
Tencent Surprises By Releasing Last 9 Episodes of Lost You Forever Part 1 on Monday to Start Off Final Week of Airing — 18 Comments

  1. To be honest, I’ve been holding off on watching more episodes, partly because of the potential long wait and partly because it’s really difficult to see the heartache that the 3rd ML endures (this being Xiang Liu.) I didn’t have any good feelings toward him in the beginning (and I am still befuddled by his awful actions) and I don’t begrudge Yang Zi for honing in on the fact that he won’t be a good partner for her (he won’t give up the war that’s fated to lose.) However, the fact that he surrenders and sacrifices so much for a woman that hardly does anything for him is really difficult to swallow.

    Cang Xuan, at this point, just looks like a sore loser that Yang Zi can’t seem to give up on helping. And causing her problems.

    The only one worthy left is really Jing, but the reason for his adoration feels really far-fetched. Sure she saved him, but the exchange never really felt…equal.

    Lastly, the aesthetics. Oh, they overestimated what Yang Zi could do. She’s a great actress for sure, and while I *can* suspend my disbelief, she’s really not screaming beautiful. And the hairstyles they used on her is just not wowing me in any way. She’s looking all kinds of bloated and weird to me in this drama. Her sister, on the other hand, looks amazing. It’s just one of those poor choices where they selected someone way prettier next to the main FL and it makes the disparity that much more pronounced.

    • I agree. Despite it’s popularity, I didn’t find this series interesting and ended dropping it. I also find it hard to believe all the guys falling hard for FL? I also find the SFL visually more beautiful and cute, but unfortunately she barely got any screen time. Maybe it’s a good thing I didn’t get addicted to it as I’d have to painfully wait for the second part.

    • I see it differently. I see XL as the one XY can’t help but love, even against all her rationale and in fact she even practically confessed subtly many times, waiting just for XL to take her faraway. If only XL would ask her to, she would leave everything behind instantly, even CX, for XL. XY makes poisons for XL as a hobby because he is always on her mind, keeping poisons with her all the time, on the off chance she were to run into him. He is never far from her mind, even if he is not beside her.. They aren’t together in the end not because of XY, but because XL knows he cannot leave his responsibilities, thus resisted to accept XY’s love. He knew his end is death, so he reined in his love for XY and only wanted to make sure she will be well taken care of when he leaves in the end.

      Of course they didn’t start off loving each other from the beginning. It was gradually.. through shared confidences, similarities and companionship.

      That’s why originally the love bug resisted going into XL, but went to CX accidentally. There is no accident. In the beginning XY did not love XL, and neither does he. XY always only kept CX in her heart as she said, but only as a brother. Still it was the only love she knows. So the love bug couldn’t go into XL, but flit into CX easily. But CX didn’t know XY back then is the one he was looking for, so the bug was not planted deeply. When XL willingly divert the bug to himself, he already knows he loves XY, so the bug willingly flit into him and was planted firmly, sealing their connection.

      There is no doubt the entire drama/ story of ‘Lost You Forever’ is about XY and XL’s feelings for each other, and to a certain extent, CX’s for XY.. but not Jing and XY, bcos they have a happy ever after, and did not lose each other…

      • Hmm, I’m not sure I agree. I think YangZi has been very open and vocal about selecting the most practical partner for herself, one in which won’t be like her dad or granddad, who puts others ahead of their spouses. When she told XL that she is willing to be with him, if he gave up everything, this goes for any potential suitor. She was not specific to anyone in particular.

        YangZi made poison to defend herself and as a side hobby and favor, for XL. It’s not really specifically for him, although I’m sure she enjoys the idea of one day jokingly killing him with her “medicine.”

        The love bug, I feel like, wouldn’t have such a hard time depositing to XL if the love had been nurtured for longer between YangZi and XL. If he had done it now as opposed to when she hardly cared about XL, it wouldn’t have hurt him so bad. Alternatively, I think the thing about love bug is that if there’s any resistance to the love from the original “mother” bug, the child bug will suffer. And so when she and Jing fell more in love together in the cave, XL spit out blood. That’s just my speculation and hypothesis, could be totally misjudged. All this to say I don’t think she loves XL. She’s attracted to him cus he’s hot lol, but given his situation, he would not make a good partner for her.

    • I’d be disappointed if they fell in love with her at first sight. I’d like to think that though Xiaoyao was no great beauty, as the guys spent time with and got to know her, they grew to love her.

      The other female characters are either spoiled, hungry for power, or subservient.

    • XL and TSJ fell for her while she was literally a man. Both would have preferred she stay as WXL instead of resuming her identity as XY. Obviously their love has nothing to do with what she looks like.

