There are two top star weddings in the same 7 day one week span in K-ent, first Namgoong Min and now comes Gong Hyo Jin. The A-list actress is tying the knot on Tuesday October 11th in New York with singer Kevin Oh in a small private close family and friends ceremony. Reportedly her very good actress friends Jung Ryeo Won and Eom Ji Won will be in attendance. It’ll be nice to see what this fashion iconoclast picked for her own wedding dress if ever pictures are shared online, and if not then I’m glad she was able to have the private affair that suits her personality. Congrats to the couple for spreading wedding bell good tidings.
so this kinda confirmed that GHJ & JRW cut ties with SDB
What happened with them???
The whole affairs was kinda sad… it was so nice to see good friendships between girls in entertainment industry. It really seemed like Gong Hyo Jin was super fond of Son Dam Bi after starring in Camellia drama together, and Son Dam Bi and Jung Ryo Won somehow seemed like they would be besties for life…
I guess we will never know what truly happened, but when Son Dam Bi got married, nobody showed up at her wedding, not even the other girlfriends that appeared on her I Live Alone episodes… I would be so heartbroken to get married without my friends by my side and nobody congratulated her… but then again, we will never know what truly happened behind the scene and why every single one of the girls just cut ties with Son Dam Bi, what could she have done to offend the entire girl squad that truly seemed inseparable…
Kian84 and Park Na Rae were there at her wedding and they are the only ones that were close with her during her I Live Alone days.
I think her scandal caused an issue with her “girls squad”. It seems like the girls took sides. Even more the friendship between Son Dam Bi and Gong hyo Jin formed because of Jung Ryeo Won so…
Personally, I don’t like Jung Ryeo Won…