Son Ye Jin and Hyun Bin Spotted at Airport Flying to Mongolia for Crash Landed Love Location Shoot
The K-ent paparazzi is funny, staging and posting these pictures as if it was uncovering something going on. The paps were at Incheon Airport this week and caught Son Ye Jin and Hyun Bin at the airport at the same time, flying to the same place gasp! Of course the two stars of Crash Landed Love were dressed incognito rather than the usual brand endorsement deal airport walk so they didn’t pose for photos. And of course they were flying to the same place, namely Mongolia, for overseas location shoots following an earlier shoot in Switzerland. I just need to see the first stills so I can start fanning myself from teh pretteh.
She is such a good actress and hb remains a hottie. I dont get why dont she get same hype like other 3 actress of her generation. She has hit movies more than drama but she is on par with them when it comes to success. Love her
Maybe because shes not drama queen? Alone in love was critically acclaimed drama but not hllayu drama. Son ye jin great in movies but she rarely do the drama. Award winning actress like her deserve more loves. She gonna leave impressive legacy as an actress when she retire. Talented and risk taker actress
But if you think about it, Jun Ji-hyun of the 3 also didn’t really have a representative drama until way, way along into her career (You From The Stars), so she’s not that different from Son Ye-jin in being foremost a movie actress (whereas SHK, KTH are foremost drama queens). In any case, it really is odd that SYJ never became as ubiquitously famous as the other 3 actresses when she’s so, so beautiful and talented.
Yess people prefer drama than movie I guess. Jjh character in my love from the star is memorable. While SYJ didnt have super big hit drama, plus they paired her with C list actor in Something in the rain. Jjh, shk, KTH always get pair with top actors, thats why their drama never become underdog drama. If this drama is a hit, Im sure she will get recognizer she deserved.
@adnana u r right . But my sassy girl did the trick for her because it became benchmark for korean movies throughout asia with its pan asia success which gave jjh edge over others and she never lost her cf queen title.. In korea drama and movie stars on same level compared to others industry worldwide. Infact i see drama stars with more brands. Thats why shk n kth r considered top despite flop movies. Kth jjh shk were or are cf queens. But i never heard syj as cf queen but she is as successful as them. She and hanji min completes top 5. K industry works differently. No clear distinction between fame of movie and drama stars
Maybe because shes already passes her prime time? I still remember her movie a moment to remember was so famous around 2005 and became top 1 korean movies in japan including april snow. And They pay her bucket for staring in alone in love even higher than song hye kyo at that time. I believe syj prime time in between 2003 till 2009 and after that korean republic slowly forget about her.
Forgot about her? She has given blockbuster movies this decade lol. She and han ji min completes the top 5. Just jjh shk kth level above in popularity but son ye jin is still top actress
@adnana jjh had my sassy girl which gave her great head start over others. Movie was first k movie to get pan asia success and also assured that she didnt need to do dramas to stay popular as all top brands automatically came to her. Even in first decade she didn’t have release in some years. And had flop movies. Her cf deals stayed still. Her aura is too strong. She then gave new energy to her career with my love from the stars and filmed like 40 cfs in 2014 lol.
Shk had hit dramas and same with kth but they lacked hit movies. But they got all the brands as well. Song hye kyo became top star after autumn in my heart and kim tae hee besides playing second lead in stairway to heaven, dominated cf industry. And korean industry is different where drama stars r equally big as movie stars. There is no distinction in fame. Infact outside korea dramas r even bigger. So jjh shk kth became cf queens and stayed popular. They stayed at top in 2nd decade where many of their peers became less popular or semi retired. Son ye jin and hanji min completes top 5 but taehyeji overall popularity and longevity sets them apart from others. And they were the first to become massive. Son ye jin is big star as well but she gets overlooked bcoz of those 3
Shk jjh has completed successful 2 decades in show business. That is insane
In Korea Son Ye Jin might be a goddess but not for international fans. I personally think she is very gorgeous but her beauty is not one to captivate people for a long while. That might be the reason why she is not on the same hype like the other 3. About acting I wouldn’t say she is better than the other three due to the same reason. Son Ye Jin performance seem to go bland after a couple of episodes. I know I will get slander by fans but it’s real opinion here. The other 3 actress might not have blockbuster hit movies like Son Ye Jin does but they have an aura to keep people continue staying until the drama or movie ended. Still goodluck to her and Hyun Bin for this upcoming drama.
