
Producer Yu Zheng Threatens Legal Action Against Netizens Falsely Defaming His New Actress Zhang Shi Tou as a Former Mistress — 14 Comments

  1. Pingback:Producer Yu Zheng Threatens Legal Action Against Netizens Falsely Defaming His New Actress Zhang Shi Tou as a Former Mistress | Parlour News Korea

  2. Even if her acting talent is mediocre, if she’s truly being defamed, she’s was likely targeted because of Yu Zheng running his mouth and being obnoxious, so he should be obligated to end the rumors.

    • Yes he better settle this for her coz he made her the target of medis exposure. He should just give her some good roles and let her talents speak for itself. But anyway the rumors are vicious. Those who created the rumors better watch out. They will one day pay for this sort of wicked deeds.

  3. Netizens can be so vicious at times! Didn’t something similar happen to Wang Chu Ran last year? She lost some momentum after that, and I hope this girl’s career won’t also get derailed by some deranged gossipmongers

  4. Her acting talent being good, bad,whatever doesn’t give people the right to spread absolutely horrendous, false and salacious gossip about her. Its not a light matter, I hope if its false, he does sue. There’s gotta be a line.

    • @gem
      You are right.
      They should not have started these rumors.
      These lies could be created by close friends envious of her success.
      It’s terrible when people committed suicide due to rumors and lies.

  5. The picture looks weird, like it is stretched. Very long neck, big ears, long torso, and big hands. One things she does seem to have, is aliged pupils. Alot of asians do not have that and look somewhat crossed eyed. Aligned pupils will make an asian much more beautiful and can’t be done with plastic surgery.

  6. She’s pretty.. but lack something special. Just another pretty face and there has been alot.. her hands are huge indeed.. I guess this spiralled too quickly and got out of control. All I can say is, no fire without flame.. so, this rumour may start because of something..

  7. She looks very mature. Without looking at her face, just her body gives the impression of someone in their 40s. This photo is off. Since they photoshopped her face, they should do the same to her neck and hands, cause right now they don’t match.

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