
Shin Hye Sun Lives with Two Disparate Personalities in Upcoming ENA Drama Dear Hyeri — 26 Comments

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  2. DID that doesn’t involve murderous personality (yet). That’s new. I can’t feel any chemistry w LJW. 2nd guy might have better chemistry

  3. Same thoughts about LJW, I’ve never liked his acting. It also doesn’t help that his SA case from years ago has started going viral for some reason. People on twitter are mad about him being in this drama. The hate is like 8 years too late though.

    The premise itself is about her 2 personalities being in love with different guys. I’m a bit skeptical about how they’ll make the story work.

  4. I’m not a fond of Shin Hye Son acting, as I think she overacting in most of dramas.
    I judging about love lines only by teasers now, and couple with second male lead makes me scratch my head. As I can’t understand how a normal guy can feel in love in her second personality, who acting like a kid or as a crazy person, and he somehow finds it attractive and even prefers her in love triangle.
    And I don’t know that to feel about LJW, as his case is something you want to know for sure if he’s at fault or not, and they don’t have a clear answer.
    So this drama seems to be a miss for me. Will wait for reviews after it’ll end.

    • Hi Olesya….I haven’t seen teasers or do I know anything about the drama, but I’d suggest that maybe it’s confusing because you’re assuming the second lead guy is normal. She probably may end up not being the only one with a disorder in the drama. If he prefers her in a love triangle, then he’s absolutely not normal, even chronic cheaters do not prefer their partners with someone else. That’s what I think.

      • Hi Jennilee. Oh, you have a point here. Yes, he also can be extraordinary character. I think I misenterpet “prefers her in love triangle” due to my weak English. I meant, he also has his love triangle, as other female character on pictures above in love in him, and he seems prefers second personality of female lead in that love triangle.

      • Ohh I see, noted. I’ll probably check out the drama or wait for my sister to do so and update me weekly cause she’s a SHS fan. I’m yet to really see any of her dramas, but my friend and sister both love her and say she’s a terrific actress. So fingers crossed. As for the male lead, I really don’t know how to feel about him.

      • @Jennilee
        If you’ll watch that drama, please, comment here that you think about the plot.
        What about male lead, I don’t know that to feel about him too. I have slight hope that he didn’t do it and there are some clear proofs about it on korean news, because otherwise I can’t understand how so many people continue to work with him. Maybe as a non korean I don’t know something about his case that proven his innocence, at least I have slight hope for this. But still don’t know that to feel about him and if to watch dramas with him.

    • Oh! I thought I’m the only one who finds SHS’s acting weak. She was good in My Golden Life, but every drama I’ve seen with her since have been the ‘same’. It just feels like her acting range is not that wide and she’s just the same in all the different characters. It’s more glaring when she does historical dramas compared to modern.. but she can’t convince me she’s a different character in another drama.

      • I thought I’m only one too 😄 I didn’t watch My Golden life, but looking at some other dramas I watched with her, I think SHS makes her characters more extravagant and pretentious (19th life) than it need to be. In some dramas it working, in some dramas it looks unnatural. I’m “lucky” to saw only dramas with SHS where her acting was weak, so as an actress now she looks mid to me.

      • Same goes for me. Tried many of her dramas and dropped it after 5-7eps at most. I cant focus on her characters at all its always same mimics & over acting, sometimes it feels like she is trying way too hard at emotional parts.Its hard to focus on her character when she is acting this way for years…

  5. I’m curious why the drama title in English is spelled as Hyeri and not HAERI.. The phoneme in the Korean title (the H character) is often spelled in English as AE while the HYE in Shin HYE-sun’s name is the same character in Korean.. but in terms of pronunciation for HAE & HYE,they’re both the same sound.. Oh well~

    • It’s also written as “My Dear Hae-ri” in Korean as well. I interpret it as a deliberate spelling choice to show that the “Hye-ri” we see is not real, and her existence is the result of DID which is “HAERIsung jungche(gam) jangae” in Korean.

      Oh talking about romanization, I remember now Shin Hye-sun is actually recognized as Shin HAE-sun in English. It’s a coincidence considering her recent drama’s title 🙂

  6. I absolutely love SHS, but I might actually dislike even LJW more. So I’m counting myself out even if the drama gets stellar reviews. I cannot palate LJW’s brand of bland acting topped off with his slimy vibe. It’s such no-go.

    But I have no doubt SHS would kill it. She’s such a fantastic actress and has never given a less than amazing performance in any role.

  7. SHS is one of those actors that I really like to watch, but I also understand when people don’t vibe with her acting. She’s not afraid of going all out or using many different facial muscles. Basically she’s bold, and imo acts in a refined way without being OTT. But it can come across as doing too much, especially if the co-stars don’t return the same energy.

    And the problem here is that I can’t really imagine her having much acting or romantic chemistry with LJW and Kang Hoon. But who knows. The trailer looks like there’s a love triangle/square and possibly some unintentional two-timing involved? I wonder why they went with such a route instead of just focusing on the mental health struggles. It sounds complicated af. Also they’re implying she switches personalities at fixed times everyday, but that isn’t a very accurate representation of DID lol.

  8. I don’t like the drama is using DID for love triangle shenanigans. It feels tacky.

    There is something about SHS onscreen acting that I am not keen on. It’s not even that she is necessarily a bad actress but I just don’t like the way she plays her characters. Also her original nose was just right for her face and she shouldn’t have changed it.

  9. Well, about Lee Jin Wook case… I tried to search on korean, although I don’t know korean.
    I didn’t understood much, but seems this video revealing more detail information, as that woman was his fan and she texted him (before or after, this I didn’t understand).
    It would be really cool if someone who understands Korean language, will explain that saying in this video-news. I can only translate comments, but they don’t explain much, expect comments I read on his side.

  10. She is one of my favorite SK actresses. I have watched all her shows where she has been the lead. Looking forward to this. I don’t think these roles will be easy to be done by same actor but Ihave full confidence she will pull it off.

  11. agree with people who are not fond of shin hae sun’s acting here. yes she isn’t a bad actress but she tends to overacting especially in emotional scenes, it’s like she can’t control the amount of expressions and emotions she need to show. there might be a reason why main awards body like baeksang didn’t include her based on her last two drama. put her besides kim tae ri or park eun bin, you can tell that she isn’t that great actually. she is fortunate because most of her drama got good rating.

    about her pairing with lee jin euk it might turn out well because one is always exaggerate in her acting the other is usually bland, so maybe it will turn out well.

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