
The Double Nearing End of Run with Slight Dip in Viewership and Ratings From Peak Middle of Airing But on Track to Be One of the Most Profitable C-dramas in 2024 So Far — 62 Comments

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  2. To me, Shen Yurong is more interesting than Duke Su. Xiao Heng has never had to make actual uncomfortable decisions for Xue Fang Fei where he could lose EVERYTHING. His character is one-dimensional, and if it weren’t for Wang Xingyue’s good acting and presence, he would have gone almost unnoticed to me like Liu Yuning’s character in A Journey To Love.

    Duke Su has no emotional conflicts (internal or external), he’s not tormented, and his plot armor is visible from space, so up to this point I haven’t felt any danger for him.

    • As a character, it’s much more interesting to see Shen Yurong psychologically decline to madness as time wears on. I do feel he’s very pitiful in this cat and mouse game, but he’s playing his role very well so far.

      A critique I have with this drama is that there’s too many weird close up shots. Wu Jinyan is not very convincing as a beauty either (her sister is way prettier than her), but she can play an intense, logical revenge-driven character accurately.

      • OMG, thanks for mentioning those weird close up shots!! I stopped watching because of this. having the actors stare into the camera happened too often, it got really weird.

      • @Coralie It is just her acting that made me overlook her being described as one of the most beautiful in the capital when Wu Jin Yan certainly doesn’t fit that description.

      • I also dislike all the close up shots because I can’t ignore their white pastey make up that they cake on that doesn’t match with their neck color. Yu Zheng has always liked the super pale look. I thought WJY was going to pass out any time in Royal Feast. In Scent of Time, I was getting annoyed by all the close up shots of their hands.

        WJY is good in these type of revenge-driven roles, but I don’t think she’s good in anything else. The best actresses for me is definitely Li Meng (crazy princess) and Joe Chen (step mom). Ep 35 was really princess’ time to shine.

    • I agree with you that SYR is a more complex character, but he would not be the best choice for a love interest. The story paints all the villains as complex characters, which I enjoy, but I do feel that they didn’t spend enough time on Xiao Heng, who is supposed to have trauma (from his dad) and his own revenge plan. LLTG was a long slow burn and had a lot of it’s own issues, but they told a better story for LBY than for XH here.

  3. I have thoroughly enjoyed the drama, even with the lack of logic at times or lack of this and that. It was an enjoyable and satisfying watch. Thumbs up.

  4. I am liking the evil princess so far, seeing her very dark past I see how she became a cruel and pitful person, hope that they dont make her lose her insanity in the end that would be boring and repetitive plot.

  5. Agreed, the romance is too slow burned. It would have been more interesting with more scenes between the OTP although there was strong and sexy chemistry between them in almost each scene of them together.

    The drama started off of more balanced vibes with more screen time for WXY whom I wish to watch more LOL. But the plot heavily gravitated towards female centric revenge latter on with ML’s screen time much reduced and he was just there to be her help when needed. What about his story? He has to avenge himself too. So far his side of story was just brushed off after 30+ eps that I’ve watched.

    This drama isn’t perfect. But I still think the directing is brilliant. The close up shots showing actors’ micro-expressions make characters’ stories more convincing when these actors did great jobs, nothing to do with they are pretty to stare at or not LOL. The fast pace and relevant connection from scene to scene to make plot flow smooth and intense are something other C dramas can learn about from this director. Although the screen time of WXY so far hasn’t been as much as LYN in A Journey to Love, he’s definitely hotter and more appealing to watch than LYN LOL. The Double is still one of very few interesting C dramas, which has the competitive qualities to be on par with many good K dramas.

    • @Somebody I agree with your observations. In addition, I expected more development/depth in their relationship considering that Xue Fang Fei is a person who, due to Shen Yu Rong’s betrayal, should be particularly cautious with her feelings. Even in a dialogue with Duke Su she tells him that “a lover could kill her.” Lol. Still, I enjoyed the chemistry and clever dialogue between the two.

      Despite the flaws, The Double is still one of the best C-dramas China has produced. It is the best so far this year. The artistic values here are quite a lot.

