
Kim Woo Bin Spotted Looking Healthy and Handsome at Buddhist Teaching Event with Jo In Sung — 6 Comments

  1. I just watched “The Master” last night and recalled just how much I missed him. And here finally a sighting of this lovely fella. Its ok, take your time Woo Bin… Health is more important than anything. We can wait.

    • Exact same!! Was watching Master the other day (again :P) and just realised how much I miss him. Dunno maybe its just the fangirl in me but I feel that he has this ‘genuine person’ kinda vibe. Just love him.

  2. Glad to see him out and about, doing things that makes him happy. I’ll watch his old stuff until he’s ready to come back to acting. No rush.

  3. miss him so much, I hope he’s healthy and completely rid of this nasty disease, he has a presence and charisma like no other

  4. Yep miss KWB and JIS a lot however JIS is one of my favourite actors and bias and hopefully anytime soon a drama or film casting will be announced for either of them ❤️

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