyun, Son Ye Jin, and D.O. Win Popularity Vote at the 2018 Seoul Awards
There’s no shame in winning an official popularity awards at any awards ceremony even though even the substantive prizes are highly influence by popularity and/or clout. The 2018 Seoul Awards released its nominations three weeks ago and since then the polls have been open for the public to vote on the winners of the Popularity Award. The vote has ended and in the TV drama category it’s Jung Hae In for Pretty Noona Buys Me Food and Seohyun in Time and over in the movie category it’s Son Ye Jin for Be With You and D.O. (Do Kyung Soo) in Along With the Gods 2. The ceremony will take place on October 27th so fans at least know the above four stars will be attending.
But still, after a while actors want to be acknowledged for acting not just popularity.I am sure Jun Hae In and D.O. now have ghost writers to prepare their speech.Can you imagine winning the same fan voted trophy over and over again.In D.O’s case I think he has multiple popularity awards.They also said that the judges voted for Ryu Jun Yeol but D.O had more of the fanvotes and the decision is 50% judges and 50% fans.Thats how D.O. won this one.I also think JHI did not get his APAN “excellence actor award” on merit.There was probably some backdòor lobbying since he was just winning popularity award over and over again.
For female kdrama popularity Category should have gone to either IU or Park Min Young.Seo Hyun’s Time drama nor her character was popular.Just that she is an idol from a popular girl group.This is why people look down on popularity award.I can accept if they can award her(SeoHyun) at the MBC end of year award for her acting because she was good.
lol so much prejudice and baseless especulation against these celebrities, even saying they have ghost writers for their speeches like they’re some empty shells uncapable of saying the usual “thank you i will work harder” korean award shows acceptance speeches haha. if they have fanbases who are willing to vote for them, what’s the big deal? it’s called a popularity award for something, it’s literally its name. and there’s no shame in having passionate fans voting for you. fans are as valid part of the audience as anyone else, they just spend more time and money supporting their celebrity of choice.
award shows add these categories to get some buzz, hype, and promotion from the fans while at the same time fans get a shiny statue for their fave artists. it’s a win win for everyone, no need to be nasty about it.
don’t worry, the serious and more deserving actors and actresses whom i’m sure you want to win, have the regular categories with no fanvoting as criteria ^^ hope you enjoy their speeches as well!
OMG you are taking this the wrong way! you completely missed the point.Iam not saying they have ghost writers.I was being sarcastic and joking? and no am really not a nasty person maybe just over opinionated sometimes?.I was just saying if you are winning literally the same popularity award for the same role at different awards in the same year or literally every year.Thank you speeches would become stale.
D.O. has been acting for four years now and he has got good reviews for his acting in both movie and drama this year.Like the commentator said below.He deserves an upgrade.
D.O. is good enough to win the acting awards can he like ask his fans to go easy on populary votings now lol
Agree. Winning popularity award and being ripped of an acting award is a downgrade for D.O. who can actually act 🙂
Jung Hae In was the first in all the categories of votes. So I’m really happy for him 🙂 He deserves this success. He built his career slowly but his first lead role was really great.
For the others, I would choose IU and not Seohyun and Ryu Jun Yeol and not DO.
Seohyun did really well in ‘Time’ and she held her own against Kim Jung Hyun until his sudden departure due to his health issues. I’m writing this because she earned her spot for the popularity award and yes she is the maknae of SNSD and an idol but I was traumatised over watching ‘Time’ and I’ve never seen her in anything else but if she can sway me with her role (and that’s saying a lot) then by all means she deserves the recognition with this award. As for the others I’m not overly fussed and I guess my 2nd tier actors that I support will never see the light of day at awards times so Ill just go with the flow. Congratulations to those mentioned.
i agree seohyun definitly doing well in time, she improved a lot after Kjh got off that drama guess they’re not matched well in term of personality hence why seohyun can’t seem to connect well and hs good chemi with him, instead she has good chemi with second lead hero. after all the winners of popularity awards always got me yawning it’s award for nothing but agency;s achievement for making their actors popular
Yep agree agencies have their own agendas and there is a lot if power play going on behind the scenes and Ive just seen the winner list for the 55th Daejong Awards and it looks plausible and I agree with their selection so no worries over that. However the star award for Seolhyun from AOA for her role in ‘The Great Battle’ now that is the most obvious and easiest award ever granted so if her fans are praising her for being a talented and amazing actress can you please take off the horse blinkers and seriously ponder what the word ‘star’ means because that’s why she won it and not because she learnt how to ride a horse within a day! Star means shining bright not acting great. Big difference. Pffftt there are way more 3 dimensional better actresses out there that could do that role but I guess they don’t have enough star power?
JHI seems to have a really dedicated fan base and I’m guessing the photo controversy made them more supportive and protective of him.
FNC does seem more protective of him and their pocketbook after the the photo controversy.
Everytime i see any news about the 2018 Seoul Drama Awards, i remember that JKH was not nominated for his awesomeness in PP and LoM. Still sad till this day.
Anyways, congrats to the popularity award winners!