
Wild Week in TW-ent as Barbie Hsu’s Ex-husband and His Mom Go Nuclear in SNS War After She Goes to Court for His Unpaid Divorce Settlement Payments — 18 Comments

    • wang xiaofei looks so burthurt. i bet he’s still in love with the ex wife. while barbie hsu handles it with class. it’s said that barbie hsu had proposed to give the custody to wxf before, while she’ll has the visitation right. but wxf refused lol. this cheater really has a thick skin. same goes to his mistress.

  1. Mattress in storage sounds ridiculous though. People normally just dispose of the old mattress immediately when the new mattress arrives. Why would you keep a mattress that you won’t be using anymore around? For your guests to use? LOL. The hotel staff reportedly shredded the mattress to check its authenticity. And apparently Wang Xiaofei refused to pay the house’s electricity bill which shot up to 30k per month after the new guy moved in, I think child alimony is still being paid.

    • Well, if it was me I wouldn’t be able to toss a mattress that cost that much. But I wouldn’t think that was the reason if they’re really jacking up 30k a month electric bills. How is that even possible in a residential home.

      • I’m sure the mattress wasn’t the reason for the high electricity bills. WXF’s side was hinting that the bill increase is due to growing weed at home.

  2. đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚

    Rich people and their petty issues. The mattress photos are simply hilarious. So is airing out dirty laundry so publicly like that.

    Anyway the hilarity of this aside, they do need to just sit down, shut the fuck up and act like adults. There are kids involved who seriously does not deserve this type of humiliation…

  3. But let’s be fair, he did sum up al the costs he has to pay/already paid and it was not a small amount. Actually, he paid more the he was required. The electricity bill was insane in which he commented that he was not no longer willing to pay for “the electricity” for that household. And that’s why she sued him. The child alimony is still being paid and she receives another sum of money each month for emotional compensation. In shot, he still has to pay for ALL expenses from the villa (?) that he is not living in anymore and where her new husband has already moved in.

    WXF is in no means the right party here since he was the one who cheated on her, guess we can just say that this is his karma. But family S is definitely not as innocent either. The fact that she stated that she never received 40mil (the amount that he listed) directly in her pockets from him is already quite shady/”green tea” to point out, considering that the 40mil is a sum of expenses that includes mortgage, bills, alimony, support etc. Of course she didn’t receive a check or a bank transfer of 40mil directly to her account.

    The mattress that she returned is fake btw.

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