Gong Yoo and Kim Tae Ri Offered Leads in Jirisan, Kingdom, and Signal Screenwriter Kim Eun Hee’s Next Drama The Devil
I would say screenwriter Kim Eun Hee played a meaningful part in why tvN big budget big name cast K-drama Jirisan was a relative failure in bringing in the ratings. There was wonky directing in the beginning but it settled down reportedly, and leads Jeon Ji Hyun and Joo Ji Hoon while not getting lauded as deserving awards for their acting also didn’t get dissed so it’s a wash I guess. But the writing was what got the majority of complaints as the drama progressed so as the writer it’s on her. Not every drama can be a hit and I’m happy to hear Kim Eun Hee is already prepping her next one. She’s got a string of big hits behind her with Signal and Kingdom and up next is the drama called The Devil (or Evil). Offers are out to Gong Yoo and Kim Tae Ri as the leads and the story is a supernatural/fantasy yarn. Both actors are said to be merely entertaining the offer as its one of many being considered.

Hum… after Jirisan, I think Kim Eun Hee should rest a little bit because Jirisan worked only thanks to the big names…
After listing down her works, so it was Signal that propelled her to the sky and moon, which I can say is that she is so overrated.
She was so consumed with zombie theme the past years and trying to bring back the crimes theme merging with fantasy in Jirisan which ended up failing.
But KEH is still a high profile writer and its safe to say she can easily secure big names for her projects.
I really like Kim Tae Ri. Never liked Gong Yoo but I can sense that this project could probably piqued his interest since he seems to try shaping his resume, staying away from prince charming roles as he used to do in dramaland.
I really like both actors and KEH has a strong track record overall (Jirisan being a blip), so excited to see this pairing.
I guess we aren’t getting Kingdom 3 anytime soon then.
if it’s as intertaining as harvest Villa, bring it on!
Oh wow! Nice to see Harvest Villa love on here. Lee Bo Young and Shin Ha Kyun were so funny together. Dramafever used to have so many older good dramas before the demise, and this show ought to be on a legal streaming site!!
Koala how many years have you write about K dramas that you could misspelled Ju Ji Hoon’s name?
This could be promising. Not even a premise to get our imagination rolling though.
Guess KEH isn’t planning to do Signal 2 and Kingdom 3. I would probably be more excited about this if I hadn’t watched Jirisan… My faith in her has dropped severely. And she’s already coming out with a new one? I think it’s the constant churning out of scripts that is taking a toll on their quality. Jirisan didn’t feel well thought out at all, and Ashin was basically a short revenge story.
I’m still waiting for signal season 2! But omg gong yoo on the small screen again what is happening?! Silent sea was meh so I hope this project is a good one.
I hope that i’ll be able to see Gong Yoo in a drama as Big, Goblin were a big no for me . Even if i tried very hard i just couldn’t finish them . I ‘d like to see Signal 2, as the drama is one of my fav .
Wow! Really like both actors and the idea of them working onscreen together.
Not as excited about a Kim Eun Hee project as I would once have been. Jirisan was rather disappointing but maybe this will be better. I hope she works with a more suitable director this time. I feel like some of the problems in Jirisan were also down to the director.
ooh I hope it works out. I need more Gong Yoo and this casting is great. I don’t get the hate for Jiri-san. It may not be the best, but it was still entertaining and solid. Kingdom is my personal favorite among this writer’s work.