Zhao Lu Si Reportedly Unbothered by Recent Plastic Surgery Chatter as Its Keeping Her High in Searches Despite Not Having a Drama Airing

Like I said before, for celebs sometimes bad news can be good news in terms of results and such is the case for C-actress Zhao Lu Si. There has been a lot of online media coverage and netizen chatter about her looks having changed as a result of plastic surgery. Her agency has remained silent and it’s resulted in heightened online presence for Zhao Lu Si, at a level close to when she has a drama airing. Her agency reportedly sees this as a good sign and used it to negotiate a higher salary for her next drama the modern romance Almost Love with Peng Guan Ying.


Zhao Lu Si Reportedly Unbothered by Recent Plastic Surgery Chatter as Its Keeping Her High in Searches Despite Not Having a Drama Airing — 36 Comments

  1. Like I said before, she is the Taylor Swift of C-Drama in that she knows how to work social media. Go ZLS! They call you names and you just yawn and count your yuans😁 as you cry your way to the bank.

  2. How do people know her thoughts? Maybe her team doesn’t care but artists in East Asia struggle with self image issues that’s how the ps rate is so high. Just the need to change appearances with extreme dieting and ps shows that she cares. Anyways she is a top star so it won’t affect her that much. I’m all for her to get her bag, her dramas choices are a bit confusing but her brands deals are very fun. They collaborate very well with her, her photoshoots are fun, and I think she has a natural ability with the camera. The only brand I think doesn’t suit her is Versace, and I don’t think its her fault Gucci and Versace are ugly to me.

  3. Pingback: Zhao Lu Si Reportedly Unbothered by Recent Plastic Surgery Chatter as Its Keeping Her High in Searches Despite Not Having a Drama Airing | Parlour News Korea

  4. I’ve warched Love in Nirvana and Landy looks exactly like Lusi’s younger days. They are 98 liners, if im not mistaken. Both are good looking. The difference between them is on their makeup style. Landy prefer something natural but Lusi is brave enough to try many styles. I dont think she went under the knife. She still looks the same, it’s just the makeup.

    Anyways, anyone knows where to watch The Unseen Sister? Thanks.

  5. The girl get criticise on every little thing and it becoming a norm now. It could be good or bad depending on how u see it. I still stand on the fact that she hasn’t done any PS. I can tell u the difference in her make-up routine that makes her a little different apart from her weight loss. But regardless of what I say those who chose to believe she has done PS will still continue to believe. U should see Her JBL event pics, so lusi but on the skinny end. There is a saying if life throws u lemon make lemonade out of it. And koala did u forget her studio files a law suit , sometimes I wonder where u get ur sources of information from, is way out of the left field, because I also follow c ent from other sources which get me a good source of informations too.

    • Lawsuits of celebrities against whoever are not credible anymore.

      When I see this claim it’s followed by examples like Wu Yi Fan who won every single lawsuit against people who made rumors of him being a criminal but in reality every rumor was proved to be truth after the Police received and investigated reports made directly to them made by The victims after they lost The lawsuits.

      • Are u comparing a criminal activity to PS allegations. That is not on the same level. At least u can compare it to Angela baby PS allegations some years ago.

      • Besides if u r going to compare it to criminal activity, then me comparing it to tax invasion allegations, r u saying their result is not credible too.

    • She does look slimming A LOT to me. Sometimes she looks like her old-self before, but other times her pics did appear PS-ish. Anyhow, I like her old style better if makeup did change her looks more dramatically.

      • Because her face from get go is not even in the first place. No face is perfectly symmetrical. That’s what makes me think she hasn’t had any.

      • Hasn’t had any?? You mean PS? Oh, I dont care about that, I am just wondering if it is photo editing issue. 😂 or bad lighting etc..

        PS or now, I dont want to decide just by looking at photos. Photos are all so unreal these days. I will watch to watch her on screen.

  6. So unbothered she is suing people over it lmao

    She looks ridiculous. Instead of ignoring it, she is suing people as if they said she killed someone. That’s not only bothered but really bothered. And it will only make rumors worse.

    • For what exactly she suing them? I know that kind of disgusting insults towards someone people can write in internet. Some trolls don’t have any stop sign in it. If she insulting them just for discussing her look and possibility of PS, this is one thing. And if she suing them for extremely rude comments about her or written directly to her, it’s completely another thing, and she doesn’t look ridiculous doing that.

      • @Olesya1

        She is suing people because they said she had plastic surgery.

        It is the dumbest thing she could have done. Instead of letting it all die down, people have intensified talk ever since that got out. It’s not a crime to get PS but she is acting as if it is. Plus lots of netizens are unhappy because there are already highly unrealistic expectations being imposed on young girls and then when someone like ZLS who has obviously changed starts going that far, it makes the situation even worse for all those young girls.

        It’s one of the reasons talk about ps has been more normalised in the west, people have become very aware of how much it negatively influences youth. Chinese aren’t dumb either, they understand this point but celebs are absolutely unwilling to talk about it even if it is visible from the moon.

      • @ Hmm, it wasn’t dumb, she has been accused of PS for some years now, it got worse this time around and there were defamation words against her that why she suing. Beside u and I don’t know her personally so if she hasn’t done PS , she has every privilege to sue if she think is the right thing to do.

      • @Cc
        Whom you’re asking about it? We’re not her friends and don’t know what’s going on in Zhao Lu Si’s head. Koala used word “unbothered” in title, but in whole post wrote only about her agency. As if we can know if she’s really unbothered or not from tabloids, on what kind of things exactly making her to sue people, plastic surgery discussions or insults behind this

  7. Either way she can’t win. If she doesn’t do anything or does anything about it. Whatever people believe, they will believe in. She just needs to do what is right for her as long as she’s not stepping on anyone. She is such a sweet girl and really cares for her fans. She has a very good reputation in that regard and her work ethics as well.

      • @AliceH

        Sorry which top projects is she getting? Delusional fans sure are something.

        Top projects are going to Zhao Liying or Liu Yifei. Not her. She isn’t even getting second tier stuff.

      • @What, what are the top projects going to ZLY or LYF? I dropped all ZLY’s dramas after Princess Agent. LYF? Oh yeah she is popular in China even I have never bothered to check out her dramas.

    • @ What on, u r right, she is not getting top tier project but the script she receives, she still brings in much profit, which make her relevant or valuable has an actress.

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