
Miss Korea Episode 9 Recap — 37 Comments

  1. thank you Ms. koala!! I love love love Miss Korea. It’s so underrated thanks to My Love From Another Star. Lee Yeon Hee is fabulous.

    • She’s a revelation here. MK is her coming out party as an actress. I’m so in love with Ji Young and her performance it’s not even funny.

  2. I just have to comment on this. Thank you so much for jumping on the recap for this drama. It was such a delightful surprise to see your post of still from MK but was over the moon to see the recap.

    I really really love this drama. I can connect with the characters. From the OTP, VIVI gang, JY’s family, gangster, the two competitive madams. I am also hoping thee show will also flesh Yoon’s character more.

    I also love that their romance is just knitting naturally. Can’t wait for more.

  3. I love you. I won’t read the recap until after I watch the episode tonight but I have not been able to stop smiling since seeing the title of this post. It’s like finally we fans have found a home. Thank you!!

  4. Hate to say it but at Episode 9 I’m still finding myself struggling to keep my interest in this one. There’s some good actors here but the story line just doesn’t seem to be my cup of tea. And I had high hopes…

  5. HELL. YEAH.

    Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for recapping MK. I’ma have to catch up so that I can join in the discussion.

  6. Thank you Koala!
    I’m refreshing your blog like crazy, not sure if you will recap after the stellar episode 8.

    I love that the OTP broke up for the most normal and simplest of reasons, that 2 young people having different expectations in their lives, rather than reasons like noble idiocy (e.g. one has some illness) or stupid misunderstandings (e.g. that one was mistakenly unfaithful). The broke up was bittersweet and yet grounded in reality, such scenarios would have happened in many young love.

    I love this OTP so so much… despite the past love, their current situation allows them to confront their past and their interactions with each other now cackles with romantic undercurrent, each knowing that they probably shouldn’t fall in love with each other again, but cannot help doing so anyway.

    I also like Teacher Jang with Dr. Ko, 2 people of polar opposites, yet there is no need for logical explanation for attraction. Dr. Ko will make Teacher Jang a better person.

    Madam Ma and Madam Yang also impressed me, they are so different in handling their girls, yet had the same protectiveness over them, both in their own ways unwilling to ruin Sun Joo’s life unnessarily despite her obvious deceit to winning the crown.

    I think the subplot of between the Kang brothers is also good, I’m looking forward to see how and why there is such animosity between these 2 brothers.

    As for Yoon, I’m sure there is more to him.
    Already in the episode where he met Ji Young in Jeju island, he showed that he was layered. At first deriding Ji Young as a materialistic girl looking for fame and riches, then later being impressed by her resolve and her refusal to take up his offer as a Sponsor. We all know Ji Young and Hyung Joon are meant to be, but it will be interesting to have Yoon in the background threatening their relationship.

    I’m so in love with this drama right now that I’m almost losing interest in another 2 dramas that I’m currently following.

  7. Ms. Koalaa, thank youu!!!!
    I just love love love MK too! Ep. 9 was so perfect, touching, exciting… I’ve had feel like jumping together with Hyung Joon and Ji Young in the final…
    Thanks for the recap!
    Ms. Koala and Miss Korea – Fighting!!!

  8. Thanks for the recap.
    So many good things. What I like about the vibe is it keeps you uncomfortable, edgy, concerned.

    There’s this looming feeling since we don’t ever know everything. Almost as if they are playing things backward on purpose.
    Memento or Eternal Sunshine come to mind.

    Then, when they drop the honey on you – like the baseball scene, or the dawning grin on HJ’s face when he comes out of the restaurant after hearing JY picked HIM, the thrill they shared finding out she got 3rd – it feels so much more satisfying. That is why I can’t even imagine the writers setting us up for a big Miss Korea loss….God, I hope I hope.

    Love love love the uneasiness and uncertainty between Jang and Ko. There are mutual feelings, concern, anger and understanding all rolled into one powerfully strung together confrontation in three settings. He wants her, she agrees, he doesn’t really want her – how DARE she agree? He protects her, she suffers watching him get beat up, then goes and hits him herself.
    So complicated but it all works.

    • Love the secondary OTP.
      @jomo, Your analysis about them is spot on. I am really just watching this drama for them. Although LYH is doing a great job in this role, much improved from when I watch her in Ghost.

