
Lin Geng Xin Dropping Out as Replacement Male Lead in The Golden Hairpin Reportedly Due to AI Tech Concerns and the Early Critiques of the Drama’s Japanese Inspired Costumes — 17 Comments

  1. There no way around it at all. AI replacement for face (even to filter them younger is still obvious). There will be bad review on it no matter what. It’s too bad he thought about it way after and now had to pay a fee.

  2. LGX paid a fee to get out of the drama, that says a lot about what a shit show the drama must be. Just shelve it. Too much bad juju surrounding this drama. No one will get rid of the awful taste KW left this drama. I just feel bad for the people associated with this drama. It’s cursed. Lol

  3. At this point, just give up. Just cover the male lead face with screen hat from beginning to the end. It would have looked better

  4. well, good riddance he’s gone too lol. It’s not like everyone was thrilled and excited to see LGX onscreen *eye roll*. He’s not the best candidate at all.

    I see Peng Guan Yin as an improvement! Now I will definitely catch it because I like both casting.

    • Don’t see how either LGX or PGY qualifies to act as a 20 year old unmarried Prince. Both have very mature looks. If they look very youthful or boyish then it’s convincing. However both have very mature looks. Just doesn’t fit the character in the novel

      They should look for younger and upcoming actor who doesn’t mind getting into a popular role even though it’s a replacement

      • True!! They will probably save on cost since its a newcomer who would be the replacement. An older actor would not qualify as a youthful prince who isn’t married.

      • @Xoxo, Neen, Blue Sky

        I agree with you all. The production team is wasting time. Yang Zi has a baby face so she can easily pair up with a younger looking Prince. In the novel, the Prince is around 20-22 years old. No doubt LGX and PGY are good actors but I think they are suitable

        … and I supposed the netizens may have given negative feedback which caused LGX to withdraw…

        Putting a younger actor would also reduce stress on the casts to “deliver”…These days it’s hard to please the audience as they demand so much from the actors and actresses.

    • I haven’t read the source material, so dunno what age the character is supposed to be. But just going off the actor chosen, I much prefer PGY over LGX

  5. Production should try to find a-not-so-established young actor to pick up the pieces. Somebody whom the audiences have seen in other productions and will be able to recognize but not quite at A-list level yet. LGX and PGY are too well established and they have the mature look. Visual wise, these two can’t pass off as young princes. I think this would be the only way for this drama to see the light of day.

  6. LGX is very professional actor that has delivered great acting in Princess Agents and Legend of ShenLi and others drama. He has good personality and very handsome. He looks younger than his age.

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