J-actress Ishihara Satomi Drops October Surprise on J-ent as She Announces Marriage to Non-celeb

Yay, the first day of October and a happy positive surprise news to report. Lately all the shockers have been negative so I am grateful and so happy for this particular news. J-actress Ishihara Satomi is married! The adorable star drop the bombshell on the industry with confirmation that she has married already her boyfriend of the past year, a non-celeb so his name is not being revealed. I hope he’s worthy of her because she’s my favorite J-actress and such a warm bright star. She’s had a few relationships though non confirmed but nothing worked out so I’m really happy for her to hear that she’s gone ahead and tied the knot with the guy she wants to spend her life with. Felicitations to the couple and I hope she continues working as J-actresses are rather split with half retiring after marriage and half remaining active.


J-actress Ishihara Satomi Drops October Surprise on J-ent as She Announces Marriage to Non-celeb — 10 Comments

  1. AWWWWsome! So very happy for her, and how lovely to have some GOOD news out of J-ent. Looking forward to watching Heaven? soon.

  2. Ironically and knowing how obsessive the Japanese fans are, I think a lot of them would take this also as negative news.

  3. Yaay! Loved her since Rich man poor woman. When I see her name I freaked out thinking it was bad news *phew,* good for her

  4. I thought she was with tomohisa. Nevertheless I am happy for her. One of my fav actress. Now waiting for gakki to get hitched too

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