  2. I need another drama with YZ and TJC. Sigh. They are too good.. or maybe it’s the drama plot.. either way, i can’t seem to forget both and loving all their scenes tgt like a beautiful art..

  3. this drama is really an emotional roller coaster for me. cannot feel much happiness for the couple while heartbreak for the other two.

  4. I watched this drama because because of Yang Zi AND Deng Wei. Fell in love with Xiang Liu. If you actually watch the drama all the MLs feel in love with FL because of different connects not because of beauty. She was a male in the beginning. The drama deals with different emotions, FL is logical, she thinks rationally and choose the right guy that can give her what she wants. Watching the internal conflict of each characters is painful and enjoyable at the same time.

  5. I am team Xiao Yao first and foremost. It’s a testament to Yang Zi’s acting and chemistry with her leads that, I flip-flop between who to stan depending on who she is having a moment with, lol. I am for the most part Team Jing (as is Xiao Yao, haha). I hateddddd Cang Xuan in the beginning but his character has become more interesting and his intensity has grown on me. My heart breaks for Xiang Liu and his silent suffering (and at time find it frustrating).

    I can’t say I am a fan of Yang Zi as I’ve started three of her dramas (Go Go Squid, Psychologist, and Oath of Love) and been unable to finish them but she really won me over in this drama with her acting. And I find her real life personality a hoot.

  6. I really don’t think Xiao Yao deserves all this pining from all these men. Yangzi is doing great in her role in creating chemistry and tension with each character, but somewhere along the way, the male characters should’ve asked themselves whether it was worth it to sacrifice their well being for this one woman. I know I know, it’s ancient Chinese lore and dramaland, but the men should have some self worth too 😳 (I really hate the way she treats Jing lol. He’s SAID he would AND he’s SHOWN he’s devoted, girl! Trust him!!)

    • Can you blame her? To her, she was abandoned time and time again. As Yang Zi has said, Xiao Yao has always been the secondary choice to something else

      • I CAN blame her. Lol. I honestly super sympathized with (and even empathized with) her early on (to the point of tears lol), as I have felt so similarly to her inside of my own life circumstances and people treating me poorly, but it’s really her inability to realize that she’s doing the SAME THING to the boys that HURT HER that’s getting me to pause and go, uhhhhhh?? Maybe my modern brain and heart is feeling too much for the boys. Why is it not okay for them to treat her poorly, and yet, okay for her to treat them poorly and puppy eye her way out of it? 🤷‍♂️ I’m still enjoying my watch of the drama! lol, but I can’t help critically analyzing too. Haha.

    • If any of the male leads are hurt it’s due to the situation they each put themselves in. If anything it’s the men that are steering the course of their relationships with Xiao Yao. Her relationship with Xuan is only sibling affection as far as she is aware. Any hurt he’s feeling is from seeing her interact with guys he himself pimped her out to. Xiang Liu runs hot and cold and doesn’t even give the relationship a chance to turn romantic. If he’s hurting, he’s bringing it on himself by keeping her at arms length. As far as she’s aware, their relationship is a series of transactions. That’s how he wants her to see it. The only one who ever made her any promises is Jing and when it took too many years for him to uphold his promise she was ready to let him go. She surely knows he loves her but at the end of the day the real issue is that he’s engaged and that didn’t change. Sure, he’s hurt but it’s not her fault either. What girl with any sort of self worth is satisfied staying quiet while everyone in her social circle constantly teases and treats FFYY and Jing like they are a couple? How is she supposed to act around him? Affectionate? When the rest of the world knows him as someone who is engaged? Is she supposed to be satisfied with meeting up in private to have a few cute moments here or there throughout the years it takes him to dissolve the engagement? He’s the one who constantly sought her out to convince her he’s still interested and she gives in. If anything, she gave in too easily each time

      • THANK YOU!!! Took the words out of my head!! XY deserves her happiness and she already told everyone what she is looking for. And the actions of the three men are all on their own!

      • When Jin said 15 years, my jaw dropped, like BRO. Lol. But then I realized they’re immortals, and 15 is sort of manageable inside of multiple lifetimes, and then I was like, OK. Haha. All I’m saying is that each of them, Xiaoyao and the boys, have roles and responsibilities (before and after each other), and sometimes, in the line of duty, they’re forced to try and find balance and/or make sacrifices. I would’ve rather she lived out her peace then in her tiny little village WITHOUT the boys, especially if we don’t want to consider the mental and emotional turmoil of the male characters too.

        Like I said, the drama is cute and fun lol, and I’m emotionally invested, it’s just that some things are just not super mentally and emotionally logical.

        But I get it! We like the angst! Lol

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