Barbie Hsu’s Ex-husband Wang Xiaofei and His Outspoken Mother Zhang Lan Has Their Respective Douyin Accounts Banned for Life for Violating Morals and Terms and Use
It will be such relief to not hear trolls out there trolling especially during this sensitive time for the family and friends of TW-star Barbie Hsu (Da S), who passed away unexpectedly on a holiday trip to Japan to celebrate lunar new year. This weekend the platform Douyin (Chinese version of TikTok) reportedly permanently banned the respective accounts of Da S’s ex-husband Wang Xiaofei and his mother Zhang Lan for violating the terms of use. The reason was using the deceased for marketing purposes, spreading rumors, and fomenting online buzz. This will be a huge financial hit for both especially for the mother Zhang Lan who uses her Douyin on the daily for live broadcasts all to market and sell whatever she’s peddling and also to keep herself relevant in the news. Good riddance is all I can say, and I hope this perma ban actually sticks.
I thought I read yesterday it was her godson who first spread that fake news about the plane who was banned.
Wow tells a lot about why she left them behind. Yikes.
Good riddance
What awful mum, no wonder son has issues too.
Off of topic, but what means MBTI , INFP,ISTJ in terms of personality . I’d be grateful if someone can explain it to me ?
Hi Cahill, it is the MyersBriggs personality test. There are 16 types of personalities according to them. You can try to take the test and figure out your personality. Some ppl read into it too much and they use their MBTI to see if they are going to be harmonious or clashing with another person. Hope this helps.
Other platforms need to follow suit. These two are so shameless and the netizens who agree with them are scums.
DANG. Ok, censorship.
It’s not censorship. People are not free to make shit up and exploit a dead person (that they abused while she was alive) without repercussions.
@V, i agree but it’s about the eternal question of freedom of expression . Unfortunately , ethics and respect aren’t part of SNS accounts as X( former tweeter) , i don’t have any sns accounts . People should be able to read anything and be able to put things in perspective , but that’s not the case . So much people vent hatred in theses accounts that i had enough .
It said that they were in heavy debt. That’s perhaps why they were so desperate.
koala there’s a problem with the portal, new articles aren’t appearing even after I refresh and cleared the cached and cookies.
Its ok in android…in pc you need to read random article, then you can see the newest article list on the left column. Perhaps this designed for Android.Its been awhile pc have this problem