tvN Teases Immortality and Fated Love in Posters and Teaser for Bulgasal with Lee Jin Wook, Kwon Nara, Lee Joon, and Gong Seung Yeon

When I first saw the previews for Squid Game I totally went “Huh, I’ve gone on this rodeo before”, but of course doing a same concept doesn’t mean there isn’t an appetite for it in the here and now so that drama went on to set records. Seeing the promos for tvN fantasy drama Bulgasal: Immortal Souls, I totally think Goblin and Black Knight, so it’s not just one similar concept K-drama but two. An immortal formerly human male lead through centuries, his fated love that’s all star-crossed for whatever reason, my issue with Bulgasal isn’t just the redundancy but also that I don’t particularly like leads Lee Jin Wook and Kwon Nara. So it’s second leads Lee Joon, all smirky and baddie, and Gong Seung Yeon who is supposedly a pretty pissed off character for good reason, that makes me interested. Even seeing Lee Jin Wook run across time lines/frames he’s done it before with Nine: Nine Times Time Travel. I think the drama promos are going a good job of selling the visuals, so much wind and slow mo and intensity, I feel it. Hopefully the story has an engaging flow and the characters/acting elevate it to must watch. The drama premieres on December 18th on Sat-Sun taking over for Jirisan.

Trailer for Bulgasal:
this is the 40 billion won drama wonbin turned down right? it looks so good just from the trailer.. so lavish looking.
yes wonbin turned this down due to burden. I get that man, this is too heavy, the expectation from public is huge. wonbin consider to comeback with this drama initially and turn down.
I had no expectations for this but I can admit the teasers are pretty OK. Not keen on the cast, writer or director
I wonder what kind of impressive, talented cast we would have got if Won Bin had accepted. The current cast is blah.
Writers are the same one who wrote KimJaeWook Jung Eunchae KimDongwook The Guest. That drama is one of a kind and it has own cult followers who become fans of the writer’s works and vow to watch any of the next work of this duo writer.
I don’t understand the people who try to look down actors because just they aren’t their favourite or don’t look so handsome. I’m reading the koalas’ blog about this drama and wonder why it is so biased even if it hasn’t been released. And other people commenting here watcg ur words before telling. Both Lee Jin wook and Lee Joon are talented actors who don’t have super handsome look.but they can act rather than pretty faces without any talent. Regarding Kwon Nara, she already proved she has potential. She has 2 Baeksang nominations and knetizens never criticize her acting unlike ur Fav idol actresses. Gong seung yeon won Blue dragon award if u don’t know. So it is obvous,we can say that this drama has potential to hit big and next the highest rated one. Besides, special effects and scriptwriter are also very good. Why do u try to criticize her before airing.
lee joon is super handsome tho, good-tier visuals.. what are you talking about? if it lee jin wook I agree the guy is more southeast asian looking, only certain type of fans with specific taste will like him. I rarely watch his drama so can’t comment about his talent. agree the casts are a bit not A-lister like this blog visitors obsessed about
what’s wrong with critics his acting? If you dig deeper, you will know Lee Jin Wook is not that versatile in Acting. His range is very limit make me think he only got choosed because he is handsome. I have no idea what producer see in him?
his fans can’t accept the fact he is bland actor with no achievement even he has act since 2000-ish. they also thought he’s good looking but he just look like ahjussi with all the rest of younger cast in this.
His range is limited, but if you look deeply, the characters he has played are one-dimensional, unreal… The direction and writing of 90% of the dramas in which he has participated are not good, which is limiting.
In Sweet Home and Voice 3 he was great.
Kwon Nara is pretty good for an idol turn actor. And she worked her way from supporting roles before finally nabbing the leading role. Her last drama, which is a sageuk (can’t remember the title) was the highest rated for KBS this year.
I like the promo so far and I hope it delivers. So many dramas this year with big names but turn out really dissapointing. It’s high time to give chances and loves to the lesser known.
LJW is bland, and I can’t look at him the same way after his scandal. This show is way over budgeted, while the cast are well known. They aren’t the ones I would trust to bring in ratings, and with such a huge budget too.
The way some people can come back after such a huge scandal and then end up landing big deals, only shows how it is all abt connection. I would have added misogyny too but Seo Yeaji already got a job, so maybe selective mysoginy…idk
I agree with you about LJW, but I will say the actors that were supposed to bring in ratings this year didn’t for the most part, so I won’t look down on the cast. I think it depends on the storyline and whether it can generate word of mouth.
That said, I expect that the ratings will be a bust. We’ll see.
Guys, don’t be so salty. It’s so ridiculuous to rate the drama before airing. Ye, Lee Jin Wook was in scandal but what is the fault of other actors??? And don’t underestimate a drama before airing. There are aaaaaa looot ooof dramas this year with “big A-listers” who couldn’t achieve even 8% on public channel or 5% on prive channels. But Look at Red sleeve cuff or Kbs drama which Kwon Nara starred in Royal secret agent got 14% and became a dark horse without any top tier actors. I believe Kwon Nara, Gong seung yeon and Lee Joon’s acting. They all are skilled actors. Plus when it comes to budget, this drama can bring something new.
the opinions of people on this blogs doesn’t really affect the whole general public and whole global kdrama fans. I agree what is the fault of other actors who signed up to this drama? just because one guy they all need to be blamed too? after all I think this will be start up 2.0 if the first male lead can’t act well enough compared to other leads
Same here, if it was Lee Joon and Gong Seung Yeon, I’d give it a try, since I like them. But I find the leads quite meh, so I’ll pass on this one.
Dont you really know that Lee Jin Wook is a very versatile actor? He was called the Melodrama&Romantic Prince and also the Tom Cruise of Korea. He acts naturally and very good in crying scenes.
You are mentioning his scandal way back but it was already proven that he was set up. The girl was already proven guilty. That scandal happened after his drama Goodbye Mr Black wherein he was styled very clean and handsome that is why, there were numerous cases that he was loved by many girl fans in that drama. He was so handsome and that was the reason why Ms.A did that scandal to him. She was subjected to penalty after the trial.
Please watch him in Someday, Spy Myungwol, I Need Romance 2012, Nine, Goodbye Mr Black, Return, Voice 2&3 plus his movies and a lot more. If you cant praise him, it is not needed because the directors and cast of his previous dramas and movies praise his acting and good attitude as an artist. Koreans love him a lot but why cant you? Please also watch Running Man 533 wherein he showcased his intelligence and depth.
Kwon Nara and Gong Seung Yeon are potential actresses.
Others may be appealing to you but you have to judge them objectively after watching them.
If you dug deeper into his case, there’s more there. The court ruling said that he didn’t ask for consent for sex, and his response to it as unclear. He should’ve respected her wishes, and not pushed her to the point she felt uncomfortable with him. The whole case showed the misogyny and power structure in SK.
Seriously, with all my respect, this is ridiculous! First,when you say that you don’t like a lead, it is understandable,but you should justify that a bit before judging a drama that hasn’t been aired yet! Second, I don’t know why you guys mentioned his scandal. I am one of his top fans, and yes, I don’t see him totally innocent in that case, but I also read every verdict and statement issued by police and court, and whatever has happened definitely revealed her consent, given the details that she mentioned! Anyway, the point is that we even forgive ourselves for the most cruel mistakes that we did, but we don’t want to forgive someone else for his mistake?! Plus, before judging, watch the first episode at least and then judge. Stop throwing silly comments here and there