Both The Story of Pearl Girl and Love Game in Eastern Fantasy Hit 200 Million Views in 5 Days as C-ent Gets the Much Needed Drama Hits
Oh this is just good news all around and one that needn’t be a competition with each other. There is way too much room for everyone to succeed then to try to nitpick. Maoyan data congratulated both The Story of Pearl Girl and Love Game in Eastern Fantasy for each surpassing 200 million views as of November 5th, making it a fantastic accomplishment in just 5 days of airing since the November 1st premiere. The popularity rankings has been changing positions by the day but all four leads Zhao Lu Si and Liu Yu Ning and Yu Shu Xin and Ding Yu Xi of the two dramas continue to be the top four of the character charts. Let’s see how this evolves as the dramas head into the meat of the episodes to air and then of course as it wraps.
This “competition” has really become and win win for everyone!
Just want to ask Koala. No Kdrama update? Pearl Girl and Love game have been overtalked.
What Kdrama is even worth talking about? All the airing ones aren’t interesting.
the judge of hell maybe? All other wasn’t really interesting, what comes after love was boring, dear hyeri was frustrating. Others like virtuous business and jongnyeon got good reviews though but not really my type. If I had to choose, seoul busters is a fun watch
So, is Cdrama more entertaining? At least I don’t see that from Pearl Girl and Love Game. I’m going back to browse Kdrama archive for any interesting old dramas to watch. Again and over again, it’s a huge waste of time to try watching Cdrama. It’s time for me to go hiking for miles again. LOL. The Double is just an outlier among all the other dry stories. LOL.
There was a post about Mr Plankton yesterday, I think.
Just one single Kdrama update on the whole page of C-ent gossips. LMAO. I’m not that interested in comedy either.
I’m relying less and less on this site to get information about Kdrama. I now have other sources to get recommendations and got to finish some dramas in the meanwhile. These Kdramas aren’t like Moving or Extraordinary Attorney Woo. But they are still better made than 99% of Cdramas I’ve tried to watch. LOL.
Making it obvious you are Sinophobic much? If you actually been on Koala’s site, she had written about C-dramas long beforehand for years.
C-dramas are emerging for pan-Asian because people are bored (!!!) of the current slate K-dramas lately (with some exceptions) since they’ve become too focused on the Netflix/streaming appeal and they’re even remaking projects from C-dramas itself.
You can dislike “idol” dramas i-fans like but you clearly do not know this industry, especially the top tier dramad and how K-ent stars relied on China market before the ban.
Very cool. Two different genres for different preferences. Good to see everyone has something to watch at this time of the year.
And both dramas are scooped up by Netflix!
I don’t like Netflix, but it does brings dramas to the casual viewers.
I am loving Love Game in Eastern Fantasy and can’t wait for the next episodes. I watched Melody of Golden Age (OTP was cute there) and became a bigger fan of him and Esther(her aegyo is not annoying but charming for me) because of this drama. You can’t help but love that Little Bamboo demon(sooo adorable)!!! The fantasy and Inu Yasha(read it here and agree) vibes definitely makes it more fascinating and exciting. The ribbon tying scene on Ep11 was very swoony. This drama got me over my dramaslump.
Pearl girl is too heavy for me but I like the leads there also so I am happy for it’s success.
Congrats to both dramas!
Its great that more chinese dramas are sold to netflix it will expand their audience. Both dramas will make money but i’m not seeing huge hits at least im China. Maybe i’m wrong but 200M for 15 or so eps its not that much on average. How are the average views per ep have they reached 40-50M ? I remenber the double reached 50-60M, JOL was at 100M and TLOSL at 60-70M. The Double and TLOSL can’t compare to the hits of the past but they had very good data. I believe The Double was one of the most profitable dramas this year because cheaper cast, cheaper production and less marketing and it went super viral.
Koala is just slow, both posters were from 5th November, the timestamps are on them.
That is not actually anything much on average.
Pearl is not even remotely satisfactory considering how hyped it was and the TV ratings are awful. Love Story is doing ok because it was never hyped as some masterpiece and is doing really fine, especially in younger demographics.
There’s always space for healthy competition. I’m impressed that there’s not much mudslinging in X (dunno in Weibo or everywhere else tho) and people are actually appreciative of both dramas. It really depends on people’s preference right now. I’m not in the mood for sweeping against-the-odds stories and prefer heartwarming fluff so LGIEF or vice versa while others can go for both.
When will the douban ratings for pearl girl come out. Why the delay?
A lot of factors at play. I believe that there should be a minimum number of raters and that reviews aren’t rigged (whether by fans or haters).