      LYN has sung many of my favorite OSTs, so I was interested in giving him a chance as an actor even though his looks are not up my alley. But I’m not pleased, he should keep taking supporting roles because he doesn’t have the qualities to be a lead actor. Fang Yi Lun was more charismatic than him in AJTL.

      Wang Xing Yue, Chen Chiao En and Li Meng are the ones who have generated the most discussion thanks to their performances. Both women already have a reputation for being good actresses, but no one expected Wang Xing Yue to shine. Lol.

      • @Drea, aw I totally agree with you about the actors whom I consider the best three in the drama. Other cast are decent doing solid jobs too. Prolly all this can be also attributed to the great directing that brought the best out of the cast. I have praised enough of WXY that a certain psycho has been going nuts. LOL. Joe Chen has been always a great actress since her hey days as a leading lady in great demand. I knew nothing about Li Meng though. She is so pathetically mesmerizing that I could even felt adrenaline rising the minute she stepped in sight on screen. LOL.

    • Agree, I was also impressed by the directing the most. It’s like the director actually studied film, put what he learned into practice and actually had fun making this drama.

      So far, I have spotted horror genre, slapstick genre, leveling up powers manga genre (Qin competition) and a whimsical Amelie (2001 movie) European genre.

      • Yes, the director did a great job. I wish Cdramas were more entertaining like TD. I find most long winded and boring. Also the actors can be so bland and cookie cutter like. Maybe dubbing is partly to blame for this. The casting director did a great job assembling a bunch of very likable and talented actors. The only actor that didn’t convince me was the emperor with his Bollywood style eye make up.
        The extreme close ups reminded me very much of WKW’s close ups of Faye Wong and Tony Leung in CE. This director seems to be interested in using the camera angles to tell his story. I also noticed the influence of the great Korean auteur Park Chan Wook and his use of western style classical music as bgm. Also the main female lead very much echoes Park Chan Wook’s fierce Geum Ja in Sympathy for Lady Vengeance. And that scene of her repeatedly stabbing her father’s tormentor is classic Park Chan WooK. Her eye make up also reminded me of Lady Vengeance.
        One of my fav episode was of Governor Tong and his love of fine things and Peking Opera. It was such a nice tribute to Hong Kong classics especially Tsui Hark’s Peking Opera Blues. I am looking forward to this director’s next because like you said he seemed to love his craft.

      • @Jana, nice you mentioned Governor Tong. That actor did an amazing job as one of the most disgusting villains in C drama history. LOL. Great acting. I should not leave him out in my compliment of impressive acting in the Double.

      • Oh yes I forgot about the Chinese opera parts I loved those parts as well, the part they showed how they used big mirrors to adjust the lighting then was also interesting.

        Also the male lead constantly says he wants to watch a good show/play, isn’t that all the audience wants, to be entertained.

        The directors love for film (from many different countries), opera and theatre and other types of media like manga/ webtoons does come across really well in this drama.

        I will also be keeping an eye out on this director, I want to see a fantasy movie/drama from him I loved the Qin competition in episode 11 it was so over the top but emotionally very effective.

      • @Rrrt, yes, a fantasy drama sounds interesting. The guqin competition gave viewers a stroke of inspiration for what his fantasy drama may like. LOL

      • @somebody
        For people who didn’t get that guqin scene it literally gave them a stroke with how OTT it was lol

      • @Rrrt, lol. Your OTT comment cracks me up. OTT is perhaps part of the most criticism of the Double I’ve read online. The guqin competition is dramatic but I took it as an artistic metaphor the director was using to translate from very typical Chinese literary expressions in classical literature. One would definitely get lost without much knowledge of classical Chinese writing rich of superlatives about poetry, music, and dancing etc.. It’s very hard to translate those superlatives into something visual on screen. The director tried his innovative ways to execute that kind of music feast. LOL.

      • @somebody
        Scenes such as the guqin scene are quite common in webtoons and anime to show leveling up martial arts/some skill such as in cooking master boy. Visually it can get very OTT but very imaginative.

      • @Rrrt, lol again. Yup! The guqin competition did give some anime feel. So, the director may be an anime fan and borrowed concepts from something like cooking master boy. LMAO.

