Kim Sun Ho to Hold Fan Meeting in Seoul for December 2022 Constituting First Mainstream Return to Entertainment Career After October 2021 Scandal
I think it will all work out for Kim Sun Ho, because he’s done all the practical and savvy steps after his October 2021 scandal and it was never a career ender to begin with. Kim Sun Ho will be holding a fan meeting in Seoul in December 2022 which will mark his first major mainstream event and it is is being received well. This comes on the heel of him quietly filming a movie, doing a stage production, and winning Best Actor for Hometown Cha Cha Cha at the 2022 Seoul International Drama Awards. I feel like this gets his career back on the track that aligns with his acting strength and appeal, he’s always been a performance and less of a buzz star but after Start Up his fandom exploded and suddenly he was being touted as the best thing sing sliced bread which came across as his fan being excessively passionate. Now things have settled down and he still has plenty of runway to build a strong acting resume in this reboot and hopefully not come saddled with unrealistic expectations about his personal life (i.e. personality and character).
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Good for him. From what I remember, he didn’t really commit a crime.
I’m happy for him. He’s really a good actor, so I hope to see him in drama soon.
Thanks Koala now we can be back at the playground!