Weekend Fantasy Makjang Drama Durian’s Affair Breaks 6% Ratings on TV Chosun and Settles into a Curiously Addictive Watch

So my weekend dramas for the last few weekends have been prestige with Revenant then thoughtful meaning of life contemplation with See You in My 19th Life and finally stuff my face with stupid empty calories addiction that is Durian’s Affair (Lady Durian). The TV Chosun fantasy makjang drama is best known for coming from the wacko brain of screenwriter Im Sung Han who I have assiduously avoided due to trying to preserve brain cells and sanity but this one was just so weird sounding I checked it out purely for research purposes heh. Turns out it’s not as makjang as expected and also weirdly engaging – thanks to the central premise of a mother and daughter-in-law duo who have lost their sole purpose in life the son/husband in Joseon era and time travel to the present when said son is alive as the youngest member of a rich chaebol family. They settle in as servants and everyone is wary but curious about their period mannerisms but goes eh whatever just have these two weirdos hang around. Female lead Park Joo Mi is doing fine with her one expression of Joseon era noble woman stoicism and grace but it’s younger daughter-in-law relative newbie Lee Da Yeon that is a revelation and the reason I’m sticking around. Her acting is so natural and her presence really captivating onscreen. I want her to get her present day hubby back of course and those two are just adorable together with rookie Yoo Jung Hoo doing a solid job of playing a decent nice guy. This drama ratings keep increasing bit by bit and I’m enjoying having a drama I’m not invested in to watch on the backburner.

Weekend Fantasy Makjang Drama Durian’s Affair Breaks 6% Ratings on TV Chosun and Settles into a Curiously Addictive Watch — No Comments
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