
Jang Geun Seok Makes First Post Military Discharge Return on Kim Young Chul’s Power FM Radio Show — 16 Comments

  1. Time does not pass in vain, but he’s still one of my faves. I hope he films a drama soon. Let’s not criticize him please, since we can’t be young forever. He will age like fine wine. Welcome back!

  2. Pingback:Jang Geun Seok Makes First Post Military Discharge Return on Kim Young Chul’s Power FM Radio Show - Kpopnchill - All About K-pop News

  3. His time in the normal world with a full time job would have helped him tremondously maturity wise. All the better for the experience and it shows…All the best to him.?

  4. Yeah, it is hard to work out daily for a few hours after 10 to 12 days at work, especially since a certain age when muscles detoriate fast but are harder to gain since the metabolism slows down.

  5. Yu all Are Blind He Looks So Good Even Younger Healthier and Radiant Than Eva He Glows WIth Natural Beauty ???❤️????????

  6. hi sukkie welcomeback. hope you have live concert more movie dramas. i miss you so much! sarangeo!!

  7. I really can’t resist saying something At this point, I’m just so happy JJS is back,more serious and with a more definite sense of purpose it seems. May the Good Lord guide him in his future choices. I wish him the best as I look forward to more good news about him.

  8. He is still my best…as a singer and actor.i miss seeing him in the big scrren doing dramas again?he is gorgeously handsome?

  9. Welcome back from one of your newest eels, but very hooked. Hope to see you soon in more dramas and singing. Hope you come to the states. Want to thank you for telling people about your bi-pollar condition, if you hadn’t I wouldn’t have known I suffer from it. Thank you. P.S. I have the DVD of Love Rain which I watch over and over plus I listen to the CD on the way to and from work every day. Thank you for the the love and joy you give your eels endlessly.

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