K-ent Industry Focus on the Return of the Big Three Young Actors Kim Soo Hyun, Lee Jong Seok, and Lee Min Ho in Late 2021/Early 2022 K-dramas
The summer wave is over and now K-ent is turning its eyes to a trio of stalwart buzz makers. Whether each brings in actual ratings is only part of the picture, each also generates copious media coverage, online fan buzz, and of course plenty of CF opportunities. This late fall 2021 into early winter 2022 will see the K-drama return of Kim Soo Hyun, Lee Jong Seok, and Lee Min Ho, in different mediums and story genres. Lee Jong Seok is coming back with tvN legal drama Big Mouth (I also see it called Big Mouse) with Yoona playing his wife and him a hackster lawyer who gets embroiled in a murder and fights for justice. Kim Soo Hyun will be on the Coupang Play streaming drama One Ordinary Day (That Night) adapted from the BBC series with costar Cha Seung Won. He’s a college student who becomes a suspect in a murder and tries to clear his name. And lastly Lee Min Ho is part of the big cast ensemble of Apple TV drama Pachinko adapted from the same name Korean-American novel about a family spanning nearly 100 years across South Korean and Japan with many characters having mixed cultural identities. The pundits believe that these roles will be a 180 pivot for these actors.


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Dun dun dun…
I like LJS but how is this role a pivot for him at all lol, the description sounds like the same type of character he loves to play.
Yup. 100% agree with this comment. It sounds like any of his many many roles with a different name.
They deserve their own roles in every dramas that they can played.im so proud of you oppas fighting and good luck always ?
well because he has 0 range. and fortunately, he is aware his limitation. that’s why he always do that kind of roles
Please read the synopsis of the drama first and not just the description on the article above before putting on your comments please?
Uh…I don’t see how Lee Jong Seok’s role sounds any different from most of his previous roles. He even played a prosecutor his drama with Suzy
This one is different if you read the synopsis. ?
Pingback:K-ent Industry Focus on the Return of the Big Three Young Actors Kim Soo Hyun, Lee Jong Seok, and Lee Min Ho in Late 2021/Early 2022 K-dramas – SanIsidro
Like that, none of them make me interested. I will wait for the trailer to make an opinion. But if I need to choose only for the actor, KSH wins :p
For Pachinko, LMH is playing a rich arsehole again (I’ve read the book). Not sure how his character is supposed to be a pivot from his previous roles.
If the media is talking about just hype. Then yea definitely. But if you’re saying this is going to be LJS’s “pivotal” or career defining role, then you’ve got to be shitting me ?
LMH and KSH chose a bit more of a different role for themselves tho. Looking forward to KSH’s That Night. The cast is fantastic in it and so is the original source.
I always love me some LMH and watched everything with him but I don’t think he should be on this list because I don’t think he wants to come back for another K-drama.. I think his in a different place right now and it will be extremely hard to get him out to do another K-drama. I think we will see him solely doing K-movies, I-movies and I-series etc etc.. I don’t think his is a K-drama actor anymore.. Why do I say this because I have been waiting for an announcement for a long time now and nothing came and I came to the realization that he may never return for another Kdrama.
I think it will be very hard to cast him in a drama because his unwilling but if the script is very good a could see him doing his absolute last Kdrama before hanging his gloves for good but honestly I don’t even think such script will be written that will be able to force him back hence why I consider him as it stands someone who has defacto retired from the Kdrama world.
But one hell’va good actor and influential for K-wave. He defines screen presence and charisma. Prime LMH was something to behold and experience and I am grateful to have seen him in his prime. I can’t wait to see what he will release next
Lol you are acting like he is Won Bin. If he cared so much for the quality script you are talking about, he wouldn’t have taken on like majority of the dramas he’s been in, including his most recent one.
I know, right? I skimmed through that drivel and was like, ‘what the hell is this person going on about???’
You’re joking right? Because if you’re not, what a clown??
Obviously, you don’t know LMH very well. He doesn’t do more than 1 project a year in general. He just did Eternal monarch last year and his next one is coming this year. And just so you know… it’s a K-drama. Lmao.
Pachinko is not a Kdrama. It’s a US production with US script writers, directors, producers, and an international cast
It still doesn’t mean he’ll never act in K-dramas again. And I think the point being made by @Butterfly and @Na is that OP is writing poppycock.
@Asad – Wow…you were the one complaining incessantly about Koala having different opinions from you on what/who is good and “not getting it right”, and here you are writing a joke of an essay fangirling all over LMH. ??
You sound like lydia saying lee min ho will hybernate for long long time unless he get special offer from popular pd and writer.LOL LOL. Lydia secret fans of king the eternal flop. Just look at his drama he always play as chaebol since his hey day boy before flower.
Sigh. Both Lee Jong Suk and Lee Min Ho are playing the same type of role yet again, a prosecutor and a rich man. The only versatile one here is Kim Soo Hyun.
One of these is not like the others.
I’m anticipating KSH the most out of the three. He’s been a hit or miss for me (mostly miss) but I really like IOTNBO and how he played his role there so I am curious about OOD.
