
Dilraba Dilmurat’s Massive Fandom Erupts Over Her Ugly Costuming in Xianxia C-drama Love Beyond the Grave — 33 Comments

  1. I’m following the whole mess being done by Dilraba’s fandom on weibo. They’re bullying every single human being they consider powerful enough to make changes including people who have nothing to do with the drama like actors from the same agency as Dilraba. You go to the weibo of anyone who have anything related to Dilraba and you see fans posting things there. The fandom lost their minds.

    I’m kind hoping the fandom piss off people enough to cause trouble for Dilraba’s career.

    • Seriously!!! OMG! I never like most of C-dramas more elaborated costume and hairpiece… Some of so laughable that it distract viewers from watching the acting.
      I can see the concern of fans.. I have no opinion in this matter as I am not her a fan of her dramas , I do like her in variety shows. I feel I really dont have much right to judge the emotions of the fans. I will just standby and watch how this will erupt or maybe die down.
      Just too much negative noise can affect the drama, positively or negatively, time will tell.
      I will get my spoon ready for the sweet watermelon.

    • I’ve also been following the mess and I tell you it is a HUGE mess, I’ve seen them even go under Zhu Xu Dan’s post about her airing drama to complain which to me is stupid and disgusting, I’ve also seen them blame so many ppl including actors and actresses that have no connection with the drama

      I’ve seen the Reuters and yest I would say it’s not looking good and they have a right to speak up but going rabid and attacking unrelated others is a no for me

      Btw it’s not only her wardrobe that is bad, fei yu’s own is also bad, Wei zhiming’s own is wayy worse
      I thought this was a high budget drama

    • Your last 2 lines just exposed you as an anti.
      Or you are simply jealous fan of some other actress in search of any reason to comment bad about reba

  2. Pingback:Dilraba Dilmurat's Massive Fandom Erupts Over Her Ugly Costuming in Xianxia C-drama Love Beyond the Grave | Parlour News Korea

  3. Her fans cause a ruckus everytime Dilraba stars in a costume drama. The truth is she looks too eurasian and doesn’t fit the traditional Chinese costumes. I dare say Zhao Lusi is probably not prettier than her in normal costumes but even she outshines Dilraba in The Long Ballad. The only styling that fits her is Feng Jiu’s so maybe she should just replicate that look.

    • That’s what I have in mind. Reba’s visuals are too difficult to style for the right taste of Chinese costume unless she just plays her genetic self from Xingjian. LOL.

    • Nope zhao lusi did not outshined reba in long ballad if she did than she should be receiving all the nomination and awards for that drama not reba and show would not have been such big hit when the lead role with maximum screen time in the drama was bad.

    • Nope zhao lusi did not outshine her in the drama if she had she would be getting all the nominations and awards for long ballad not reba and long ballad was a big hit big hit because reba has done her job well as she had most screen time in that drama and was playing the titular role (long ballad has different name in chinese and show’s title has ‘Changge’ in the title)

  4. Her outfits look horrible. I get why fans are mad. She doesn’t need elaborate costumes, she is very pretty, put her in a potato sack, she’ll look good….this looks comical.

  5. The costume designs in this drama are really bad, and apparently Chen Feiyu’s costume design was taken from an existing drama’s design.

    • Now that they mention it, her outfits make her look like a black Christmas tree or a witch… so I dunno what the designer is aiming for. But who knows it might look good on screen??? Hmmm

      In an attempt to create a gothic appearance, the black glittering thingy on her is a bit old, archaic.

  6. This looks as if they stole from Luo Yunxi’s wardrobe!

    Anyway, if I were her fan I would worry more about the brain dead look of her co-star.

  7. I don’t think her blood red lips help the overall look. Whatever they thought the darker she looks plus the male lead the more ominous it will feel. I guess they tried making their outfits dreary to fit the tone of the story but it just looks odd.

  8. I’m normally not too fond of hysterical fandoms, but in this case, they have a point.
    That costume designer should go back to working on amateur productions.
    I’ve seen earlier shots of Chen Feiyu and his costumes were horrible as well He looked like a sausage roll! How can you squeeze an actor with no discernable waistline into such a costume? Some of these guys actually work out so their costumes must be different from what they could drape over of of those beanpoles. It’s fine for a designer to have his vision, but the costumes have to look good on the person who is supposed to wear them, not just on paper.

  9. Is she supposed to be a ghost in this drama? Is that the reason for the gothy look? I honestly don’t find it that bad…it’s different for sure but she never looks bad.

  10. How do these fans get access for these clear videos of filming on presumably closed sets and why don’t studios ask them to take it down? Do the studios not care and just consider it free promo? I follow another actress and fans post videos of the cast filming onset everyday and it’s not just a second or two but minutes of footage everyday and even a lot of spoilery scenes.

    • yeah, i don’t know if i just have a bad taste in fashion or something, because i actually think she looks majestic in the black outfit! the red lipstick is brighter than the lip colors she usually wears, but it’s all just whatever to me. i don’t get all the fuss lol

  11. I don’t think the black looks that terrible (not great), but I really don’t like that red outfit. There’s just way too much going on. Did the costume designer also do The Last Immortal? Because I really didn’t like the ones there either… They took the bird theme a little too seriously for me.

  12. Most of the Comments here are not from perspective of neutral viewers.
    Many people don’t seem to like dilreba’s work or they have their prejudice against her or simply commenting here with malicious intention against her and this I have noticed in many articles related to reba here, so yeah no need to take the opinion of these people as fact.
    Their opinion really doesn’t count at all.

    • Have you also noticed the biased opinions of ppl here concerning other actresses like yang zi, Zhao lusi, ju jingyi, Angela baby, yang chaoyue

      The first 2 actresses have the most enemies on this site for some reason

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