Kim Soo Hyun and Kim Ji Won Showcase Unique Married Couple Chemistry in First Teaser Preview for K-drama Queen of Tears
I’m not quite sure what we’re getting with the K-drama Queen of Tears but I don’t care much since it’s all about the return of Kim Soo Hyun as a drama male lead in two years and paired with Kim Ji Won. The drama released yummy new stills that frame both leads so beautifully from the camera lens and also a first teaser preview that is too short to really give much substance. All I can tell is that Kim Soo Hyun finds Kim Ji Won very pretty and scary haha, she clearly affects him a lot while definitely giving off queen in charge vibes.
Teaser for Queen of Tears:
He seems to like picking scripts with female leads that have wacky personalities… Cheon Song-yi, Ko Moon-young, and now Hong Hae-in. I’m starting to think he has a type lol
Yes, but with Cheon Song Yi and Ko Moon Young, he has them under control and never afraid of their crazy tactics. Let’s see about this one.
Agreed! Song Yi and Min Joon were a proper balance of a bit too whacky and a bit too reserved. They’re such a good couple. But Min Joon was literally never overpowered or controlled by Song Yi. Moon Young was nuts literally so meh lol. Hae In is hard to tell just yet. She’s probably more of a Hye Mi type character and we are also probably seeing their dynamic before the marriage. This one’s interesting.
Agreed he was never afraid of Cheon Song-yi, just found her annoying in the beginning. I feel like he was probably a little scared of Ko Moon-young and how her antics could embarrass him. I highly doubt he’s actually afraid of his wife in this drama, but we’ll see.
I’m excited for his come back! Maybe one day the drama gods will grant me wish of seeing him in a drama with IU again in a couple of years. I thought they were cute in The Producers.
I think it’s more that Park Jieun dramas tend to have wacky/quirky female leads with strong personality lol. Cheon Songyi in YFAS, Cindy in Producers, Yoon Seri in CLOY, now I guess Hong Haein here.
But they’re differentiated enough to never feel like just the same character (this one feels like ‘scary boss lady’ type, if they’re married I 100 percent think it was a marriage of convenience that she bullied him into and he agreed out of fear lol)
@Royal We
Producers also had Ye Jin who was also very quirky. Shim Cheong from Bluesea was a whacko too. Deffo a writing style and other than Sung Chan, most of her other male leads are more grounded and the foil to the heroine’s oddball ness. Same formula here yet the writer has a way of keeping it fresh, fun and different. Big fan of PJE here.
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Yayy finally something. Btw I thoughy this was gonna be a melodrama from the stills but this seems like a rom com. I have no issue with either. Now just waiting for March. Hopefully this one doesn’t disappoint.
I think it’ll be like CLOY where it starts off as a rom-com and eventually turns into a more serious drama with angst and melo tones.
It IS a melodrama. Remember, show’s got a terminal illness trope. But yeah, I also hope there’s more to it than that because I like the cast plus the writer and director. I hope it’ll have its own charm but be as gripping as MLFTS and CLOY at the same time.
There’s a terminal illness trope?! Where did you get that info from? I’m not too worried because I absolutely trust the writer here and angst >> comedy any day for me too. But I haven’t heard anything about terminal illnesses. Only about “issues” in the leads’ wedding life.
I don’t really have an impression on their chemistry based on such a short trailer. But I LOVE Kim Soo-hyun’s hairstyle. Such an eye candy and he’s somehow aging backwards and it’s a bit jarring lol.
Excited for this and loving the ramp up or promos. Hoping to see a longer preview soon. I’d like to actually see the leads interact to see what kind of chemistry they have in the drama. Hopefully it’s god because I remember a pretty similar lock against the wall scene in YFAS and that chemistry was wow lol.
That was a grain of sugar. Didn’t get anything from the teaser other then…oh great…another FL character like this…
I have to be honest. I don’t see or feel anything extraordinary from this trailer clip. It just has a very typical romcom vibe. LOL. But agreed. I’m excited about KSH’s return regardless of anything else. Was any of his drama in the past a miss? I have none in my recollection.
Just checked, his track record as a drama lead is MoonSun, Dream High, MLFTS, Producers, IOTNBO, OOD. Even as a child actor it was Giant and WISFC. He’s been absolutely on the ball when picking his projects because that’s a damn impressive resume. Its also rather short for someone who’s been in the industry for 15 years or more.
A very impressive resume indeed. It’s not too much to say he’s an A+ student in the acting department. LOL
Kim ji Won never played typical cliche female lead, so i have a trust in the role she choosed. Looking forward for this drama.
I am really looking forward to this! I’m a fan of Ji Won, she really knows how to choose her projects and does not pigeonhole herself in a specific role or type!
Although objectively beautiful, KSH’s visuals are not really my style. Nevertheless, he’s such a good actor that I will definitely take a look. As for Kim Ji Won, I love her since her Choi AeRa days!
from the teaser, Both of star are underwhelming. Usually we can’t judge their acting based on 30’s teaser, and this is true most of the time. But as of late my guts usually more often right just based on teaser. like Song Joong Ki lack of energy in teaser of reborn rich. And basically my guts is right.
But this is seems more fluff rom com there is no need of great acting involved. you just need to be good at comedy.hope I’m wrong, well I’m planning not watching it anyway unless there will be rave review.
lol you again with your weird hate boner for Kim Jiwon, I see you with your “guts is right” lol
“planning not watching it anyway” but still can’t leave the post about it alone, you’re so funny.
Aaah I love your comment. This user has the weirdest taste in acting, and a tendency for using concepts they don’t understand, I’ve seen them praise the acting of Jisoo, Rowoon, and Ahn Hyoseop (for a romcom, which she thinks are useless), while trashing people like Kim Jiwon, Seo Inguk, Kim Namjoo and Ji Jinhee (the latter two for their work in Misty no less!!!) who are one thousand times better lol. And yeah, such self importance. “I wAsNt GoNnA wAtcH iT aNyWaY” yet still feel the need to comment on a post about that very show
@royal we. What’s wrong with posting? I posted doesn’t mean I will watch, hehe…. if she is good i will admit it. Just like any other actor I used to critic. I come to hate sjk acting in reborn rich and i love his acting before reborn rich. We can always have different view each time since actor can also improve and regress.
So far not a fan of her? Good luck with watching her.
Kim Soo Hyun’s back and looking amazing too. KJW and him look pretty together and I can’t wait for all the posters and official couple photo shoots and other stuff to start coming out. I have high hopes so drama gods please don’t let us down!!
I’m just going to wait for the actual drama to start, KJW’s been a reliably excellent actress ever since she was a teenager and always has chemistry with her male leads so I have hope for this. Also Park Ji Eun is usually good at choosing leads who have chemistry so I think this could be a fun romcom.
“It’s a fluff romcom there is no need of great
acting involved”. It’s like you are underestimating acting in romcoms bec in reality, it is more difficult to do comedy than be emotive and intense. Intense acting is not equivalent to good acting. There are “intense actors” that aren’t effective in romcom and have tendency to overact. A good actor can do both.
Maybe you’re responding to a specific comment but I totally agree about intense=/=good acting. Some actors are brilliant with balancing both comedy and drama – Gong Yoo, Hyun Bin and Kim Soo Hyun all come to mind. But someone like Yoo Ah In or Song Joong Ki just can’t tone it down and/or tones it down way too much. It’s not as easy switch to be sure.