  9. Thank you for the recap! It’s so nice to know other people appreciate this drama. I’m so glad lee yeon hee has improved whoooo!

  10. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR RECAPPING THOUGH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I’m really enjoying the show more and more and was hoping there would be a lively place to talk about it! Can’t want to catch up and join the discussion.

  11. So Hyung Joon finally showed some character growth by offering to step aside and let Madam Yang take charge of Ji Young. He probably realized that he was not going to be in the way and jeopardize any chance Ji Young might have at winning. His announcing to break up again, is that to protect Ji Young or himself? I am not sure how to interpret that scene. Someone help.

    I love how smart Ji Young is. She may not be bookish but she is no dummy, for sure. And I love even more the scene where she barked at her family for not creating her pretty enough to win.

  12. Welcome aboard, Capt.K. The enjoyment MK offers doubles with you recapping this show. Thank you. Awesome acting. Good storyline. To MK staff and crew, with Koala at the helm of recapping, better behave. Keep smart and not maudlin.

  13. Thanks Koala for recapping MS. I happen to like the bunch of misfits in this drama. Mrs. Ma is my favorite with her integrity in respecting the competition. I found it touching that our OTP broke up because of their different goals in life. How tragic that in the present they both chose to let of go of their feelings. Very sad, but more close to any real relationship that just won’t work regardless of love.

    • It’s even more tragic that given how different their choice in path taken, they found each other at exactly the same place 10 years later. The IMF crisis has turned everyone’s life upside-down and makes you wonder whether it really matters how they chose to live their lives.

      • In the words of Jang Tae-joo: “IMF will be the last chance to become upper class in Korea. After this, the poor will get poorer. We got on the last train.”

        While the situation isn’t quite the same, the last lines really ring in this drama too. This is Ji-young and Hyung Joon’s last chance, their last train.

  14. Thank you for the recap!! Haven’t watched the episode subbed.

    Can someone tell me the name of the background score that starts at 37:15? It was also the BGS during the Chilbong-Trash face-off in AM94 and have been looking for it since quite some time.

  15. Thank you for the recap! I am in love with this drama and glad to see other fans. Like others, I appreciated how undramatic the break up was – it was so realistic seeing how much they obviously loved each other, but couldn’t make it work anyway. 🙁 This drama continues to end its episodes perfectly- seriously, all the endings are so perfect including this one -I just love how in love they are, and how natural they act together. Lee Yeon Hee is so lovely – I watched a few eps of ghost because I was really confused as to why she was labelled a bad actress, which did make me understand why she had that label before – but its amazing to see how alive she is here. both her and the male lead are perfect. I also love the doctor and the ganster- I love how it gives us the dynamic of the typical k drama, but shows it as it is – as twisted and abusive. I hope they don’t end up together romantically, but that the doctor can help the ganster in some way. Not being saved by love, but being helped along by it. (Though I wonder how there can be a happy ending for that man, who seems to have become thoroughly trapped in his life choices)

    On a last note – has anyone compiled the unoffical drama tracks? The song by the female singer in this episode – is that an old track like they’ve been using in previous episodes, or a new official ost? I just want to listen to the whole ost – not just the offical songs. 🙁

    • RE the track by the female singer. I believe it’s a cover of 015B’s 슬픈 인연 (it’s played when HJ’s in the phone booth)

  16. I love Hyung Joon, flaws and all. He is such an opportunist, asking for a kiss knowing full well Ji Young would give him almost anything at that time. Ha..ha.., the look on their faces when they realized what just happened. But we (they) knew that wasn’t a kiss kiss, just two people being happy kiss.

  17. Thanks so much for recapping MK, Koala 🙂 I actually anticipate MK much more than I do MLFtS (on which I have missed a few episodes but do not mind at all catching up later) and I agree with everyone saying it’s so underrated. It is such a pleasure to watch the story unfold, especially in the light of the 1997 financial crisis. One of my favourite things has to be also how three-dimensional also all these contestants are, how you can see what is driving everyone to win the pageant and how much is at stake.

    So it’s wonderful to see there are other people out there who appreciate this little gem of a show 🙂

  18. thank you so much!!!!! I loved your recap. I was so frustrated when I’ve found almost nothing about this wonderful wonderful drama on the internet…

  19. Thank you so much for recapping this drama,Ms. Koala! 😀 Us fans of the show really appreciate that you’re recapping it so now more people get a chance to become aware of how lovely this show is!

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