@tia Btw jjh has two movies which r bigger than any syj movie though and is also highest paid movie actres ^^^
I guess people will stop watching her drama its bcoz her character portrayed its a simple and some moments where she just plain looks like without make up. U can compare those 3 as above mentioned their drama every episode their wearing lipstick, hair properly done and more their fashion style team they provided their actress with so much attention. So even those 3 cf queens drama weren’t that good also yet people still watching bcoz of their fashion. Example kth drama though she was asleep but her make up and fashion was intack so of course people had that continuity to watch whereas syj i don’t know hows her glamorous team when it comes to drama execution. Like in SiRt i fall in love with her in drama though her character is simple but in reality when ur working as team manager u have to pamper yourself right. But i find she always let it down her hair when she’s at work.actually as career woman she can style her hair and have a good sense of fashion so that the viewiers can also see whats the trend of fShion nowDays. Yes in terms of acting she was superb its just flows naturally in her. If only her very good acting plus her glam do a good part might it will explode her popularity. So guys if you happen to read my comments maybe u can help access syj glam team her make up and fashion style artist can do much better on that field. Did u notice as i watch be with you movies her hair it same style just let down, SitR same, negotiation same only short, truth beneath same let down. Mostly i can see. Hollywood actress every projects they do had to change their hair style. Hoping in crash landing seeing her new looks, she can let her hair down but must place in different side like at center parting she looks nice then straight hair that when u have to turn your hair also follows coz its silky and smooth something like that.
Syj is pretty in person without make-up. She will come to set without make up or without bringing her make up artist. But it doesnt apply that one when ur on tv playing for drama you must and must to look more appealling coz people find it attractive and they mightfollow you as an example for being pretty in every way. I think thats her concern to look through and thats why u could say that you find it bland bcoz maybe she think not necessarily always on make up.
wonderful actress i love it her perfarmous..
Yes u r right her acting is incomparable natural acting and we can feel it. Love her too.
I don’t really like her drama in Personal Taste with Lee Min Ho, didn’t even finished it, I expect something wow or extraordinary from that drama, but turned out to be boring. Maybe the story is not that interesting and their acting really bland and I couldn’t see their chemistry together.
Well, “Personal Taste” is rather slice-of-life, so there isn’t really anything to be wow-ed over — no over-the-top extremes and crazy antics and fabulous locales as filming locations etc. like in LMH’s other dramas “Boys Before Flowers” and “Heirs.” Still, while I know that BOF and Heirs have been extremely successful commercially, I personally loved “Personal Taste” and “Faith” more. I get why people might find PT boring, but I really enjoyed the plot and emotional development and the performances of the main actors.
I mean I expected great chemistry between them, since it’s Lee Min Ho the hottie and Son Ye Jin that famous actress with much of successful movies. But then ended up disappointed when watching it, while I really want to love the drama. I just didn’t buy their relationship at all, coz I can feel there’s no chemistry between them.
Try to rewatch again and set aside ur bias. Its beautiful simple concept of their romcom drama and its just revolve 2 locations their ancestral house and their working place. No glitterings. And its just it happen that syj always offered the role with a simple girl and she accept it as long as she can show the audience her natural acting. I think she not hunger for fame just hunger for the love of acting. Just think this year as early of 2019 she was offered to portray for sbs drama but she turn it down bcoz the concept maybe only this in my own opinion was that it look same as in SiTr, and she was also offered to do pirates part 2 but it still on hold and lastly this boston 1947. So with these testament meaning she is in shape for capable in acting. But for us as audience whether ur fans or not u r looking something for a flowery or accessories like her make up, like her fashion style, this is what anyone were looking for her yet on her part she would do base on script and her acting wise must be done properly. Again sis try to rewatch u will love her.
This drama is very overhyped so hopefully it is worth the praising. From their dating rumors to their being the top tier. Real fact here, they’re alright in acting and visually. Hyun Bin is a better actor than Son Ye Jin in my opinion but they do make a great couple and compliment each other well.
