
Married K-stars Lee Seung Gi and Lee Da In Announce They Are Expecting First Baby — 9 Comments

  1. I dont think they are non plussed just that there’s nothing much both could do except to ride it out. His career is impacted, not sure some or severely but he’s not the same guy in his hey days. Sometimes some partner brings good fortune and some don’t. He loves her, no doubt and he made some bad calls especially publicly siding with the father in law? Anyway he can still survive on his level of fame now. He’s not disappearing but admittedly he’s not that famous anymore.

    • When I was watching last week’s episodes of My Dearest, I had wondered if she was pregnant. She didn’t look too well (it showed on her face) and her parts were not quite as active as the last season. Plus, an hanbok is so easy to disguise the growing tummy.

      Nonetheless, congratulations to the couple!

  2. They are likely non-plussed but LSG also hasn’t received this much criticism in his career before. He was K-ent’s golden boy for so many years. Publicly defending his in-laws and calling out the media in the process isn’t the best PR move so nothing much he can so and no one else he can blame for the backlash. The knetz reaction to the baby news shows just how much good will he’s lost from the SK public. He’s still famous but no longer the darling of the press and public that he used to be.

  3. People don’t seem to be affected by the fact she’s in the famous drama My Dearest. Now MBC is talking about adding episodes, she didn’t have so much to do in the second part, so I guess it won’t change anyhthing for her.

  4. I do fully echo the other comments here. It’s not that they are nonplussed, but rather this is the bed he chose and needs to lie in it basically.

    I’ve followed LSG’s career since his 1N2D time and he’s literally never had such backlash and obvious disregard from the k-viewers. He had such a clean image, so many monikers (nations son in law is sorta ironic now lol). But the reality is? He’s no longer everyone’s favourite.

    His personal life is definitely his to protect and decide on, but from a PR stand point, there were also a lot of things he should’ve handled better. Maybe it was the lack of a good agency to manage things for him. Or just impulsiveness to protect someone he loves irrelevant of consequences or levelheaded logic.

    But there’s no doubt this has cost him. How much is still to be seen ofc, but the point is, it’s not about being nonplussed as he works in the entertainment industry and isn’t pulling a Won Bin here. One’s image makes or breaks a celebrity. He just has no choice but to go with the flow and hope the kviewers eventually forget and live with it.

  5. Listen, the way this man’s reputation has tanked from S-tier to the dumps should be studied. He’s been one of the extremely few celebs who’s managed to maintain a stellar image from debut to post-army/decades later (about as consistent as Yoo Jaesuk tbh) – like this man dated Yoona, an extremely popular idol, and people actually *praised* the pairing instead of threatening to nuke their homes like the way they do with any other idol relationship. The whole deal with his company scamming him also gave him a rep boost, but that all came crashing down when miss thing came onto the scene. I dunno much about her as a person but her Ponzi-scheming parents certainly don’t make her look good, especially since they appeared to not have received any concrete repercussions for their actions and she managed to live a privileged life because of them. So yeah, I’m not going apeshit like some of these knetz over him deciding to stand by her despite the public outrage but neither am I enthused about the pairing either. Hope everything goes well with their kid, though.

  6. I thought when people announced baby news the correct etiquette is to congratulate them and move on. So I’m just going to congratulate the couple and wish them a safe delivery.

    As far as I know neither Lee Seung Gi nor his wife have broken any criminal laws. Last time I checked, a person cannot be convicted over the choices their parents decide to make. If that were a rule, a lot more people would be in jail. So I personally, can’t moral police either of them for wanting to support a family member.

  7. Congratulations to the lovely couple! So, so happy for them😀. Maybe I should watch Little Forest again?!

    LSG will forever remain my one & only bias in the K entertainment world. Hope to see him in a drama soon! Also, looking forward to his new album.

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