As for LMH and LJS, I’ll reserve my comments until I watch the first few episodes.
Is there a reason why I can’t post. I put in the 2 required fields.
Seeing the 3 reminded me of 2013 during the back to back airing of SBS dramas I Hear Your Voice, The Master’s Sun, The Heirs and My Love from Another Star. I miss those times.
For me( a KSH and YC’s used to be fan) and my friend( LMH and LSG) it was the heirs, my love from the star, 3 days and you’re all surrounded. SBS was our favorite 2013-2014. Good old days lol
Can’t wait to see them back again in the small screen. It’s been quite a long time after It’s Ok to be not Ok for KSH and the Eternal Monarch for LMH. I don’t remember what was the last series of LJS… Anyway, so excited for their upcoming series…
I disagree that LMH is playing the same rich guy role. Hansu is a more complex character. He didn’t inherit his money but grew up dirt poor in the slums of Osaka. With an abusive and alcoholic father he had to fend for himself and join the Yakuza. He’s a thug who climbed the yakuza ladder, married the boss’s daughter and became the boss. His gang terrorized and exploited their own people.
He’s no knight in shining armor like his other roles. He beat a prostitute and disfigured her just because she nagged him to buy her a gift when he was in bad mood. I hope the drama doesn’t sanitize him and show his ruthless side, maybe his background and rise to power
wow sounds like Vincenzo but the one who adapted the asshole ways of mafia. i hope LMH justifies this role. I would have loved Song Joong ki play this one as it is right up his alley and got the right acting chops for it. Having said that, I look forward to LMH’s portrayal and I really wish he would do justice for this
Your analysis is so on point LMH as Hansu is a different character a rags to riches story don’t forget he was in a loveless marriage but probably wouldn’t dare split because she’s the bosses daughter and for her useless daughters
Like all 3 of them, will watch them all. I want to see yoona as a foul mouth setting out to clear her husband (LJS) a lawyer that always lost his case (lousy lawyer) whose nickname is “big mouth” mistaken for a fraud (or some gangster) who has the same nickname. And kwak character, will he be playing the other “big mouth” or the accuse that LJS finally succeed to win 1st case. Will be a fun.
OMG can’t wait am so excited ????lee min hi
Not excited at all about all three’s upcoming projects. Super hyped about Park Seo Joon flying out to US to film the new Marvel movie. Agency not releasing details of anything until at a later date.
No one gives a flying fuck what you’re hyped about. This post is talking about these three actors. If you’re not excited for their works, why the hell did you bother to comment at all?
Ooooh, the cat fight has started. Lol. I’m here to watch the drama.
Watching this drama within a drama. Moral squad to police what random strangers can or can’t say in koala’s blog. Lol.
There is definitely a squad going round gate-crashing koala’s posts to say something completely unrelated. Hehehe. Like Marigold hyping about Big Mouth started shooting in Kim Tae Ri & Jeon Yeo Bin post.
ah you cheeky @rimeoc dropped ksh and her sageuk drama in jhi post too. attention seekers abound.
@Malaysian is already getting into a fight with other commenters about Park Seo Jun vs CEW & LMH. I reckon LMH, KSH & LSJ stans are getting triggered by PSH’s stans. Round 2. Ding ding ding. F and S words flying everywhere. Lol.
Haha. Why the korean industry still refer these trio as the most popular young actor. Did they live in 2013 era? Its been almost 10 years ago. I will consider famous young actor this era only for cha eun woo, song kang and anyone in that age bracket. Fyi, lmh is already 35, ksh 34 n ljs is 33 in korean age.
By eunwoo song kang age lmh ksh were already megastars n way bigger n highest paid. Dont even compare. They dont even touch status of 87 88 gen
Err sorry to burst your bubble. Eunwoo instagram already reach 22 million followers at age of 24. He is getting big at the fastest record.
Eunwoo has more insta followers than scarlett. Is he bigger? I m talking about thr comparison. By eunwoo’s age lmh ksh headlined big dramas on own. Not with multiple co leads which started hallyu wave n ratings record. Eunroo has yet to deliver that and even a decade later they have bugger projects. They were getting paid more too at eun woo age. So sorry to burst ur bubble. Get ur facts straight. Lmh ksh were bigger than eunwoo at his age and bigger than him at current age too and it is not even close
You must be high on bullsh/t. I hear that thing is really addictive. Go clean out your bong and get some help. You really need it.
I only state the correct data with their age comparison n instagram followers. This era idols are getting much bigger than any korean actors. Did you see blackpink record on YouTube? They have BILLION views. And jennie vlog in YouTube can easily reach 3 million view in one day. You compare idols view with actors who doing vlog in YouTube. E.g, the most famous actor by our standard is lmh but his followers in YouTube hardly can reach 1M. It a hard truth to be accepted by actors fans but the current hallyu already move to idols industry and younger generation. Now everyone know who is BTS and blackpink. For eunwoo case, he is more known as cha eunwoo instead of ASTRO.
