Kim So Hyun Confirms KBS Sageuk Youth Romance Tale of Nok Du and Schedules June Birthday Fan Meeting
K-actress Kim So Hyun is heading into the summer with plenty on her plate. She’s turning 20 years old on June 4th being 1999 born, which is the official Western age but in Korean age she would be 21 turning 22. To celebrate the young actress is holding a fan meeting on June 1 to meet her fans and also celebrate her birthday with them. After that she will start filming the KBS Mon-Tues youth sageuk Tale of Nok Du (Mung Bean Chronicles), based on the same name webtoon about a cross-dressing romance that sounds super charming. Her male lead will be Jang Dong Yoon of A Poem a Day, playing a young man cross-dressing as a woman to escape an arranged marriage to a child bride. He goes to hide in a widows village and encounters the tomboyish female lead who is being forced to train as a geisha and has no feminine skills or interest. Of course a friendship and then romance blossoms and I’m so loving this pairing and story already.
So Korean age is two years older? Wow
So if you’re Korean you should migrate to Europe or the U.S and you’ll automatically be two years younger lol
I’m excited for this project. I heard that the female bully in school 2015 is also appearing in this project. Interesting, will they be friend or foe once again lol
Kim So Hyun is like male version of Lee Jong seok. Very productive. If miss granny is still happening, she’ll be like yeo jin goo with three dramas this year.
The age is wrong actually. When she turns 20 in June she will be 21 is her Korean age. You are 1 year older after your birthday and 2 years older before your birthday.
She is too busy. What a hardworking acctress.. I wish she is slowing down abit and be more selective with her drama. But when you get a chance starring opposite leading man like Jang Dong Yoon, You hardly can refuse. Considering they often keep pairing her with someone who can’t act. ops sorry.
Which actor are you referring to? I think so far all her male actors compliment her well, even taecyeon in let’s fight ghost. That’s still is my favorite drama of hers.
Her recent project . Then again…. She always peak a not so good material. Her leading man turn out to be underwhelming as follow
I think all her male leads compliment her well. It’s the script that sucks especially Ruler of the Mask in 2017.
You have it the other way round JDY is lucky to be cast opposite KSH since she was confirmed first. She did slow down hence its been more than a year since her last drama. Her male leads suit her really well plus she is absolutely gorgeous and extremely talented.
She is hardworking but hasn’t been on a very big break recently so your comment doesn’t co-relate with reality. We should be celebrating she is finally gracing us with her lovely acting. The script she picks aren’t always great but the overall quality of drama scripts recently have been very bad so it won’t be fair to say it was only her. I’m personally excited for her male lead actor this time but she has had good actors before as well.
I meant *has been* Her break has been very big.
She has e very nice break, but she is already pick her project left and right during her break like 3 drama already? Miss granny, love alarm, and this. That’s just abit insane. I really wish miss granny is that drama which make her getting acknowledge again for her skill and good producer start casting her.
I wish she is goes back to movie again. It’s been a while. as of late there is a bunch of decent- to good drama . In fact 2018-2019 has tremendously increase drama quality when some hallyu star has a nice break. Meanwhile She and Kim Yoo Jung keep getting trap in a roles like radio romance, clean with passion, school 2015 etc. Maybe it’s the expense for child actor turn to adult roles.
I don’t think Miss Granny project is going to start anytime soon. Or maybe its canceled?
Kim Yoojung’s next project is a film. I think KSH just prefers doing dramas.
I’ll be butting in here but Love Alarm is a web drama so I don’t know what you’re on about. Its only 8 episodes and Miss Granny she never confirmed and the drama is not even happening. Its only Nokdu that she has picked that is a proper drama. Han Jimin probably has done more dramas then her this year so what are you talking about? School 2015 was brilliant continues to be one of the most iconic dramas ever. Its a mega hit that made her the most trending actor of 2015 and she continues to gain praise for her acting in the drama. Her transition is a lot smoother than other child actors because she experiments with different roles. Lets give credit to her hard work instead of nit-picking over things that are non-issues.
@missjb @Annie don’t bring other people into an article about KSH. Praise and love for KSH only on her articles. People need to stay on topic and not deviate. This article is about her drama and fan meeting so don’t mention other things or people. KSH will do movies when she wants to. She said she doesn’t want to be a lead in a movie until she is satisfied she can do it full justice since people pay to watch movies unlike dramas. She has a very strong mindset towards acting and respects the audience should not have to watch unless she is 100% sure.
Fyi, She’s accepted the role 3 weeks before Jang Dong Yoon accepted it. And I believe that her previous partner really can act tho.. ??? They can emote well.
In this fall, her Netflix drama, Love Alarm will be airing too and I can’t wait for that.
It is 408 days without her dramas and finally it is gonna over soon. I miss you girl!
Waaa… you got me. ? i really miss her.
I miss her very very much! It is a blessing to get two dramas from her after her forever break!
Are they both gong to be out at the same time? In fall?
I’m happy! I loved Moonlight Clouds, so I’m happy to have a “light” sageuk. I like the both actors! I didn’t like the last 2 dramas of KSH, I’m happy to see in one that seems to suit her better. JDY never disapointed me. It was sad he didn’t have more scenes in School 2017 because I never likes the lead and in a Poem a Day, the writter really sucked at the end, she/he destroyed all his character.
Its cool she wants to spend her birthday with the fans her heart is very kind. This drama sounds like so much fun and her male lead is awesome. Overall it sounds like a fun historical drama with a dream casting.
Violeta welcome back! <3
Woah! Kim Sohyun looks gorgeous in the poster and the picture with Dongyoon…her beauty continues to surprise me! Her visuals and talent are A+ always…this gender reversal plot is so so rare but sounds like fun! I’m with you all excited fans on this!
Isn’t it amazing how much prettier she gets each time! I’m a huge fan of her acting but her visuals have been getting prettier every time!
She is really really beautiful
wait , is this the same drama or based on the same story as the saeguk titled the nokdu flower that aired now?
Not at all. Nokdu Flower is about a rebellion (that really happened) and two half brothers who are not same in the same side. It’s way more serious and dark :p
nokdu flower is the serious political traditional sageuk while tale of nokdu is the light-hearted sweet rom-com sageuk. the names are confusing but the variations in the sageuk genre we get this year are refreshing. the sageuk drought from last year is thankfully over.