
Roy Kim Goes in for Police Investigation on Illegal Distribution of Sexual Content — 13 Comments

  1. His father had to help apologize for him!? Damn…even his own father will never learn. After what he’s done this boy needs to man up. Don’t feel sorry at all. Disgusting.

  2. This whole thing is getting out of controlled. I don’t agree with what they are doing but really??? Destroy someone career due to this is a little too much. Maybe bc I live in America so I don’t really think they should be stone for this. Korean culture something is too much for me. So you wanna drag everyone that view the clips and punished them all?

    • You won’t be saying this if you were one of the girls in those videos. From what I have read “spreading” or “distributing” the videos is the main problem, not viewing. Read this article’s TITLE, is an american’s (ie “yours” from what you claim to be) reading comprehension really this bad?

    • Maybe you need to evaluate your life values and start thinking critically. Your SICK American culture, rape is so very normalized and the whole ’’boys will be boys’’ mentality so prevalent that you actually CRITICIZE women for wanting some change to this. Do you really think objectifying and the degradation of women’s bodies, bodily immunity and dignity is ok? Instead of normalizing it, start changing your sick, sick, disgusting culture.

    • It sounded much more than just viewing. Not all the chat was not published. For those few contents that was published, it is enough for me to never want to see or listen to any of their dramas, songs etc. I deleted all of Beasts/Highlight songs. I at first thought, if they were in the chat but did not distribute, but some of the videos are of women that was drugged. How can one see that and not report it? Even if the police was culpable of being bribed, he could have at least discourage his “friends” from doing awful things to women, or at least try to get legal help. Unfortunately, if you know your friends are doing something illegal and hurting people serially, then you should try to report it somehow….maybe giving it to the reporter?

    • I’m American and this would be totally illegal in the US. Drugging someone then raping them is illegal act. Distributing pictures/videos and watching them is also illegal because it’s not pornography but a video of an illegal act. If the victim is a minor, you’re in a whole mess of additional trouble because then it’s child pornography and always illegal. By the way, these are federal crimes not just state crimes. If you live in America but don’t know this, learn the law.

  3. His father apparently apologized to his students, saying that he understands what an awkward situation this puts the students in and that he would like to discontinue. However, given that this will impact the students quite a bit, he will continue until the end of term.

    He was going to retire at the end of term anyway…only now he has to do so, with leaving a memory ofhos son’s criminal activities overshadowing his life’s work.

  4. It’s common for Korean parents to apologize for their children’s actions because Korean society blames the child’s upbringing for going off the rails. I have yet to see a Korean parent NOT apologize for their kid’s misdeeds especially if it is high profile news.

  5. So….will Roy Kim escape to the US (return to Georgetown University) along with his father? Rich folk in Korea are able to get away with quite a bit; would not be surprised.

    • In Korean news it was reported that Georgetown may be expelling Roy Kim based on their own sexual harassment policy. To add to the burn, he’s supposedly graduating next month

  6. In Korean news it was reported that Georgetown may be expelling Roy Kim based on their own sexual harassment policy. To add to the burn, he’s supposedly graduating next month

    • True. Over 393 students have signed a petition for him to be disciplined/expelled. According to US Pentagon paper-no final decision has been reached but Kim’s graduation may be in jeopardy. Surely Georgetown will follow policy of “innocent until proven guilty” before making the final determination. What a mess.

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