  6. Agree SR is a much harder character to play and the actor is doing a great job. The Duke is quite one dimensional so far. I was expecting more angst for the duke but so far (ep 20) he just has to preen and pose and recline around drinking tea which is fine with me because he does it with so much style. I would like a poster of that beautiful shot where he takes a power nap!

  7. From what I read, Wang Xing Yue was picked last minute to play the role of Su Xiao Heng. YuZheng did not have faith in the Wu Jin Yan and Wang Xing Yue collab because of their age-gap. Therefore he most probably thought the romance would have been the weakest link of the show and decided to neglect it and its growth to give more importance to the FL revenge story and the villains. Then the drama aired and as we can all see the strongest point of the show that attracted the viewers was actually the loveline between the main leads and their chemistry plus WXY as XH ended up being the show stealer no matter the ridicilously low amount of screentime he had.

  8. From the data I am seeing now especially Yunhe (drama market share and viewers number per episode) drama is doing much much better than what Red moon did during its running time. Still I agree that the number were insane when Duke Su and Jiang Li were outside the capital : episode 17 with the iconic rain scene was peaktime

  9. I didn’t continue after episode 13. I don’t know… Maybe their romance (or lack of?) didn’t do much for me and I feel like the drama wasn’t sure if it wanted to go for dark vibes or a be comedy. Didn’t feel the pull to find out what happen next.

    I did find out the ML was the cousin brother in Amidst a Snowstorm of Love and he was very likeable there. Did thought he looked familiar but couldn’t quite placed him before that. Haha He kind of remind me of Luo Yun Xi but better looking.

    I did enjoyed the acting of the 2 maids at the beginning, her ex husband, the stepmother and the princess.

    • The Double is a story of justice and revenge in the first place. Due to the natures of the characters, there is not supposed to be a rushed romance: She was betrayed, and he only cares about the future of of the Great Yan. But I can’t write more because I don’t want to make a spoiler. Lol.

      • I can see that from the beginning. Maybe I just don’t feel it or it’s just lackluster.

      • @Shi If you can see it from the beginning, how come you don’t know which route the drama wanted to take? Lol. Why would you expect a romance less than halfway through the series? I’m curious.

      • @Drea, I can see it’s a drama about revenge but it doesn’t mean I’m not looking forward to the romance. I find the romance lackluster. Different strokes for different folks.

        Glad people like it.

      • @Shi

        Oh no, don’t get me wrong. You’ve made it clear that you expected a strong romance but why did you think it was already going to be well defined in less than half? In episode 13, the characters still treat themselves as if they were chess pieces.

      • I don’t need explosive romance but yeah, it doesn’t vibe with me after a while.

        A scene in the drama made me realized I may have read the novel at one point but don’t know if I finished because I don’t recall anything else. đŸ˜‚

  10. The FL is being so abused by the ML’s fans, or rather the actor’s fans, that I sure hope her popularity has soared to counteract the vileness they are raining on her. Poor woman.

    • In English forums I have hardly read a couple of comments that are not happy about the age gap, or that she is not pretty enough to be described as one of the capital’s beauties. What else has happened?

      • This was in China. His fans want all the glory only for him so they got nasty, quickly. It’s terrible to see.

  11. @Somebody there’s a user named QueenArya acting just like @SCHI on Wu Jinyan’s MyDramaList page. The user is comparing her to random names and picking on Taiwan too. She seems to be uncomfortable with The Double’s popularity, she even wished it to be banned. Lol.

    • LOL. Trolls everywhere. It’s hard to tame them. I’m glad I only visit Koala’s blogs mostly, not much of other drama fan sites. That greatly reduces my encounters with trolls although there’re already enough on this site too. LOL.

  12. There’s alot of fun moments and we get an entire cast of actors who can actually act which is like finding a herd of unicorns these days lol. Why can’t more cdramas be like this, at least this level is watchable?

    I’m fine with the amount of screen time for the male lead, it keeps the audience wanting more not less like the Journey to Death. It reminds me of old wuxia dramas where romance was always secondary.

    I am not as obsessed as I thought I would be at the start. Skip watching from around mid teen episodes, the story is very well executed but too familiar especially the evil stepmother and step sisters shenanigans. Plus the revenge didn’t feel as satisfying as I expected not enough stabbing and gore (no slasher genre lol).

