
C-actress Hu Yi Xuan Starts Filming Replacement Lead Actress Scenes for C-drama Love Never Fails Taking over for Cancelled Actress Yuan Bing Yan — 10 Comments

  1. Pingback:C-actress Hu Yi Xuan Starts Filming Replacement Lead Actress Scenes for C-drama Love Never Fails Taking over for Cancelled Actress Yuan Bing Yan | Parlour News Korea

  2. I really like her past dramas and it has been awhile since she has led a drama. But sad if it will be AI…. She deserves better but hopefully it will get her more opportunities and not set her back.

  3. Hu Yi Xian is such a cutie!! I know she will do this role justice, even if she’s only a swap in.

    I do feel bad for the actors who have to reprise some of their scenes for this issue. They literally have to clear their schedule to refilm stuff that they could’ve used to do another drama or ad. They’re losing money.

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