That means shit here. Lmh is only behind bts n bp in popularity and even i dont like ksh both lmg and ksh had bigger drama by eunwoos age and even now. They were highest paid. U made ero point. We t talking about dramas n eunwoo cant headline a drama on his own. He is famous who denied ? But he is not bigger than lmh. Lmao idol fan. By his age lmh was cimmanding highest salaru, bigger cfs. Do ur research
Nice article but The only thing I want to correct is this :
The king is not doing a kdrama but an international series on Apple TV
Thank you
@lily so what the fuss he is doing pachinko? Park seo joon is doing marwel and never saw his fans n agency bragging about it. What is the scale of apple tv if we compare with the big marvel and wellknown all over the world?
What xruga r u taking? By eunwoo age lmh n sh had bigger dramas as main leads. They ddnt need 100 co stars. They were highest paid. And even till to this day they r bigger than eunwoo. Eunwoo is not bigger than them. Only bts n np. Your enwoo dont belong to lmh or ksh level
And yes lmh apple drama is bigge than anything eunwoo will ever do. He wont headling such mega project and psj is side kick in captain marvel not main lead
U can boast about eunwoo insta but lmh at eunwoo age had bigger dramas, cf throughout asia n evn now . Way bigger projects. Ksh at 24 had metc bigger than anything eunwoo had done. Euqoo isnt in leage
Harsh fan for wooden eunwoo fan. Insta following wont give him bigger dramas than lmh ksh
@Ady we don’t know the future. Eunwoo only just 24 years old. Who knows if in few years he got offer to do some marvel movie. I do agree lmh or ksh are bigger than him now since they are older. Like how we said so jisub is bigger than lmh/ksh as he is older or more experienced in the industry. And for park seojun case, i better my bias to work as side character in wellknown hollywood movie than some unknown channel. At least it got coverage for all over the world.
Lmh ksh r not just bigger now. They were bigger at eunwoos age too. With bigger dramas cfs pan asia. So ji sub was never bigger than them . Seniority doesnt matter her
Apple tv is not unknown but i see u dislike lmh. Apple tv investing over 100 million where lmh headline n earn million per epi is better than being sidekick to white woman. U can cry about it. Eunwoo is not there ans lmh stays biggest hallyu star after bts m bp
@Malaysian, since this post is about actors, let’s stick to the topic. Cha Eun Woo is no where near a creditable actor. Like you said, no one can predict the future and whether he will improve or not, but as of now, he is not an actor, but an idol that also acts. LMH is not the best actor out there and chooses easy roles, but at least he had several hits before 24. For KSH, he won the baeksang best actor award at 24 and still a top actor in Korea today. Upcoming projects of top actors is and will always create more buzz and anticipation than an idol’s.
@Adylmhdarling did you see i talk bad about lmh? How you know i hate him? I only state the fact here. It is you who cannot accept the fact. And getting 100million budget on apple tv is not bigger than any marvel movie. Do you know hpw much big budget for wellknown movie like marvel? Obviously bigger than any apple tv budget. Most are playing billion number budget but it a hollywood movie so billion is just a number since it can give billion of profit.
@Apple during lmh/ksh time years ago drama can easily get high rating drama. So they can brag about it how big are they in 2012/2013 era. Did these actors can still guarantee high rating in 2021? No right? So i can say what eunwoo drama rating n international buzz equivalent with what lmh/ksh getting in their glory year. And eunwoo also getting high brand endorsement like Burgary and Burberry at his age now.
Malaysian, I see you’re delusional, bye.
Eun Woo did not bag any acting prizes, plus he is not a rating king. I just check online and find none of his dramas are did not deliver in terms of ratings. In terms of buzz, i think it’s okay not to okay manage to generate buzz and followers overseas.
Lmh is headlining a 100 million usd drama with salary around 900k usd per epi. He id prpvong again and again why he is hallyu king ( not a sidekick to white woman)
His next phase of career is gonna be even more global. Some others gonna mediaplay how they r highest paid actor ( once someone claimed he earned 81 million usd after my love from stars lol. Sorry rock! ). But lmh runs his own agency with sister and u wont see him mediaplaying every day like thay other insecure one
Just praise ur fav. Dont need to talk shit about other actor
Koala, why are comments not appearing? This happens too often on your site. Please fix it.
Tell me about it. It’s so exasperating.
Just here for KING SOO HYUN ??????
But good luck to the other two on their upcoming projects.
Lee jung suk qas always B tier compared to lmh ksh sjk A tier
His acting is better than lee min ho , stay salty all you want.
I will never get the lmh hype. Hus acting is so fake !
He earned his hype with giving big hits after hits. He struggled as teenager, suffered life ending accident.
His leg is still painful . At age of 22 earned boys over flowers role and took over hallyu king position. A drama which every year introduces new gen to k drama. . Even king was among top 10 most watched netflix series of year . He doesnt need to please people like u when he is going bigger n bigger worldwide
Still sucks as an actor
His acting is fake even in this rubbish drama “BOF”