
Flower of Evil Continues to Deliver Melodrama Perfection as Wifey Learns the Truth in Episode 6 with Ratings of 3.615% — 13 Comments

  1. I’ve found my favorite screenwriter—Yoo Jung Hee.

    I’ve decided to watch Signal because I know it generated a lot of buzz when it came out a couple years ago. Though definitely more crime drama than melo, both deals with suspense, and mind game. Kim Eun Hee is definitely a skillfull plot-driven writer. She knows how to weave stories together and move them with coherence and excitement. However, she’s not as skillfull in crafting characters. Signal, though exhilarating to watch, it’s three main characters are just plain annoying.

    Yoo Jung Hee is exceptional in both (atleast in this particular project). Her characters are well-rounded, captivating, and sympathetic. Her story is mezmerizingly intriguing. Her audience is invested in both the story and the characters. Flower of Evil is smart. But also has a beating heart.

    • It is. Many K-netz have been complaining too (even since before the airing).. most can’t stay up that late.

      tvN is doing the re-run for this drama 2x a week and that’s also affecting the ratings. Just don’t know what tvN is thinking

      • Yeahhh this drama is so so good. Beyond perfection!! This my first time I love so much with kdrama. Dont know why tvN couldnt manage to air it earlier timeslot. Too bad

  2. I love that every episode turns out exactly not the way I expected! It’s great writing up to this point
    I love how she mentioned a psycho can’t take care of a life more vulnerable than his – he had a dog for the last 10 years (meaning herself) and took care of the dog’s puppy as well – that is a fact.
    First – what a way as an analogy of their family
    Second – she is quick on recognising the fact vs rumours

    I’m looking forward to them outsmarting each other
    But who knows – maybe she will join his scooby club soon since he recruited the taxi driver this episode lol
    Reporter is on his side already
    Surprise me show!

  3. Kim Chul Kyu is so delivering it in this drama. As always. . He is already delivering 2 of my fav drama. Mother and My Beautiful Bride. I Was sucked into My BEautiful Bride love story journey one of them due to his delivery to appear it so epic melodrama squee scene So I’m serious if he really can deliver this one. I love Lee Jun ki in this. He is so immerse into his roles. His facial expression is just brilliant and bring some complexity to his char. His journey is really remind me of Kang Ma RU. I get excited in it. I hope Moo nCHae Won can deliver her Nice Guy performances Though, I don’t know I’m abit have high expectation considering her performances in Nice Guy. Hopefully she can deliver in next episode onward

  4. This show is really good. I watched all 6 episodes this weekend and I enjoyed it a lot. Now I am eager to see what happens next…. I hate it when I have to wait so long…

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