    Agree with most that the ex husband and the Princess (she’s great I love her twirls) are the most interesting characters. Now imagine the Princess character as the female lead, as she is now (in all her crazy glory) at the start of a new drama (redeem her or let her wreck havoc on the world), I would jump on that lol.

    • I was reviewing the original source and I see that a lot of events were condensed, although I don’t know if it’s because of censorship, scriptwriter(s) choices or both lol.

      • I guess it’s censorship. If the female lead got too stabby she could be classified as evil or bad and isn’t there a rule that evil characters can’t have happy endings.

      • Marriage of the Di Daughter is also Qian Shan Cha Ke’s least gory novel. The revenge and general plot are quite tame when compared to her earlier works. Nothing like the nightmare-inducing Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort (the first chapter is one the worst things I’ve ever came across in any type of media) and Rebirth of the Malicious Empress, which feature human swines, horrific rape scenes and absolutely terrifying torture/punishments/ways to dies (being eaten alive by rats, being made into a pancake by a plow pulled by a water buffalo etc).

      • @Mara, I remember reading Rebirth of Ill-Fated Consort, I was so shock such cruel practise can be dont to anyone..even in animals it is beyond vile. I did some research and found it did happen… I threw up..

  13. I like Wang Xing-yue and he is doing a good job, but Liang Yong Qi as Shen Yurong really impressed me in playing a character that you can feel bad for, but also hate because he presents himself as a moral person (and he is, for the most part and he genuinely wants to help the poor), but did such a terrible thing.

    I relish those moments when you can see how haunted and hunted Shen Yurong looks from all the reminders of his “dead” wife.

  14. Before reading the comment my only problem was they only released one ep a day. Ught… whyyy.

    After reading the comments, i agree, XH hasnt finished with his own problems. He has started all the plot, including using the female lead as the pawn, i thought all of those only for the emperor. Little i know, it was also for himself. YZ should dig more into XH and the emperor’s plot. Their bromance look amazing.

    I hv no prob with romance between a li and xiao heng. Slow burn romance is my faveee. But their sexy chemistry was chemistrying… unfortunately YZ has too little trust in the leads.

    the double is still one of a drama that i van watch again and again. Simply bcuz both protagonists and villains are smart people.

    5 ep left… so many untold stories… wish to see XH in his own bloody revenge.

  15. I am so enjoying this drama. I have not seen one with so many clever puns and wordplay flirtations in a long time (Word of Honor had a lot too). I enjoyed the subtle action to show the protagonists getting closer (from not sharing tea to her drinking from his cup, from the pieces of his clothing that ended up on her, LOL). I enjoyed that the FL has more experience (being married) when it came to sexy stuff and that she was aware of this. I enjoyed the layered characters–the main Big Bads were three-dimensional.

    It has been an utter pleasure. I feel like sitting back and smoking the proverbial 50s Hollywood cigarette when this is over.

  16. Just to check on the popular opinion. Who do you think would have been a better choice for the FL if not Wu Jin Yan? I also felt a little bit uncomfortable about the age gap because WJY’s age really shows side by side WXY. She’s a good actress but I think her facial expressions are quite limited.

    The director probably thinks the role should go to a more seasoned actress. So, I am thinking of Peng Xiao Ran for this role. Same age as WXJ but scores higer in the looks dept. She did great in Goodbye My Princess. Just my two cents.

      • Agreed. I wouldn’t have noticed the age gap if some viewers had not kept mentioning it. WXY actually always looked older in his prior dramas. LOL I guess those directors made him so. I was surprised at his real age.

        I wish WXY and WJY had had more scenes together. Their chemistry in the Double is one phrase to describe: low-key sexy. LOL

        Idk why so many people are saying WJY is a limited actress. She might be in most of her prior dramas. But she is also a revenge queen LOL that always brought her victim characters on their avenge journeys to life. She did a great job and was pretty convincing as a strong-willed lady who always took risk against odds to outsmart her enemies. I’d like to compliment her for having that uniquely strong aura to impress viewers like me. I don’t see how her facial expressions are limited. Nope! She executed her emotions pretty well, be it heart broken finding herself betrayed by the one she loved, in desperation looking for ways to save his family members, or in a flirting mode with WXY. LOL. Her performance in the Double is way better beyond the more popular actress in her agency, i.e., Bai Lu, whom I’ve found consistently bland and not very versatile recently.

