
K-ent Reporter Writes Article on the Scathing Viewer Reviews for Jisoo of Blackpink’s Bad Acting and Dialogue Voice in Black Comedy Zombie Drama Newtopia — 35 Comments

  1. She is honestly one of THE most difficult actor (male or female) to watch on screen. My god, she is another level bad. New idol actors haven’t had a great record from when I started watching dramas around the very early 2010’s. But I can’t remember being absolutely flabbergasted and flat out laughing at anyone’s acting. Even Taec, Suzy, Yoona – hell even Yunho and Onew – at their worst wasn’t half as bad as Jisoo is. She’s basically unwatchable.

    And anyone who says it’s “comedy” – PJM happens to also in this drama in a comedic role and he doesn’t make blind non stans physically cringe with his acting.

  2. Jisoo is the only BP member that I like but she is neither a good idol nor a good actress.

    I don’t watch Newtopia (I can’t with anything zombies) but from the clips that been going ard, her acting is cringey and I do agree, there’s just something about her vocalization which is distracting to viewers.

    At this rate, I am kinda worried abt ORVP with her as lead.

    • A big problem is her lisp. It can be overlooked during singing, but not as an actor where decent diction is a necessity not an advantage. This isn’t like cdramaland where you can cover it up with dubbing.
      You’d think they would’ve fixed the problem in the past decade since she’s been signed if not in the 20 years before that, but honestly the Blackpink members seem to have regressed in everything instead of progressed since debut unlike basically any other idol.

  3. Her fans keep saying her acting is fine because it’s a comedy drama lol. Unless this is some kind of like snl then yeah we can ignore bad acting but this is a comedy drama and her bad acting will stick like a sore thumb. Comedy is really hard to pull. It needs good acting plus right timing plus good body movements to pull it off and make audience laugh at you.

    • her fans seem to think ‘comedy’ = ‘no skills are needed’, what an insult to an entire genre to say no one can tell the difference between an actor who can’t act and an actor performing a comedic role competently.

      • @Royal We, it’s insulting great comedians who ace the genre . Playing a comedic role is the hardest thing in acting . Timing, body and faces gestures are important . Some great actors who played dramatic roles said that they were unable to do it a contrario a comedian as Bryan Cranston ( Malcom in the middle) who delivered a great perf in the sitcom was able to perform a dramatic role in Breaking Bad . Making someone laugh is harder than making someone cry . The genre stills underated , the ones who get Oscars, …are always the ones who play dramatic roles . It’s unfair . When an actor is able to ace both , in my own opinion it’s a complete actor . Hugh Grant ( Paddington / Heretic), Renée Zellweger( Bridget Jones/ Judy) , Jim Carey ,…

    • @Mikan Um SNL cast members (comedians and actors alike) are good, and many branch into acting, and it’s not always comedy. In fact, the requirements and expectations are high because the cast members star in several sketches and play different characters for a span of 1 hour, so they need to convince the audience with each performance.

      @cahill You worded it perfectly. I couldn’t agree more!

  4. As someone who genuinely enjoys most of idol actors, even when they are green and very stiff, she is a terrible actress not only for her lack of acting talent, which can be learned, but the absolute lack of screen presence and charisma, which you either have or you don’t. So her bad acting is heightened by those factors, and the way she doesn’t seem to have chemistry with the people she works with makes it all even worse.

  5. Her voice is so stuffy in songs I cant imagine sitting through a whole drama with that. BP should just be influencers, that’s essentially their whole appeal right? Pretty skinny girls wearing luxury goods.

  6. I didn’t watch Snowdrop (not my cup of tea), and I wasn’t going to watch this one either. But all this criticism of her acting has got me curious. I think I will have to watch a few episodes to see how bad it really is. It’s like one of those things similar to passing by a car accident on the other side of the road, and you can’t help but want to see what’s going on. Like is she worse than Cha Eunwoo, who I feel most people on this site seem to say is a stiff and terrible actor? We’ve had some great idol turned actors too in Park Hyungsik, Im Siwan, and others. IU and Suzy have improved a lot since their early career. Maybe Jisoo can still turn it around.

    • Cha Eun Woo acting is robotic. His visuals save him. Another idol actor I think is good or at least much better than Cha Eun Woo is Oark Ji Hoon of Wannaone. Guy shut my mouth in weak hero class 1. Those eyes were shooting lasers.

      • For another idol actor with good acting skill I would recommend lee junyoung, he also takes various type of role and seems to be good at switching up

  7. Guess she is the next Hyeri in bad acting. Hyeri improved some but not much though. Looks like she needs more acting classes. She has the money and time. Time will tell but those stills of her do look cringe.

    • I think Hyeri can act though, she just doesn’t have range. Jisoo on the other hand in all clips of her I saw was sooo awful like I really had lowered my expectations but oh my the cringe I got on her attempt at acting, the second hand embarrassment

      • Hyeri can play goofy comic roles and at least has decent comic timing and some kind of charm and chemistry with some of her costars onscreen, she’s fine as long as she doesn’t have to portray subtle emotions. Like you said – not much range but she does ok within it. This girl otoh brings absolutely nothing to the screen.

  8. She should take minor roles, the both time she got a first role without any experience. On these pictures, I see Jisoo the idol and not a character.

