Kim Go Eun and Jinyoung’s Romance Gears Up in Yumi’s Cells 2 Showing Sweet Chemistry in New Poster and Stills

I think if I didn’t watch and enjoyed so much the first season of Yumi’s Cells I would probably not be feeling the pairing of Kim Go Eun and Jinyoung in the upcoming Yumi’s Cells 2. There is a noona romance vibe from the stills but in the drama they are colleagues (I think same age) and their chemistry is very sweet and solid. The drama drops in less than two weeks and I wish tvN did more promos because I almost forgot how soon it was coming because of the lack of hype. One aspect I loved in the first drama was showing us on male lead Woong’s cells think and discuss so now we’re seeing Jinyoung’s cells show up as he and Yumi start to see each other in a new romantic light.


Yumi’s Cells 2 preview:
Its slight noona. If i rem correctly from the webtoon, Yoo Babi is younger than Yu Mi.
I still Ship them hard I was pissed in the first season because kdrama tend to have a second lead that would not lead anywhere but I love this.