Wuxia the Movie Holds Midnight Screening at Cannes Film Festival
It’s been a dismal showing for Chinese movies (Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan) at the Cannes Film Festival this year. The only movie to be invited was director Peter Chan‘s scientific martial arts film Wuxia (武俠), starring Donnie Yen, Takashi Kaneshiro, and Tang Wei. Wuxia had a midnight showing at Cannes two days ago, and all the stars of the movie were out to promote the film.
I think Takeshi is aging well and his acting continues to improve, Tang Wei looks as gorgeous as ever, and based on the early reviews, Donnie supposedly relied less on the action moves and improved more on the acting chops. Bringing you all the first trailer for Wuxia, some movie stills, and the cast at the media tour in Cannes.
I love Tang Wei’s dress at the midnight premiere. Love Love Love. It’s elegant, edgy, classy, and sophisticated. Pure movie star red carpet style all the way.
Wuxia the movie is about a simple paper mill owner (Donnie Yen) who lives in a rural village with his wife (Tang Wei) and two children. One day his store is robbed, and in defending the store, this supposedly meek owner manages to seemingly kill the two vicious and tough robbers by sheer luck and happenstance. A detective (Takeshi Kaneshiro) is sent to investigate this incident, and being a man of science, a Chinese Sherlock Holmes of sorts, he begins to suspect that the meek store owner is not what he seems, and an upcoming martial arts battle may be coming to this town shortly, chasing a hidden wuxia master.
Trailer for Wuxia:
[Credit: all pictures of the respective news agency as marked, movie stills from Baidu Wuxia bar]
I watched last week Seven Swords (it was on TV) and a few weeks ago Red Cliff I&II
my hubby ain’t into kdramas as I am nor anything related to asian ent (he’s into SF Canadian or American) … however he loved both …. and Takeshi Kaneshiro as smart guy again – we really want to see it …. yesterday
I wish I had a vacation to go to Cannes ( it looks interesting a few kmovies, a few jmovies and 2 Romanian movies
– I usually don’t watch Romanian – coz they are too blunt and sometimes too philosophical for my taste)
It looks really good!
I LOVE Takeshi…and he’s still so damn HOT!!
Kinda indifferent towards Donnie Yen…but I do like Tang Wei and the director as well, so definitely can’t wait for this movie!
(Donnie’s wife is already much taller than him, but she’s like wearing 7 inch heels & she looks like a giant next to him…)
The Red Cliff actor….’nuff said. I will be put this one in Netflix.
the poster looks good! i like it. anything with Kaneshiro – safe to say i’m onboard, always
Aaaah.. Takeshi, why are you so good looking? And you look better as you age.. and I”m so jealous of Tang Wei, she gets to walk arm in arm with him in a pretty dress.. It’s every girl’s dream..
Takeshi so good looking = check!
look better as (he) ages = check!
so jealous of Tang Wei, she gets to walk arm in arm with him = check!
pretty dress = check!
It’s every girl’s dream = check!
we must be twins…
Hahah.. interesting.. probably not twins.. maybe sisters? I’m not going to guess ages now.
Takashi definitely has gotten hotter with age and I rarely say that. How far he has come… I remember him with his first debut… I was a big fan back then as a child. How we have all grown. Jia You!!!
Interesting story.
Gosh Kara Hui sure doesn’t age. I like Tang wei dress too but too bad she has no curves
1stly, thanks to ockoala for the lovely post. Tang Wei is pretty.. China does produce beauties like Gong Li and of course, the versatile Ziyi Zhang..
My God’s gift to women, Takeshi… yum yum yum… Of course, the other one would have to be SSH.
Have loved Mr Kaneshiro for aeons… he’s truly come a long way… Luv him to death in Flying Daggers and Tempting Heart and Confessions of Pain, oh.. the list goes on and on and on. Glad to see him lighting up the screen again…
Takeshi! Why you so hot?
Loved him in House of flying daggers!!