Always has to bring it up that syj will also consider taking a nudge on her fashion style and make up overall her get up every episode. But i can sense this awaited drama Clol still we can her in a simple get up why? Bcoz she lands on hb’s side. And hb would eventually shop her to the best of his able money. Yes her role in this drama super rich girl but when had landed in north she didnt bring anything. So the plot looks like this. Then viewers will start comparing her to the 2nd lead stars sjh where she is hb’s fiancee as describe her role she super beautiful and rich too hahaha but for syj the writers didnt stated syj as beautiful heiress. Let see how. So maybe the viewers might ship hb to sjh for this drama. And the ending i guess sided to north or south. Who will win hb’s heart? – the north his fiancee or the love at first the south korean woman. Syj will be label as other woman when hb will married his fiancee. The ending i guess the writer will base on viewers wants whom hb will fall to. For as syj fans its ok whom hb will end up as long they have drama together for me to keep watching n watching over coz negotiation isn’t enough their such A-lister actors.
SYJ dramas are plain boring, not to my taste. She looks fine but not charming, very homey looking in my opinion. Not sure how this one will turn out but its plot sounds very empty.
Yeah she is very homey looking the best way to describe Son Ye Jin. Either way she is beautiful in her own way.
Still support them guys if ur hb solid fans. I am syj fan her. We accept their her flaws. Her personality homey thats why she was always given a role for melo.
Does SYJ parachute or paraglide into NK as they’re both different. Sack the pilot of that plane geez! I’m more interested in that first episode then the entire drama Oh and to ogle at KHJ and of course HB. The storyline is so predictable because it’s romance genre. However if it was action/thriller with a hint of romance then yeah I’ll be keen. The writing is on the wall how this is gonna be played out. I wonder if NK Leader Kim Jong Un is intent on watching this and what his opinion would be? For the record I’m a fan of SYJ since the Classic so yep love her to bits
Hi at least i saw syj fans here. Also syj fan but now shipping this binjin coz of their nego movie promos got hook me when their together always makes us laugh and smile too. Hopefully sis syj herself or her make up artist and fashion stylist will do better on her to make more appealling to some viewers coz mostly in syj drama and moviez she just took the simple route in terms of persons get up. Though we all know syj will focus more on acting side but not all will see that. Some viewers will consider more on ur get up than their acting. Hopefully sis syj can blend that superb acting plus better get up. Comparison more like arise in this drama since sjh is also come from rich background in north side. But syj will fall on north with nothing she take so become simple again. And the ending sis can anticipate whom hb will fall. Will he married his fiancee or what to syj who come from south. I guess only maybe the writers would base on the viewers wants whom hb is match well. Hahaha 2 woman are vying for. Hopefully some wont bash syj esp those who are not in favor of her to b hb’s girlfriend in real life. For me i am praying it will b a success one and about syj lovelife i guess hb and her is just close friend other than she wont commit. Pls sis we continue to spread love about syj though she has flaws but she prefer simple life where she can laugh freely.
I have tried to watch Something in the Rain since it’s on Netflix. It’s to check out what Son Ye Jin’s fans been raving about her supposed surreal beauty and acting chops. To my disappointment, the first episode put me to sleep and I didn’t bother watching more episodes. The litmus test for me is if the first 15/20 minutes didn’t hook me into it, I’ll drop the drama no matter how many big name stars in it. Personally, I find Son Ye Jin’s beauty rather average, she has aged since the mid 2000s and her acting style in that drama bores me. Negotiation bores me too. Sorry, just not my taste. Hopefully she can bounce back with this drama with HB.
So I heard from the overjoyed Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin shippers raving about recieving warnings from the Crashed Landing of Love producers and team to the fans to delete every post of the couple and their shooting location. Who ever refused to obey will receive a penalty. Which I find it very pathetic. It’s a way to create more hype and milking the drama love couple. It’s said to protect their privacy. I mean if they are dating and want to media play their drama, I understand. I hope this drama is worth all the hype and their A-Lister name reputation. The more this drama is media play the more I’m losing interesting in it. The very first time I’m not looking forward to a Hyun Bin drama. I’m not a fan of Son Ye Jin so reading all these comparisons and raving about her is quite weird. She is pretty and is an alright actress in my opinion. Not the best or is an unbeatable beauty queen. I watch a couple of her dramas but never finished them because her performance is not much to remember. Son Ye Jin is better off with movies because her performance can’t carry more than 3 to 4 episodes. I tried watching Personal Taste, Something in the Rain, Summer Scent, The Nagotiation, and The Last Princess but still end up dropping all of them halfway. I don’t know but her acting isn’t memorable like people claimed it to be. To each their own hope this drama hit big for all the hype.
