
Kim Sa Rang Turns into Park Bo Young in tvN Fantasy Drama Abyss — 7 Comments

  1. That can’t be Kim Sa Rang in that first pic. Her face…has changed so much. Drastic plastic surgery? Nice to see Park Bo Young with long hair minus the girly bangs. Strangely, whether short bob, or long haired, PBYstill looks old for her age.

  2. So KSR is drop dead gorgeous and PBY is the dowdy as one so does that mean that Ahn Hy Seop partners up with KSR or PBY? Then who plays his counterpart hobo? I’m lost as always.

  3. the plot is really not okay, the writer could’ve stayed with PBY ugly or not. just need to change some aspects.. this bring me down to the asian beauty standards which is already been westernized

  4. PBY will most likely be portrayed as short nerdy and dawdy AKA the general Asian population that can’t afford expensive cosmetic/ asthetic and $$$ brands

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