        BTW, I don’t think PXR would have necessarily nailed the role of the heroine in the Double. PXR is a decent actress. But she has yet to prove herself in revenge roles, unlike WJY has already got “certified” with two hit revenge dramas, this one and Story of Yanxi Palace. LOL.

        I do think Joe Chen as the step mom and the actress (name again?) as Princess Royal had amazing acting in the Double. What made this drama so interesting was the evil charisma exuded by quite a few impressive antagonists. LOL. JC and the actress of PR are just the two names I mentioned. The actor playing WJY’s ex husband is also pretty good.

      • @Somebody Just as Peng Xiao Ran needs to prove herself in revenge roles, Wu Jin Yan should not only be involved in the vendetta niche. I have come to appreciate her and hope she will take other routes. I don’t want her to be like Jason Statham lol. I am not a fan of pigeonholing.

        On the topic of casting suggestions, some users even wanted Yang Chao Yue to play the heroine lol. She probably would have contributed with pretty visuals, but her acting level is bad.

      • @Somebody I agree about Wu Jin Yan and I personally think she does looks much younger than her real age -look at her bear face during the rain scene in episode 17 her skin looks great. But even though she doesn’t, she fits the aura of a once-married mature elegant and attractive lady such as XFF.

  17. IMO the FL is a typical Chinese beauty with elegance. She is pure Chinese unlike any other actresses they are mixed with others race. I also noticed her excellent execution of her character she has the hardest role it’s a roller coaster of emotions there were a lot of meat in it and she execute them. Give her acting credit by making her ML to shine even though his role was one dimensional

    • Pure Chinese? What races? LOL! China has 56+ ethnicies.

      Her male lead shined because the actor himself showed a strong presence on screen despite not having a character arc or a dimensional writing. For me, the ladies playing Ji Shuran and Princess Wanning have outstanding actings too.

      I like Wu Jin Yan a LOT in The Double. But I don’t find her attractive, neither ugly đŸ˜…

      • @Celeste, Wang Xingyue is impressive in The Double. I’m kinda out of words because he was mediocre in his past roles. Unexpected but it’s a good sign :’) I really hope he can maintain this energy.

    • She is not the one that him shine, this Wang Xing Yue own hard work through his line delivery, his charisma and his micro expressions that made his character shine.Cool charismatic characters like Xiao Heng are not easy to pull off especially when the actor is a 21-year-old boy and he has to show presence namely in front veterans that can be his granddaddies

  18. Back to rave about Li Meng, the actress playing Royal Princess. I think I fell in love with her (amazing acting LOL) in eps 34 and 35. She showed such skills as a very schematic evil doer also with her vulnerable sides, mainly an airhead when it came to her obsession with her paramour.

    Her pathetic relationship with the adulterer is so interesting to watch. She abused her lover and the other manipulated her in return. LOL. They tortured each other. Both actors playing the duos did great jobs. The role for heroine’s ex husband isn’t easy to play. The actor was impressive in the latter eps.

    The major antagonists also had their stories to tell, including the step mom, Royal Princess, and the ex husband. They were not born evil but their pitiful misfortunes somehow turned them into unbelievably devilish. Nonetheless, I didn’t have sympathy for these characters. Those were their choices to be evil later on. I’m just mesmerized by the actors doing great jobs on these roles. LOL.

    • I have already finished the drama + the bonus episode. Now I don’t know what to watch lol. In Blossom was recommended to me but I’ve made it halfway through without any particular interest.

      I was already familiar with Joe Chen and Li Meng, so I had an idea about their good acting skills. But they still continue to astonish me. Unlike the above opinions, I did appreciate the camera close-ups considering that there are good performances here – Ji Shuran’s expressions of hypocrisy were a feast. Xiao Heng’s expressive eyes too.

      • Glad to know I’m not the only fan who got the points of those close-up shots. LOL. These great actors’ micro-expressions are incredible. How did they get those skills to control facial muscles for emotions that were actually fake?

  19. best skrip ..women clever…want us audience to watch it without miss..

    Best actress …well done all team..

    From Malaysia

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