Second Teaser for SBS Drama My Demon with Kim Yoo Jung and Song Kang Pour More Chemistry on the Couple

Gosh, I remember when I first got into K-dramas it was the visuals that hooked me more than the plots and characters because the industry really understood that a very handsome man and a very beautiful woman falling in love would be worth checking out even if the plot goes to pot. The downfall of the Hallyu drama is that the plot went to pot way too often but when the right leads are cast then a pre-aired drama can still stir excitement much like SBS drama My Demon is doing to me. I wouldn’t say Sang Kang and Kim Yoo Jung made my rolodex of dream onscreen pairings but now seeing them together they just look soooooo good together. They match and also really connect onscreen, now we just need the plot to be good and stay sane through the entire run lol.
Second teaser for My Demon:
I hope the plot keeps me interested.
You should have checked “Destined with you”. Beyond expectations!
I have only seen him in Love Alarm. At least in the first few episodes I saw until I dropped it and strongly disliked him and his character.
I dont know why i cannot comment
Hallyu wave is needed to revive back since almost everyone shifting to chinese drama. Like koala said this teaser also bring my memory of starting new world with kdrama with fullhouse.songkang and kimyoojung pair are the most beautiful pair that come in recent year. I gasp while looking at it. Will tune in for live broadcasr
Sorry, but the first part of your comment really doesn’t make sense. “Everyone” is definitely not switching to cdrama. If that’s the case, I’m Queen Elizabeth. Cdramas are nowhere close to the international popularity of kdramas and I doubt they’ll ever be. One reason: simply because they are “Chinese” and lots of people have a problem with that.
I too would not agree with the switch comment too. Kdrama have grew and gain more international fans since more investments, expertise and interesting scripts afew years ago from Netflix, Disney etc.. They are currently doing very well in comparasion to China/Japan…Chinese dramas are still so lacking in terms of script and ridiculous GOV roles that pop up randomly. Cdramas still have a long long way to catch up with the Koreas.
Agreed. Cdrama is not on par with Kdrama in terms of almost all aspects including creativity, variety, acting talent, script writing, directing, and cinematography etc. Cdrama is also far from the popularity Kdrama has been getting on major international streaming sites.
I’m currently hooked on Arthdal Chronicle II and Moving. The watching experience of Kdrama so far is way more satisfying than Cdrama, even better than Xiao Zhan’s dramas, who’s my fave. I don’t know how ppl got this idea that Cdrama is getting more popular than Kdrama, perhaps only within Chinese-speaking community? LOL
wow what a gorgeous pair of visuals. their visuals already screamed so much chemistry. but ngl, I’m quite distracted with how songkang’s face has became sunken? while yoojung’s nose had became more pointy. is it makeup? but both are pretty nevertheless.
Why can’t i feel the chemistry? But yeah great visuals. Thanks god kdrama is no longer pairing too much age gap btw the leads. It’s hard to ship when they did that lol
Two teasers of K-drama cliches and close-ups of pretty people staring at each other. The vapid way they are marketing this drama makes it seem like the only thing that matters is the visuals. I hope it has a good plot too
Hope this is a good drama at last for Kim Yoo Jung. She is very talented but has been unlucky with her drama choices and leading men since Love in the Moonlight was a megahit about six or seven years ago. Can’t believe it was that long ago tbh! Not a fan of Song Kang but he is relatively close in age and looks like they might have some chemistry compared to her other mismatched leads.
He is wearing the grandma Chanel jacket that Park Seo Joong wore…hahaha!!!! Also he is so skinny the shirt collar is too loose in the preview video.
Hahaha her face is so wide and flat compared to him. I heard she did PS to enhance her features but she’s still meh.
Caution: Insecurities Overload
Wide forehead?hahah.
. Are you that insecure enough to every Yoo Jung’s article? Get a life girl! And also get your facts straight! Do not just rely on what you hear. Don’t just swallow what’s being fed up to you.
I always see this comment copied and pasted to every Yoo Jung’s article here in kaola. So, I think you’re the same person who’s doing this you just randomly change your name
I said face not forehead hahaha and you’re literally the one making comments consecutively with different names, Lea, Keya, and Riyash but same handle YIKES! What a clown
The VISUALS and the CHEMISTRY are screamingg! I can’t.

What an excellent pair! November 24 pls come faster
I can already feel butterflies in my stomach by just seeing this teaser!the chemistry of this two is on fire! Whoever get this two casted you did the right choice! Already Best couple awardee
I hope the plot will be good to justify the mesmerizing visual of the two leads!
Song Kang and Kim Yoo Jung is a perfect pair! November please come faster
. I’m also rooting that the plot will be good. Nevertheless, I believe this two leads will carry the viewers till the end.