
Jung Woo Sung and Shin Hyun Bin Bring Old School Glamour for Elle Korea Promoting K-drama Tell Me That You Love Me — 21 Comments

  1. I wonder how she gets so many roles with great actors when she has no charisma on screen, her character always is the most boring at the end. She had no chemistry with Ji Chang-Wook, Yoo Yeon-Suk or Song Joong-Ki when they usually had a lot of chemistry with their costars.

  2. Age compatible, ha.
    He’s 13 years her senior. Imagine a drama starring Song Hye Kyo and Lee Do Hyun, would you consider it an age compatible pairing 😅😅😅?)

    • I wouldn’t use the word “age-compatible” either, but Shin Hyun-bin is 37 years old (Jung Woo-sung is 50). Not really comparable to the majority of the Decembers in K-dramas.

      • Right. I was just trying to point out than when it’s the man that is 10+ years older we consider it OK, but the other way around it’s a huge no-no. I am not really criticizing Ms Koala though, we are all programmed like this, unfortunately.

    • @Nena You better ask our resident pick-me Cool Girl™ commenter Rina that question lol, that bish does nothing but b*tch about noona-younger guy pairings lol. According to her, it’s a crime to pair two CONSENTING ADULTS if the woman is older, but is probably silent when literal underaged girls get paired with way older grown adult men. Men just can’t do no wrong according to her 🤪

    • Well said ! if he was 37 and her 57 , they would name her a cougar/ too old / aunt/… ? Unfortunately , it’s hard to change the minds. As a woman i must admit that sometimes i can make comments as” she is too old for him” even if i’m for sex equality . Patriarchal education gave me a kind of schizoprhenic side !!!

    • Did she even costar with Song Joong Ki in Reborn Rich? I can’t recall much of her scenes though like she’s not even a factor in that drama. LOL. I agree with other comments here. At least she did not have chemistry with SJK in RR.

    • Agree! The “age compatible” bit got me laughing at the hypocrisy of it all. Never forget all the fuss over LDH and his noona leading ladies although he’s an adult in his mid to late 20s…

  3. I enjoyed her character in HP1 mostly because it was an interesting character of its own. Still, as soon as she started to share more dialogues and screen with her love-line (yoo yeonseok) the character was not interesting anymore. I agree that she’s a hit or miss, but I don’t know the definite reason, charisma or ability to built chemistry?

  4. Shin Hyun Bin is one of those actors that is always cast in roles where in theory she is perfect but then what she delivers is the most lack luster, mediocre performance that leaves no impression on the viewer. It worked with Hospital Playlist because her role was sort of supposed to embody that low battery power energy…it back fired both in Reflection of You and Reborn Rich. I would love it if she can prove me wrong here.

    • Seems like the problem is that she shouldn’t act in romance series. She was good in hospital playlist s1 as a doctor with some quirks but lost her charm when her scene is leaning towards romance in s2. I wonder how she is in other genre

  5. Shin Hyun Been is talented but has no presence on screen. She just fades once she’s in a scene with other actors. have high hopes for their drama because I trust Jung Woosung’s script choices but still managing my expectations because of her.

      • Like if she acts without interaction with her co-stars, I’m sure she’ll be fine..

        Like this lady singlehandedly ruined Warrior Baek Dong Soo experience, I can’t rewatch that drama despite loving every other character.

        Another actress in this category for me is Jin Se yeon.. I wonder how they even get casted!!

  6. Visual and charisma is lacking to be a FL. She is suited to be a sidekick/bff/sister but I don’t get why she got casted to be paired with JWS who is so good looking and here she is who is not only plain looking but looks boring as well. I mean, I can understand if the other one is plain but with lots of spunk and looks unique or interesting at least.

  7. Would’ve loved to see him act in a series with Han Hyo Joo or Esom again, both of which he had amazing chemistry with (although I hated the Scarlet Innocence). Hyunbeen is the epitome of bland.

  8. The blandest actress I’ve ever watched, in terms of looks, talent, and charm. HP1 and HP2, RR, and even her bit role in Confidential Assignment left me feeling bleah after watching her scenes. I don’t know how she will play against JWS. He is a chemistry master, so I hope he’s able to work magic into his scenes with her. I will watch this drama for him, but I HOPE she proves me wrong this time!

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