@Sophia Yes shipping is bad for your mental health and well-being. I’m still recovering and in therapy. These HB and SYJ shippers will lose the plot when they announce their dating status and then break up. But seriously the producers are sending out warnings to protect their privacy and not post pics? Now it’s beyond ridiculous and I’m sceptical. Yeah they’re dating for sure but not with eachother.
Most of the commenters here are very rude and are from jealousy fans opinion only. Son Ye Jin is not an overrated actress but is a true professional actress. She earn her status from being a hit drama and movie queen. Her acting and beauty is unbeatable that’s why she was call the nation’s first love. You fans are just mad she is someone very special to Hyun Bin while your bias is no match. Fighting Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin, don’t let these hater bring you down. If it’s not Son Ye Jin I know these jealousy fans won’t be ranting this much.
No one is jealous here girl. We’re just stating our opinions. Because Son Ye Jin is an unbeatable Queen to you doesn’t mean she is to everyone. We all have different preferences when comes to acting and beauty. It’s a fact that Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin is media playing their drama and relationship which is a turn off not professional. Lol because all Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin fans are calling people who are not into their ship jealous fan.
@sophia You said we all have different preferences when comes to acting and beauty,so whats wrong if people praised her? Korean critics also praised her.then? I also hate media played for this drama, syj used to be very professional, dont know what went wrong.sigh
I wont say shes unbeatable, jeon do yeon bae donna is better, but syj also talented you know. I agree with the truth beneath,the last princess,blood and ties, a moment to remember, my wife got married. And also 21 best actress awards she has won by all giving bodies. Im sure we are not praise her for nothing. You should finish the last princess because thats movie is awesome
So tired of reading these fuckin’ hb-syj articles, push&pull and denying tricks, may it get back to them what they’re playing to the media platform. Shippers sucks the professionalism of these actors. ??
Relax guys. I am syj fan here and became a binjin shipper. I just ship coz both are just happy when they are together base info
tru movie promos events. And u guys i know u have ur own bias and just believe what u believe in and enjoy. We as fangirling to korean celebrity we hold nothing to them coz they have their own choice whom they want to fall
For us we just ship base on what we have seen on screen. However for me i am content that both said they are close friends and no one can argue on that. To some extent about their rumours i guess they’re not dating. The 1st denial just an assumptions coz hb went to america exactly falls on syj’s bday so media creat something and morever syj like to travell alone. 2nd denial bcoz they have been caught with some photos, oh this one i guess they were with other and i cant poit maybe they were together with the negotiation director since he is staying in LA and maybe there few more. Bcoz if u look at the trolley that hb pushes i can see his small bag was there and then when he was pictured with syj the trolley wasnt with him meaning someone is taking care of that trolley. Hb and syj are one close friends its bcoz they are born on same year 1982 same age. Even for us we can easily clik with same age as us. There no need for senority when it comes to talking. Freely can talk as much as we want. And if hb pursue her other than close friend maybe syj wont commit on that bcoz she knows hb has lots of girls lining up to chose to and some more syj already said she dont want a guy who is handsome she is not into a guys outer but whats the inside. In fact before nego movies i ship syj to kng but same thing they were both friends. So guys just support their drama till the end. If u dont syj pls like the other cast. We just let our hearts enjoy. Tnx
Isn’t Suzy the nation’s first love now? SYJ is old news. I have to google to confirm this. Her acting is really not unbeatable anymore. No one is rude in this article. I think you are just too sensitive and very insecure. Who cares who HB is with? We just want to watch a good drama.
Anyone here can give me the exact date hyun bin flew to switzerland for CLOY shooting? I cant find any airport sighting of him