  9. Noone cares..she sells the drama overseas and that is what matters..BLACKPINK has highest grossing tour by a gg of all time even beating society girls and destiny child with inflation and soon to go on another massive tourm these girls r loaded with global brands and these local dramas would happily pay to them

  10. I really don’t get why this girl is so popular. She is pretty but hardly goddess level. She is just incredibly lucky to be chosen as a Blackpink girl. I can at least understand the appeal of the other 3 girls, but not her. She is the weakest link in BP, in terms of charisma, singing, dancing. Ambassador and feted by luxury brands when she does not have a model body or charisma to carry them. Her solo hit song has a very catchy chorus that requires no singing.
    She is obviously casted for her name and branding.

    • Hum, I don’t think any of the 4 girls are goddess like level pretty. I agree, Jisoo is pretty bad at acting but at least she is likeable, seems more genuine, and I really don’t agree with the “weakest link in BP” comment, I think you are getting carried away by the others popularity, AND that’s something Jisoo has always had to content with, which puts her at a huge disadvantage from the very start. Jennifer is the worst of the lot; she has a horrible color of voice and don’t really knows how to use it to her advantage, at all. If it wasn’t for autotune and blatant lipsync all the time, that would be a crap show. She even gets out of breath with a 10 s rap live. And don’t even get me started on her acting because she was terrible in The Idol (I know, the whole show, except Lily, was). A lot of people consider her sexy because she is the one to show more skin along with Lisa, but I think she is the least good looking one, though she gets a lot of dolling up. She used to have good stage presence, but after all those problems with her alcohol intake, not even that, and her dancing has just went out of the building. She only dances if she has the chance to twerk. I agree with someone who said that all the girls seem to be regressing, but I really think Jennifer is the worst and Lisa has the most potential. Though I admit that Jennifer speaking english makes her attractive as an “exotic” element in the west, and as far as I know Jisoo speaks basically zero english. I think Jisoo could be second to Lisa If she only had better guidance and good production, like the others. But no one has really cared to exploit her other than to use her as BP’s fourth weel,the filler since the beginning.

      • Yup none of them are goddess-level beautiful, only their stans keep hyping them up as these great beauties. They also benefit a lot from the “cheerleader effect” and they get a halo from being members of the most popular 3rd gen KPop girlgroup, so people automatically view them as more beautiful than they really are. The fact is, so many female idols from smaller companies are way more beautiful than them, they just don’t have the popularity and fanbase to hype them up like Blackpink does.

        And yes Jennie is the least attractive facially, she has good eye shape, but the rest of her features are average and she has a recessed/weak chin.

        Jisoo is quite pretty but in the blandest, plainest way possible and her awkward/goofy vibe kinda lowers her attractiveness to me. I’ll never understand how she’s even brought up in discussions about top KPop beauties when she’s not even in the same level as real top beauties such as Red Velvet’s Irene, Twice’s Tzuyu, Itzy’s Yuna, Wonyoung, etc.

        Rosé is decent-looking, but has a long face and benefits a lot from good styling.

        Personally, I only find Lisa pretty, but even she is starting to look kinda weird after her nose job (and before any Lisa stan come for me claiming that she didn’t have a nose job, just know that I won’t be responding and will just laugh at your delusion, so don’t even bother replying lmao)

  11. Jisoo is cringworthy bad. But I feel like it will be same as the Suzy or the Yoona or the Taecyeon cases aka her backers will keep on pushing her down our throats and give her opportunities no matter what until one get used to her.

    • The difference was those you mentioned hit hard after debuting. Yoona’s 1st leading role in My Destiny was hit…while Suzy’s acting debut on both drama and movies (Dream High and Architecture 101) were hit and also earned her recognition. Same as Taecyeon in Dream High and Cinderella Stepsister.

      Meanwhile, Snowdrop and now Newtopia flopped hard

  12. I like BP, but seriously, she cant act. She should take a minor role first, just like how IU and DO did. She’s so bad and i cant watch her on my small screen. Hopefully, she’ll learn how to act later since she has chosen this career. She has passion on acting but passion alone is never enough.

  13. I agree, she is not good at acting. These comments dissing blackpink, though. wow. Most of the time, the harshest criticisms, prejudice and bias against women, come from women themselves, who stan and worship men. And we wonder why men are not taking women seriously when they ask for equal right. Ew.

  14. She’ll continue to get roles, I mean its easier getting funding for projects when a global pop star is in it. We all know she is not the best actress since Snowdrop. I think Lisa might be the better actress because I don’t think White Lotus would cast her if she was horrible. They don’t need Lisa’s clout.

  15. She should have started with small roles and worked her way up. This is too much for a newbie. I don’t know why producers have never learned not to put inexperienced idol actors in lead roles. At least give them a few years to mature doing supporting roles before transitioning them to leading roles. I’m not surprised.

  16. I usually hesitated to jump on bandwagons for a pile-on with vitriol against an actor. But I can’t disagree with all others this time. Jisoo isn’t watchable SO FAR LOL. I dropped Snowdrop (no rhyme intended LOL) halfway through ep1.

  17. I’ve never seen such a celebrity draw such a united and consistent opinion of their acting before on this site. That’s quite a feat. I don’t know if I should be sad for her or impressed.

      • You’re right. I agree with everyone that she probably should’ve started in smaller side roles before taking on these big ones. It doesn’t help that her costars like Jung Haein and Park Jungmin can actually act.

  18. I watch a lot of idol drama with bac actors, cringe and such so muy tolerance is always high, CEW can’t act either but the story is interesting,
    the problem with her is the way she speaks,
    not just pronunciation but the tone, it’s like she sounded awkward and noticeably so.

    Hyeri acting also was bad originally, but she wasn’t that mumbly, some with Suzy, it’s how what she said with bad enunciation doesn’t match the drama with her facial expressions.

    I thought she would go toward more antagonist role instead of being pretty and comedic role. It looks easy but that’s the trap

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