
Lost You Forever Becomes Tencent’s Biggest C-drama of 2023 Breaking 32000 Hot Buzz on Platform — 15 Comments

  1. I’m a fan of Yang Zi more of as a personality than as an actress, but holy hell her ability to act like a mysterious, tortured, and yet boyish/silly male is top notch, I was actually surprised. It’s on the level of Bai Lu in Arsenal Military Academy and Yoon Un-hye in Coffee Prince. Unlike her other summer hit dramas, I find it hard to see “she’s just using her beauty to get by” claims working. I can hear the proud lifting of the heads of Yang Zi fans everywhere lol

    I will say unlike my Chinese friends I haven’t read the novels this series was based on and only went in blind for Tan Jian Ci. I believe they picked him well for this role, although I hate his character…or maybe ‘hate to love him and love to hate him’ is the better phrase…

    As for Cang Xuan I like the child actor but the older actor they picked, not so much. But he’s growing on me! Thanks to this and Lotus Casebook I’m out of my Cdrama drought

  2. I am IN LOVE with this drama so far and so mad at myself for starting it before it finished airing. Plus I heard season 2 has to come 3 months after season 1 finishes airing? TORTURE. I might really have to read the book to quell my thirst for it because I keep binging all the episodes and clips and working myself into an obsessive state but damn, it’s a good one.

  3. Weren’t you just salty that the actors you wanted to be the leads for Da Mo Yao were not the actors that ended up as the official leads? You proclaimed several time to never watch Da Mo Yao because of that, so to say that Da Mo Yao was bad because of that is quite funny. Whether you think that the casting was bad or not, the drama adaptation of the novel was quite faithful to the novel, and the acting from the main three weren’t awful.

  4. I am in love with the drama. I have read the book series 3 times and I am so glad the drama take the time to flush out the characters. Yes some details are different but I think the drama stay truth to the source material. I am so glad.

    I love the actings to all the leads.. Xiang lui is my favorite male in the book but I can’t help to root for jing. This is definitely well done. I am not a big fan of Yang zi but she is doing a fantastic job.

  5. This is what S+ drama project should be!
    The shooting quality, the acting skill of the actors and actresses they used.
    There the money goes…

  6. I’ve read the novel translation 3 times, thanks to MISS Koala. And I’ve cried for XiangLiu. Love the drama and novel versions of XiangLiu. He is the epitome of true love.

    Love you Miss Koala. Please continue to share your thoughts and opinions.

  7. So, what episode is it on now? I feel like I would like it to end its run because I start watching, just to be sure everything proceeds smoothly till the end…
    Also, I am currently watching Mysterious Lotus Casebook that I find pretty amusing.

  8. Hey Koala,
    thanks to you many years ago I read Lost you forever since then it’s one of my favourite novels.

    The Drama is quite like the book, which makes me ultra happy but also sad. Like everyone my heart hurts for Xiangliu and getting a real face to the character makes it even more saddening to accept.
    I really would like an different ending, but maybe than it wouldn’t be this perfect.

  9. I love this novel and Tong Hua was the reason why I started binging into the world of Chinese novels! I am so glad that this drama did justice and I was quite pissed at the male leads at first but I am growing on Cang Xuan’s looks now hehe. I feel like the scenes in the novel for Xiang Liu was more impactful but I still love scenes in the drama.

    Shi Qi made the role more acceptable because he is really such a nice and gentle person, which made him a less decisive person.

  10. Hi! I haven’t really made a comment on your blog before but I loved your translation of the lost you forever novel and recently I’ve also enjoyed reading your reviews of dramas so I’d like to recommend you to listen to the osts for this drama! I’m not too sure about your thoughts on osts but I looked at the lyrics for these and they really look like (and probably are) it’s written specifically for this story, especially “有你无你” (with you, without you) really suits Xiang Liu’s feelings and relationship with Xiaoyao (or Xiaoliu) very well!

  11. just finished ep20. felt so sorry for XL, up to a point felt XY used him to transfer the bug n then dump him😭 I now can’t stand her being with Jing after my poor old XL 😢

  12. I’m so glad I found you. I couldn’t wait for what is going to happen next in the drama. So I’m just reading your book translation now. Not skipping. I’m reading all chapters so I won’t miss anything.

  13. Love you forever. My absolute no. 1 novel Ever. I was so afraid they will slaughter it, but have been relief it’s actually not too bad. Xiang Liu is my favorite character of all in the book and I wish the actor will be one of a bigger built, a bit more devilish looking, like a bad boy but vulnerable persona. I do feel Shiqi was great.( the best portrayal of all the characters ) Cang Xu was ok, Again, I do feel he should be of a bigger built stronger looking man for that role. To carry the presence of the ruler he is destined to be amid all odds. Maybe because I love this novel so much, nothing can be ever good enough for the characters and the world it’s been constructed in. Simply too precious.

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